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399 Cards in this Set

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1 cut up into small pieces
chop up into little pieces
2 tabla de cortar (cocina)
chopping board
3 cortar en dados o en cubitos (cocina)
4 cortar en rebanadas (pan) en tajadas
5 cook food very quickly in hot oil
6 untar de aceite una sartén
grease a pan
7 heat something such as soup or sauce until it reaches boiling point
bring something to the boil
8 cook food by keeping it at boiling point or just below boiling point
9. cover a salad with dressing and then mix the leaves and the dressing up by shaking them all together
toss a salad
10. echar sal (sobre una comida....)
sprinkle salt over a meal
11. a mixture of flour, water and sometimes also fat and sugar that can be cooked to make bread pastry or biscuits
dough pro= 'dou
12. cook food over boiling water in a steamer
13. cook food in the oven without extra liquid or fat
14. stir something very fast, often with an electric device, so that becomes full of small bubbles of air
15. I you whisk a cream, the cream becomes ....
light and fluffy
16. get rid of the water in which the pasta has been boiled
drain pasta
17. rallador (para queso o zanahorias...)
18. rayar queso o zanahorias
19. get rid of the water in which the pasta has been boiled
drain pasta
20. keep food in a mixture of oil, vinegar, spices and herbs before you cook it so that it develops a special flavour
21. Something that makes you dislike it, you can describe as ...
22. something like certain food, smell, or the idea of something that makes you dislike it or decide not to do or have it ...
something puts you off
23. lose weight
shed pounds
24. Ganar peso
put on pounds
25. Ganar peso
put on weight
26. No puedo estar al día (estar al tanto) de todas esas dietas nuevas
I can't keep track of all these new diets
27. everyone likes different things
each to their own
28. If you refuse to do an activity because you disapprove it or because it is more extreme than what you normally do
draw the line at that activity
29. Eso fue un timo
That's was a rip-off
30. El coste del la gasolina es un timo total
The cost of petrol is a complete rip-off
31. gasolina (Brit English)
32. ¿ Alguna vez les han timado (a ellos) ?
Have they ever been ripped off ?
33. Te pagan poquísimo
you are paid peanuts
34. be paid very little
be paid peanuts
35. Todavía no está madura la fruta
The fruit isn't ripe yet (pro='raip)
36. madurar la fruta
ripe (pro='raip)
37. La fruta está madura
The fruit is ripe
38. vómito (coloquial)
throw up
39. vómito
40. I you don't want to hear the details about something, perhaps because it is disgusting or upsetting you can say
spare me the details
41. Estoy estreñido
I'm constipated
42. Pregunte a los estudiantes si son alérgicos a algo
Ask students if they are allergic to anything
43. Soy alérgico al marisco
I have an allergy to seafood
44. Me hice daño en el tobillo y se me hinchó (puso) como una pelota de tenis.
I hurt my ankle and it swelled up to size of a tennis ball
45. If a part of your body becomes larger and rounder than normal, then that part of your body ...
swells up (pro='suel)
46. If a lot of liquid faeces ('fi-si-s~) comes out of your body because you are ill, then ....
you have diarrhoea (pro='daiê-ria)
47. ardor de estómago
48. gases en el estómago o intestinos
49. me suenan las tripas
my stomach's rumbling
50. a sore area on the outside or inside of your body which is very painful
an ulcer (pro='olsêr)
51. Me atiborré te chocolate
I stuffed myself with chocolate
52. Estoy muy lleno, atiborrado (porque he comido mucho)
I feel stuffed
53. extremely fat
obese (pro='o-bis)
54. rellenito, rellenita (respecto a gordura)
plump (pro='plamp)
55. puerro
56. fibra (de la que contienen algunos alimentos)
fibre (pro='fai-bêr)
57. parts of plants or seeds that your body cannot digest
fibre (pro='fai-bêr)
58. I understand what you're trying to say (Usually said when they want someone to stop talking)
I get the picture
59. Tengo muchísima hambre
I'm starving
60. Estoy muerto de hambre
I'm famished, I'm starving
61. substances which are added in small amounts to foods in order to improve them or make them last longer
62. aditivos (en comida y en sentido negativo)
63. chemicals which farmers put on their crops to kill harmful insects
64. agree to do something that you do not want to do
give in (usually followed by to)
65. Cedí a sus demandas
I gave in to his demands
66. food that isn't fresh but is prepared in a factory before it is sold
processed food
67. Esta mañana me desperté tarde y tuve que despachar el desayuno muy rápidamente
This morning I woke up late and had to bolt down my breakfast
68. repetir (una comida, que me sirvan por segunda vez)
second helping
69. extremely fast
bolt (down)
70. No dejar nada (de una comida)
polish off
71. Soy goloso
I've got a sweet tooth
72. Prefiero lo salado (en comida)
I prefer salty food
73. Los niños no tienen ningún apetito. Sólo están comistrajeando (picoteando) la comida
The children have no appetite at all. They're just picking at their food
74. Asegúrate de masticar bien la carne antes de tragarla
Make sure you chew (pro='chu) meat carefully before you swallow (pro='suolo) it
75. Las estadísticas dicen que consumimos más fruta y carne que hace 20 años
Statistics show that we consume (pro='con-sum) more fruit and meat than we did 20 years ago
76. Esta mañana le ví zamparse completamente cuatro hamburgesas
This morning I saw him polishing off four hamburgers
77. Esta tarde le ví tragarse (rápidamente) cuatro hamburgesas
This afternoon I saw him bolting down four hamburgers
78. Cuando éramos niños nos solíamos atiborrar de helados, patatas fritas y chocolate
As children we used to gorge on ourselves on ice-cream, chips and chocolate
79. Los perros roen los huesos hasta que no queda nada
Dogs gnow (pro='noo) bones until there's nothing left
80. No es bueno para el cuerpo comer tan rápidamente
It's not good for your body to bolt down your food so quickly
81. Come despacio, de forma que el estómago pueda digerir adecuadamente
Eat slowly so that your stomach can digest it properly
82. Tenía tanta hambre (él) que cuando terminó con la comida empezó a lamer el plato !!
He was so hungry that when he finished his food he began to lick (pro='lieck) the plate !!
83. Los perros roen huesos
Dogs gnow bones (pro='noo)
84. ¿ Cómo come la gente muy ansiosa ?
How do very greedy people eat ?
85. Creo que nuestro profesor es más bueno que el pan
I think our teacher is as nice as pie
86. No me lo paso bien aprendiendo pronunciación inglesa. No es un plato de mi gusto
I don't enjoy learning English pronunciation. It's not my cup of tea
87. Creo que es muy fácil aprender gramática inglesa. Está tirado = es muy fácil
I think that learning English grammar is a piece of cake. It's very easy
88. Conozco a alguien que está compleatamente chiflado. Está loco
I know someone who is completely nuts. He's mad !
89. Siempre estoy a tope. Tengo mucha energía y estoy lleno de vida
I am always full of beans. I'm very energenic and full of life !
90. mermelada de naranja
orange marmalade
91. mermelada de fresa
strawberry jam
92. mermelada de melocotón
peach jam
93. comensal
diner (pro='dai-nêr)
94. anotar, apuntar rápidamente
jot down (pro='yot)
95. una competición disputada
a contested competition
96. Inscrpción (p.e. a un concurso)
entry form
97. Estos votos han estado repartidos por igual
These votes have been evenly spread
97. a partes iguales
99. something that happens to make an already good situation even better is ...
the icing (pro='ai-sing) on the cake
100. la guinda sobre el pastel
the icing on the cake
101. Se están vendiendo como rosquillas
it's selling like hot cakes
102. If a product sells very well and very quickly you can tell people ...
It's selling like hot cakes
103. If something is your main source of income, then ...
It's your bread and butter
104. vender periódicos es lo que me da de comer
Selling papers is my bread and butter
whilst people who are really poor and who only have a very basic level of income are ...
living on the breadline
106. Vivir al nivel mínimo de subsistencia
living on the breadline
108. Adular a alguien, hacerle la pelota..
butter someone up
108. be especially nice to someone, so as to persuade them to do what you want
to butter someone up
109. When you don't always belive everything somebody says and are sceptical about how truthful they are being, ...
you take the information with a pinch of salt
110. Tratar una información con cautela, porque no te fías
to take the information with a pinch of salt
111. No poner todos los huevos en la misma cesta
Not to put all the eggs in one basket
112. Cubra completamente los trozos de pollo con harina
Coat the chicken pieces completely with flour
113. Eche un vaso de vino sobre él
Pour a glass of wine over it
114. Déjelo hervir durante un par de minutos
Let it simmer for a couple of minutes
115. perejil
parsley (pro='pars-li)
116. alcaparras
117. desplumar a un pollo o pavo (físicamente quitarle las plumas)
pluck (pro='plak) a chicken or turkey
118. partir una nuez
crack a nut
119. rallar queso, zanahorias
grate cheese, carrots
120. amasar, trabajar el pan
knead (pro='nid) bread
121. trabajar la masa (cocina)
knead (pro='nid) dough (pro='dou)
122. mondar patatas
peel potatoes
123- mondar una naranja
peel an orange
124- despellejar un conejo
skin a rabbit
125- pelar un tomate
skin a tomato
126. cortar en lonchas carne
slice meat
127. cortar en rebanadas el pan
slice bread
128. trinchar un pavo
carve a turkey
129. picar carne
mince meat
130. pelar gambas
shell prawns (pro='prons)
131. quitar la concha a los mejillones
shell mussels (pro='ma-sols)
132. quebrar el caparazón de un cangrejo
crack crabs
133. quitar el caparazón a una langosta
shell a lobster
134. mezclar bien una ensalada
toss a salad
135- crep
136. darle la vuelta al crep
toss a pancake
137. nata montada
whiped cream
138. montar nata
whip cream
139. batidora eléctrica
electric whisk (pro='hwisk)
140. batir con batidora eléctrica
141. rellenar el pavo, el pollo
stuff the turkey, chicken
142. puré de patatas
mashed potatoes
143. hacer puré (cocina)
144. batir huevos
beat eggs
145. batir las alas
beat wings
146. cubrir con hielo, congelar un pastel
ice a cake
147. cortar una rebanada de pan de molde
slice a loaf
148. depilar un ceja
pluck an eyebrown
149. rejas (de una cárcel)
150. Me atracaron (para robarme)
I was mugged
151. quedar con amigos
meet up with friends
152. robaron algo de mi coche
my car was robbed
153. me robaron el coche
my car was stolen
154. peluca
155. incompatiblidad
conflict of interest
156. toga
gown (pro='gaun)
157. me comería un caballo
I could eat a horse
158. soy yo
that's me
159. albahaca
160. tomillo
161. comino
162. cilandro
163. tengo un poquito de hambre
I'm a bit peckish
164. un collar de oro para su querida esposa
a golden necklace for his beloved wife
165. con motivo de sus próximas bodas de oro
owing to their upcoming 50th wedding anniversary
166. Estar felizmente casado durante 50 años merece ....
Being happily married for 50 years deserves...
167. El buen humor de Mr. Mac Winnet ayudó a hacer desaparecer en ella cualquier preocupación...
Good mood of Mr. Mac Winnet helped to remove any concern...
168. El hombre tenía que actuar rápidamente
The man needed to act and quickly
169. Encontró solo al venerable y viejo sacerdote(reformista)
he founded the venerable old minister alone.
170. Agarró el cuello del viejo (hombre)
He grabbed the old man's neck
171. Cuando llegase a Dundee
When he got to Dundee
172. Lanzó su propio traje al mar por la ventana
He threw his own suit to the sea out the window
173. Se vistió con las ropas del sacerdote
He got dressed in the minister's clothes
174. Se afeitó (él) la barba
He shaved his beard (pro='bierd) off
175. Tiró por la ventana su bolsa de cuero
He threw his leather bag out the window
176. Cuando el tren llegó a la estación de trenes de Dundee se bajó (él)
When the train got to Dundee Railway Station he got off
177. Y subió tranquilamente al tren
And he got on the train calmly
178. Se cruzó con un granjero del lugar en su camino a la iglesia
He passed by a local farmer on his way to church
179. Nadie sabe cómo sucedió
Nobody knows how it happened
180. Cerca de un poblado chabolista en las afueras
Near a shanty town on the outskirts
181. Hace fresco
It's cool
182. Hace más bien frío (ya empieza a ser desagradable)
It's chilly
183. Hace frío (frío sin paliativos, ya no es fresco)
It's cold
184. Está helando
It's freezing
185. Estamos a bajo cero
The temperature is below zero
186. a period of unusually hot weather
187. a long, usually hot, dry period when there is little or no rain
drought (pro='dra-ut)
188. ola de calor
189. sequía
190. a storm with small balls of ice that fall like rain
hailstorm (pro='hêil-storm)
191. granizada
hailstorm (pro='hêil-storm)
192. a flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity
193. relámpago
194. the loud noise that you hear during a storm
195. trueno
196. a snowstorm with very strong winds
blizzard (pro='blê-s~êrd)
197. tormenta de nieve, ventisca
blizzard (pro='blê-s~êrd)
198. when everything becomes filled and covered with water
flood (pro='flad, a corta)
199. inundación
flood (pro='flad, a corta)
200. a violent storm with very strong winds especially in the western Atlantic Ocean
201. huracán
202. a violent storm with very strongs winds which move in a circle
203. tornado
204. the season when it rains a lot in southern Asia
205. monzón
206. weather pleasant and not cold
It's mild (pro='ma-iêld, a longitud media)
207. tiempo apacible, templado
mild (pro='ma-iêld, a longitud media)
208. Hace templado (tiempo)
It's mild (pro='ma-iêld, a longitud media)
209. a pleasantly high temperature
It's warm
210. clima cálido
warm weather
211. Hace calor
It's hot
212. weather boiling, unpleasantly hot
It's scorching
213. Hace un calor abrasador
It's scorching
214. weather a bit wet but not raining
damp (pro='daemp)
215. weather damp
tiempo húmedo
216. raining lightly
It's drizzling (pro='dris~ling)
217. Está lloviznando
It's drizzling
218. Hay chubascos
There are showers
219. ¿ Todavía está lluvioso fuera ?
Is it still wet outside ?
220. Espero que el tiempo se aclare
I hope the weather clears up
221. Está lloviendo (de forma sostenida aunque no demasiado)
It's raining
222. Está lloviendo mucho
It's pouring
223. Está lloviendo muchísimo, llueve a cántaros
It's bucketing down, it's chucking down, there's a down pour
224. a light wind
225. brisa
226. Hace viento
It's windy
227. Hace mucho viento
There are gale-force winds
228. neblina húmeda, bruma
229. niebla
230. polución, niebla contaminante
231. vientos fuertes
strong winds
232. lluvia intensa
heavy rain
233. niebla espesa
thick fog
234. Las carreteras estarán heladas
the roads will be icy (pro='ai-si)
235. Madrid tendrá cielos despejados y sol claro
Madrid will have clear skies and bright sunshine
236. Para los próximos días el tiempo será variable
Over the next few days the weather will be changeable
237. Con algunas lluvias y claros ocasionales
with some showers but occasional sunny periods
238. El tiempo deberá hacerse más estable el fin de semana
The weather should become more settled over the weekend
239. ¿ Ten cuidado ! El suelo está muy resbaladizo
Be careful ! The pavement's very slippery
240. Estás temblando (por miedo)
You're trembling
241. Estás tiritando (por frío)
You're shivering
242. Estoy sudando
I'm sweating
243. Me puse como una sopa esta mañana
I got soaked this morning
244. Me calé completamente esta mañana
I got soaked this morning
255. Hoy está muy húmedo
It's very humid (pro='hju:mid) today
Está empezando a derretirse la nieve
The snow is starting to melt
247. No te quemes ! (por el sol)
Don't get sunburnt !
248. ¿ Quieres que te preste mi chaqueta ?
Do you want to borrow my jacket ?
249. Podrías caerte (al suelo)
You might fall over
Ven y siéntate a la sombra
Come and sit in the shade
251. sudden, severe flooding caused by heavy rainfall during a storm
flash flooding
252. something that it's below the surface of some water
something is submerged
253. El coche se averió y me dejó tirado perdido del mundo
My car broke down and I was stranded in the middle of nowhere
254. wait for the waters to go down
wait for the waters to recede
Un sitio es evacuado
A place is evacuated
256. something completely destroyed during a fire
something that is burnt to the ground
257. something burns very strongly and is destroyed
something goes up in flames
258. on purpose
259. a propósito, aposta
on purpose
260. a small earthquake
a tremor
261. una erupción volcánica
a volcanic eruption
262. a huge and sudden noise
an almighty bang
263. run away from your home to escape some danger or threat
flee your home
264. an extremely strong feeling of anxiety or fear, which makes you act without thinking carefully
sheer panic
265. extremely frightened
absolutely terrified
266. an extremely violent wind or storm
a hurricane.
267. a large amount of earth and rocks falling down a cliff or the side of a mountain
a landslide.
268. a violent wind consisting of a tall column of air which spins round very fast and causes a lot of damage
a tornado.
269. a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake, that flows onto the land and does a lot of damage
a tsunami.
270. a mountain from which lava, gas steam and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst
a volcano.
271. lava volcánica
volcanic lava (pro='la-va).
272. a large amount of snow that falls down the side of a mountain
an avalanche.
273. a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth's crust
an earthquake.
274. corteza terrestre
earth's crust ; earth crust
275. a long period of time when there is no rain
a drought (pro='draut).
276. ¿ Qué paises tienen sequías ?.
Which countries suffer from droughts ?
277. a small tornado
a twister.
278. estás de coña
you're kidding.
279. estás de broma
you're joking.
280. Something that enters a person or thing so quickly and forcefully that it goes completely through them
Something rips through someone or something.
281. la bala le atravesó (a él)
the bullet ripped through him.
282. el avión a reacción surcaba el cielo
the jet ripped through the sky.
283. an animal or an object, that is pulled up by the wind and dropped somewhere else
an animal or an object, that got sucked up and dumped somewhere.
284. destroy completely
wipe out.
285. a experience that makes you realise how serious a situation is ...
a sobering experience.
286. People or things that are able to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events are...
resilient .
287. disappear
vanish (pro='vaenish)
288. place of an earthquake on the earth's surface directly above the point where it starts, where it is felt the most strongly
289. escombros ( de un edificio )
290. try hard to persuade someone to do something
291. a building that is temporary and of poor quality but it is used because there is nothing better available
a makeshift building.
292. Pedro es propenso a los dolores de cabez
Peter is particularly prone to headaches.
293. los tejados de las casas habían volado por el huracán
the houses had their roofs blown off by the hurricane
294. pieces from something that has been destroyed
295. restos del tsunami
tsunami debris.
296. Something that is put or thrown down somewhere
Something is dumped somewhere.
297. the work of rebuilding houses...
reconstruction work.
298. optimistic and cheerful
299. feliz, alegre
300. When people do what they can to get a situation back to normal again, and put the past behind them, then ...
people pick up the pieces and move on.
301. help, usually financial
302. the number of fatalities
the death toll
303. killed by something heavy falling on you
304. set up, started
305. dar la lata a alguien para que haga algo
306. keep asking someone to do something they have not done yet or do not want to do
307. acusar a alguien de hacer algo mal o deshonesto
accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest.
308. you say something is bad or unacceptable
you condemn something.
309. to tell someone about a danger or a problem so that they are aware of it
warn someone about something.
310. mendigo
311. ask someone anxiously or eagerly to do something
beg someone to do something.
312. Not to accept or agree a proposal, request or offer
reject a proposal, request or offer.
313. state that something is not true
deny something.
314. state that something is true
admit something.
315. say or do things to make someone to stop worrying about something
reassure someone.
316. tranquilizar a alguien
reassure someone.
317. supporting the government
318. against the goverment
319. people who have conservative or capitalist views
right-wing people
320. people who have political ideas that are based on socialism
Left-wing people.
321. Newspapers and magazines which print mainly stories about sex and crime can be refered as ...
the gutter press.
322. number of copies that are sold each time a newspaper or magazine is produced
323. article in a newspaper which gives the opinion of the editor or owner on a topic or item news
An editorial.
324. account of someone's life which is printed in a newspaper after they die
obituary (pro='o-'bi-tuêri.)
325. when a person or organitation provide money for something
they fund something.
326. If you try to persuade a member of a goverment that a particular law should be changed or that a particular thing should be done then ....
you lobby a member of the goverment.
327. terrible
328. the physical harm caused to an object
329. a situation in which something or someone is affected by one or more very serious problems
a crisis (pro='krai-sês).
330. it seems (that)
331. an organitation which raises money to help people who are ill, disabled or poor
a charity.
332. pregunta a los estudiantes si hacen donaciones a las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro
Ask students if they donate to charities.
333. not hurting anyone by doing something
not doing anyone any harm.
334. If you are just about to do or experience something important, terrible or exciting you are ....
on the brink of something.
335. if one thing happens after the other thing is over, often as a result of it, then we can say ....
one things follows in the wake of another.
336. important person
prominent person.
337. a definitive fixed amount
a finite amount.
338. telephoning or visiting someone you have never contacted, without making an appointment, in order to try to sell them something
cold calling.
339. the tendecy of people to leave the country and move to the city in order to live and work there
urban drift.
340. places far away from cities and towns
rural places.
341. an area from which many people have moved away so that the population there is dramatically reduced
a depopulated area.
342. a wide range
a broad spectrum.
343. I you don't have any connections or relationships with other people in the community, so you feel lonely and without friends or help, then you are...
socially isolated.
344. an extremely pleasant, simple and peaceful life
an idyllic life.
345. place that has become part of a town or city
urbanised place.
346. use up a lot of time and money
eat up time and money.
347. ban something or make it illegal
348. an area with fields or parks around a town or city, where people are not allowed to build houses
green belt.
349. adelantar un coche
overtake a car.
350. tocar el claxon
beep your horn.
351. no eres consciente de algo
you are unaware of something
352. Dejar a alguien libre con una advertencia
let someone off with a warning
353. alguien le puso una trampa
He was set up by someone.
354. es un completo gili...
he's a complete tosser.
355. tengo que aceptar que...
I must admit that....
356. está chispeando
It's spitting.
357. Hace una lluvia calabobos
It's drizzling.
358. corriemiento de tierras
359. escapar de algo con miedo en especial en el caso de catástrofes naturales
360. Tengo tendencia a coger la gripe
I'm particularly prone to getting flu.
361. vertedero de basura
362. adjetivo aplicable a las personas que se reponen pronto a las dificultades, enfermedades, vueltas de la vida
363. Creo que la mayor parte de ellos contestarían afirmativamente a la pregunta sobre si hay demasiados atascos de tráfico en Madrid
I think most of them would answer affirmatively to the question if there were too many traffic jams in Madrid.
364. Y por no mencionar las consecuencias económicas de estar horas atrapados en el asiento del coche en lugar de trabajar o hacer cualquier otra cosa
And not to mention the economic consequences of spendig hours stuck in the car seat instead being working or doing whatever.
365. Un criterio básico teniendo en cuenta la justicia social es el principio de que el que usa o contamina ha de pagar
A basic criteria regarding social justice is the principle of whoever uses or pollutes has to pay.
366. A cada coche que entra en la ciudad
to every car that drives to the city.
367. En conclusión, creo que la tasa por congestión ofrece...
In conclusion, I feel that a congestion charge offers ...
368. Por tanto merece la pena hacer un análisis más profundo de esa idea y cómo debería ser modificada para que fuese aplicable a Madrid
So it's worthwhile to going into a deeper analysis of that idea and how it could be modified to be workable for Madrid.
369. ¡ No se lo conté a nadie ! María dijo que no se lo había contado a nadie
I didn't tell anybody. Mary said she had not told anyone
370. ¿ Dónde está el banco más cercano ? Le pregunté (a ella) que dónde estaba el banco más cercano
Where's the nearest bank ? I asked her where the nearest bank was
371. ¿ Me puede traer la cuenta, por favor ? (Él) le pidió al camarero que le trajese la cuenta
Can you bring me the bill, please ?. He asked the waiter to bring the bill him
372. villancico
Christmas carol.
373. He estado allí. Ella dijo que había estado allí
I've been there. She said she'd been there.
374. Me encontré con él. El dijo que se había encontrado con él
I met him. He said he'd met him.
375. Queda conmigo en St. Louis
Meet me in St. Louis.
376. Estaba caminando hacia el parque. Ella dijo que había estado caminando hacia el parque
I was walking to the park. She said she'd been walking to the park,
377. He estado allí. Dijo (ella) que había estado allí (coloquial)
I've been there. She said she's been there.
378. Me encontré con él. El dijo que se había encontrado con él. (coloquial)
I met him. He said he met him
379. Estaba caminado hacia el parque (lo dijo ella) . Ella dijo que estaba caminando hacia el parque (coloquial)
I was walking to the park. She said she was walking to the park.
380. No me está gustando esta película. Ella dijo que no le estaba gustando la película
I'm not enjoying this film. She said that she wasn't enjoying the film.
381. Trabajo en LBC. Dijo (el) que trabaja en LBC.
I work at LBC. He said he works at LBC.
382. Trabajo en LBC. Dijo (él) que trabajaba en LBC
I work at LBC. He said he worked at LBC.
383. ¿ Vas a ir ? Me preguntó si iba a ir
Are you going ?. He asked me whether I was going.
384. Me preguntó si íbamos a acercarnos ( el que pregunta piensa que casi seguro que sí)
He asked if we were coming.
385. Me preguntó si íbamos a acercanos ( el que pregunta piensa existe tanto la posibilidad de que sí o de que no)
He asked whether we were coming or not.
386. Querían saber si Tom Cruise estaba o no en el hotel
They wanted to find out whether or not Tom Cruise was in the hotel.
387. ¿ Qué has estado haciendo ? Le preguntó a ella qué había estado haciendo
What have you been doing ?. He asked her what she'd / she had been doing.
388. No te preocupes por eso. Le dijo (ella) que no se preocupase por eso
Don't worry about it. She told him not to worry about it
389. ¿ Podrías llamarme más tarde ? Le pidió (él a ella) que le llamara más tarde
Could you call me later. He asked her to call him later/ He asked her if she could call him later
390.Trabajo en LBC. Dijo (el) que trabaja en LBC.
I work at LBC. He said he works at LBC..
391. Tengo que ir a casa. Dijo (ella) que tenía que ir a casa
I must go home. She said (that) she had to go home
392. ¿ Tiene Tom un coche ? El le preguntó (a ella) si Tom tenía un coche
Does Tom have a car ?. He asked her if /whether Tom had a car
393. Voy a comprar un piso. Ella le dijo que iba a comprar un piso
I'm going to buy a flat. She said (that) she was going to buy a flat
394. ¿ Qué estás haciendo ? Le preguntó (él a ella) que qué estaba haciendo
What are you doing ? He asked her what she was doing.
395. Te enviaré un correo más tarde. Le dijo (ella a él) que le enviaría un correo más tarde
I'll email you later. She told him ( that) she'd / she would email him later.
396. ¿ Qué hiciste el Domingo ? Le preguntó (él a ella) que qué habia hecho el Domingo
What did you do on Sunday ? He asked her what she'd had done on Sunday.
397. Vivo en Londres. Ella le dijo (a él) que vivía en Londres
I'm living in London. She told him (that) she was living in London.