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41 Cards in this Set

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cell theory?
-all living org. are composed of cells
-all cells arise from preexisting cells
-cells contain heriditary material
-chemical comp. of cells is quite similar
-metabolic process associated with life occur within cells
how many different cell types in us?
about 200
what are cells made of?
protein, nuceleic acid, carbohydrate, lipid other
cellular anatomy
-plasma membrane(animals) cellular wall(plants
-a fluid called cytoslol
-a nucelus( in animals and plants)
prokaryotic cell
-no internal mebrane bound compartments
-usually only genetic material as organelles
-no nucleus
-genetic material floats in cytoplasm, achored at one spot to the membrane
creation of eukayotic cells?(evolution)
evolved from procaryotic ancester which took in smaller energy producing prokaryotic cells--->

mitochondria own DNA etc
cell membrane structure
glycoprotein, glycolipid-->glycolax
human leukocyte antigenes-->identifying proteins that sit in white blood cells-->glycocalyx
also bloodtypes
examples active transport?
-uptake of digested nutrients from the small intestine
-the collecting of iodine in thyorid gland cells
-return to the blood of the vast majorityof sodium ions filtered by the kidney
intermembrane pumps
-transport proteins may act as pumps movin ions or small molecules across the plasma membrane
differnet kinds of pumps?
uniporter, simporter, antiporter
components of the endomembrane system?
-nuclear envelope
-endoplasmatic reticulum
-golgi apparatus
-plasma mebrane
-contains most of the genes and is usually the biggest organelle
-nuclear envelope seperates it from the cytoplasm
-nuclear envelope is a double membrane
-nuclear pores in the envelope for transport
-protein factories
-made of rRNA and proteins
-protein synthesis in two locations:
1. in the cytosol
2.outside of ER or nuclear envelope
-biosynthetic factory
-is continous with the nucear envelope
-smooth ER. lacks ribosomes
-rough ER: ribosomes roughen up the surface
-synthesizes lipids
-metabolizes carbohydrates
-detoxifies poison
-stores calcium
-half of the cells proteins are made here
-protein movement
-protein proofreading
golgi apparatus
-shipping and receivin centre
-consists of flattened membranous sacs called cisternae
-modifies products of the ER
-manufacture certain macromolecules
-sorts and packages materials into transport vesicels
-cis face-->receiving side
-trans-face-->shipping side
-digestive compartments
-hydrolitic enzymes taht can digest macromolecules
-lysosome fuses with food vacuole
-lysosome can also recycle the cells own organelles-->autophagy
-chemical energy conversion
-smooth outer membrane and inner membrane folded into cristae
-inner mebrane creates two compartments: intermebrane space and mitochindrial matrix
-some metabolic steps of cellular respiration are catalyzed in the mitochondrial matrix
energy produciton in the mitochondrium
1.glucose diffuses into cell glycolysis-->breaking down glucose that releases energy which is store in 2 ATP molecules and 2 molecules of pyruvic acid
2.pyruvic acid gets taken to mitochondrium where it's converted to acetyl co-A
3.acetyl co-A feeds into citroenzuurcyclus, a series of reactions that release energy from the actyl co-A and store it in ATP NADH FADH2
4. NADH an FADH2 are transported to the inner mebrane of the mitochondrium, final series of reactions-->electron transport chaon-->that converts energy in NADH+ FADH2 to ATP
-produce hydrogen peroxide and convert it into water
-network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm
-organizes the cell's structure, anchoring organelles
-composed of:microtubuli, microfilamente, intermediate filaments
-vesicels can travel vie the skeleton
-interacts with motorproteins to produce mobility
cell movement
flagella: single, long whiplike structures that propel the cell forward
cilia: are shorter extensions, line up the upper respiratory tract carrying mucus, line up thefallopian tubes to move the egg from ovary to uterus

dyenin: motorprotein that drives the bending movements

both cilia anf flagella:core of microtubuli sourrounded by the plasma mebrane
"microtubuli organization centre"
-each centrosome has a pair of centriols each with nine triplets of microtubuli arranged in a ring
cell division in multicellular organisms depend on?
-developement from a fertilized cel
cell cycle?
live of a cell from its formation to own reproduction
somatic cells?
non reproductive cells
two sets of chromosomes
reproductive cells
sperm and egg cells
half as many chromosomes as somatic cells
chromosomes consit of?
-complex of DNA and protein that condenses during cell division
binary fission?
prokaryotes reproduce by binary fission

the chromosome replicates(beginning at the origin of replication) and the two daughter chromosomes actively move apart
eukaryotic division
mitosis--> devision of the nucleus
cytokinesis-->division of the cytoplasm
-produces gametes
-yields cells taht have only one set of chromosomes, half as many as the parent cell
cell ccle consists of?
-mitotic phase(mitose und cytokynese)
-interphase(cell growth and copying of chromosomes in prepration for cell division)
-about 90% of cell cycle divided into:
-G1 phase(first gap)
-S-phase (Synthesis, chromosomes are duplicated)
-G2 phase (second gap)
phases of mitsoisß
checkpoints of cell cycle?
-G1 checkpoint, most important one, if cell does not pass it goes into G0 phase where its not further replicated
-if it receives go ahead signal the cell usual goes through S,G2 and M phase and divide
internal and external signs at checkpoints?
-internal: kinetochors are not to spindle microtubules and send signal that delays anaphase
-external: proteins released by certain cells that stimulate other cells to divide
densitiy dependent inhibition
crwoded cells will stop dividing
anchorage dependence
cells must be attached to a substratum in order to divide
cell communication?
-via physycal contact or chemical messengers
1.circulating hormones
2.local hormones-->for cells in vicinity, very quick response, cells that are infected with a virus for example and neurons
3. gap junctions-->are immediate and short lived, contact btw cells