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66 Cards in this Set

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A patient with a tricuspid valve disorder will have impaird blood flow between the ____?
right atrium and right ventricle
A patient with an MI of the anterior wall of the left ventricle most likely has an occlusion of the _____?
left anterior descending artery
If the Purkinje system is damaged, conduction of the electrical impulse is impaired through the _____?
Prolonged pressure on the skin causes reddened areas at the point of contact due to _____?
tissue damage and inflammation resulting from impaired capillary blood flow.
When a person's blood pressure rises, the homeostatic mecbhanism to compensate for an elevation involves stimulation of ______?
baroreceptors that inhibit the sympathetic nervous system, causing a decreased heart rate.
When checking the capillary filling time of a patient the color returns in 10 seconds. The nurse recognizes this find as indicatative of ____?
impaired arterial flow to the extremities
The auscultatory area in the left midclavicular line at the level of the fifth ICS is the ____?
mitral area
When assessing the patient, the nurse notes a palpable precordial thrill. This finding may be caused by _____?
heart murmurs
When assesing the cardiovascular system of a 79 year old patient, the nurse expects to find ____?
difficulty in isolating the apical pulse.
An important nursing responsiblility for a paitne having an invasive cardiovascular diagnostic study is _____?
checking the peripheral pulses and percutaneous site.
A P wave on an ECG represents an impulse _____?
arising at the SA node and depolarizing the atria.
If a patient has decreased cardiac output cause by fluid volume deficit and marked vasodilation, the regulatory mechanism that will increase the blood pressure by improving both of these is _____?
activation of the renin-angiotension aldosterone system.
While obtaining subjective assesment data from a paitent with hypotensino, the nurse recognizes that a modifable risk factor for the development of hypertension is ___?
excessive alcohol intake.
Target organ damage that can occur from hypertension includes ______?
renal dysfunction and left ventricular hypertrophy.
A high-risk population that should be targeted in the primary prevention of hypertension of _____?
african americans
In teaching a patient with hypertension about controlling the condition, the nurse recognizes that ______?
lifestyle modifications are indicated for all persons with elevated BP.
A major consideration in the management of the older adult with hypertension is to ______?
use careful technique in assessing the BP of the patient because of the possible presence of an auscultatoy gap.
A patient with newly diagnosed hypertension has a blood pressure of 158/98 after 12 months of exercise and diet modifications. The nurse advises the patient that ______?
medication may be required because the BP is still not within the normal range
A patient is admitted to the hospital in hypertensive crisis. The nurse recognizes that the hypertensive urgency differs from hypertensive emergency in that _____?
hypertensive emergencies are associated with evidence of target organ damage.
In teaching a patient about coronary atery disease, the nurse explains that the changes that occur in this disorder involve ________?
accumulation of lipid and fibrous tissue within the coronary arteries.
After teaching about ways to decrease risk factors for CAD, the nurse recognizes that additional instruction is needed when the patient says,_____?
I would like to add weight lifting to my exercise program.
A hospitalized patient with angina tells the nurse that she is having chest pain. The nurse bases her actions on the knowledge that anginal pain ______?`
will be relieved by rest, nitroglycerin, or both.
The clinical spectum of acute coronary syndrome includes _____?
unstable angina, STEMI, and NSTEMI.
In planning activity for the patient recovering from an MI, the nurse recognizes that the healing heart wall is most vulnerable to stress ______?
10 to 14 days after teh infarcion
A patient is admitted to the CCU with chest pain of 24 hrs duration, ECG findings consistent with an acute MI, and occasional ventricular arrhythmias. The nurse plans care for the patient based on the expectation that the patient will be managed with ______?
continuous ECG monitoring
A patient 5 days after MI is restless and apprehensive. The nurse can help by ______?
allowing the patient to participate in planning and carrying out activities
Three days after MI, a patient states that he does not understand what the alarm is about because his problem is just bad indigestion. His reaction is an example of ____?
The most common pathologic finding in individuals with sudden cardiac death is _______?
atherosclerotic heart disease`
The nurse recognizes that primary manifestation of systolic ventricular failure include_____?
lower ejection fraction and higher PAWP
A compensatory mechanism involved in congestive heart failure that leads to inappropriate fluid retention and additonal workload of the heart is ____?
neurohormonal response
The drug used in the management of patient with acute pulmonary edema that will decrease both preload and afterload and provide relief of anxiety is _____?
A patient with chronic congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation is treated with a digitalis preparation and a loop diuretic. To prevent possible complications of this combination of drugs, the nurse needs to ____?
monitor serum potassium levels
The nurse plans care for the patient with dilated cardiomyopathy based on the knowledge that ________?
the prognosis of the patient is poor, and emotional support is a high priority of care.
The primary causes of death in patients with heart transplants in the first year include _____?
arrhythmias and infection
A patient with a stable blood pressure and no symptoms has the follwoing electrocardiogram characteristics: atrial rate- 74 and regular; ventricular rate-62 and irregular; P wave- normal contour; PR interval-lengthens progressively until a P wave is not conducted; QRS-normal contour. The nurse would expect that treatment would involve _____?
careful ovservation for symptoms of hypotension.
The cardiac monitor of a patient in the cardiac care unit following an acute MI indicates ventricular bigeminy. The nurse anticipates ______?
Treatment with IV lidocaine
The nurse prepares a patient for electrical cardioversion knowing that cardioversion differs from defibrillation in that _____?
cardioversion may be done on a nonemergency basis with sedation of the patient.
When providing discharge instructions to a patient with a new permanent pacemaker, the nurse teaches the patient to _____?
take and record a daily pulse rate
The nurse plans care for the patient with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator based on the knowledge that ______?
all members of the patient's family should learn CPR.
Important teaching for the patient who will be undergoing electrophysiologic monitoring includes explaining that ______?
ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation may be induced and treated during the procedure.
The proper sequence for care of the obsructed airway victim who becomes unconscious is _____?
call 911; finger sweep into mouth; attempt rescue breathing; abdominal thrusts if still obstructed
A procedure that is common to both BLS and ACLS is _____?
establishment and maintenance of a patent airway.
A patient with a history of IV cocine use has acute the patient for signs and symptoms of ______?
pulmonary emboli
The nurse suspects cardiac tamponadein a patient with acute pericarditis based on the finding of _______?
pulsus paradoxus
Prophylatic antibotics are indicated to prevent infective endocarditis for at risk individuals who _____?
are undergoing any dental procedure
The most common cause of myocarditis is _____?
Teaching the patient with rheumatic fever about the disease the nurse explains the rheumatic fever is ______?
a sequela of Beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection.
Penicillin therapy for the patient with rheumatic fever is indicated to _______?
prevent reinfection and recurrent rheumatic fever.
The most common cause of mitral valve stenosis is ______?
rheumatic heart disease
Which of the following findings is indicative of accentuated left ventricular filling in a patient with chronic mitral reguritation______?
an audible third heart sound and a pansystolic or holosystolic murmur
A patient hospitalized with aortic stenosis has a nursing diagnosis of activity intolerance related to insuffcient oxygen secondary to decreased cardiac output. An appropriate nursing intervention for this patient is to _____?
progressively increase activity to increase cardiac tolerance.
The nurse caring for a patient scheduled for a percutaneous transluminal balloon valvuloplasty understands that this procedure ______?
is recommended for patients who are poor candidates for more extensive valvular surgery.
A 62 year old woman weighs 92kg and has a history of daily alcohol intake, smoking, high blood pressure, high sodium intake and sedentary lifestyle. The nurse identifies the risk factors most highly related to peripheral arterial disease in this patient _____?
as cigarette smoking and hypertension
Significant risk factors for pheripheral arterial disease include _____?
cigarette smoking, hyperlipidemia, hypertension.
A patient is being prepared for an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. The nurse suspects rupture of aneurysm when ______?
the patient compains of sudden sever back pain.
Important nursing measures after an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair are to _____?
monitor urine output, BUN, and creatinine.
Specific symptoms of aortic dissectino vary depending on ______?
the aortic branches affected in the descent of the disection.
Rest pain is a manifestation of peripheral arterial disease that occurs as a result of ______?
inadequate blood flow to the nerves of the feet.
A patient with infective endocarditis develops sudden left leg pain with pallor, paresthesia, and a loss of peripheral pulses. The nurse's initial action should be to _______?:
notify the physician
The usual medical treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon involves _____?
prescribing calcium channel blockers.
The patient who is most likely to have the highest risk for deep vein thrmbosis is a _____?
40 year old woman who smokes and uses oral contraceptives
The nurse suspects the presence of a deep vein thrombosis based on the findings of _____?
generalized edema of the involved extremity.
Nursing interventions indicated in the plan of care for the patient with acute lower extremity deep vein thrombosus include _______?
administering anticoagulants as ordered.
The nurse instructs the patient discharged on anticoagulant therapy to _____?
be aware of and report signs or symptoms of bleeding.
In planning care and patient teaching for the patient with venous leg ulcers, the nurse recognizes that the most important intervention in healing and control of this condition is _____?
elevatino of the extremities to increase venous return
A patient with a deep vein thrombosis suddenly develops dyspena, tachypnea, and chest pain. Initially the most appropriate action by the nurse is to _____?
elevate the head of the bed 30 to 45 degrees to facilitate breathing.