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441 Cards in this Set

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1. ególatra, narcisista
ˌigoʊˈmeɪniə, ; igoméniac
2. un sabelotodo
a know-all
3. él es un donjuán
he's a ladies' man
4. coquetear
to flirt
/flɜːrt /; flêrt
5. una persona tranquila, relajada, despreocupada
a laid-back person
ˈleɪdˈbæk; leid-baek
6. Él es un fracasado
He's a loser
ˈluːzər ; 'luis~ar
7. Es un machista
He's a chauvinist
He's a sexist
8. Es muy macho
He's very macho
ˈmɑtʃoʊ ; 'ma-chouu
9. tan bien como
as well as
10. la predisposición general del país...
the country's mood
11. ¿ Qué humor tiene hoy el jefe ?
What's the boss' mood today?
12. malhumorado; deprimido; temperamental; caprichoso
/ ˈmuːdi/ - 'mu-dii
13. Estaba obsesionado con tocar el piano
He was obssesed with playing the piano
14. juerguista (se aplica a chicas o mujeres)
party animal
15. Era muy juerguista cuando era más joven (ella)
She was a real party animal when she was younger
16. tacaño
/ˈtaɪtˈfɪstɪd/ ; 'tait-fisted
17.Un quejica
a whinger
/ʰwɪndʒ,er ; huinllêr
18. Vamos a hacer un fondo (p.e. para pagar unas copas)
Let's make a kitty
19. cotilla, fisgón, metomentodo
ˈbɪziˌbɒdi ; 'bis~i-'bodi
20. Es muy atolondrada (encantadoramente)
She's so dizzy
ˈdɪzi ; dis~i ; dɘs~i
21. She's a right pain in the arse (neck)
She's always complaining about something or other and wasting my time
22. She's always talking behind your back. She can just be quite nasty
She's really bitchy
23. desagradable
ˈnæsti ; 'nas-ti
24. Nos llevábamos muy bien. Todos encajamos inmediatamente.
We got on really well. We all just hit it off immediately.
25. Era tremendamente aburrido. Lo dejé tras pocas semanas
It was deadly dull. I dropped out after a few weeks
26. ¿ De qué otras cosa hablan (ellos) )
What other things do they talk about ?
27. El sitio era tan bonito que estuve allí horas
The place was so beautiful that I stayed there for hours.
28. Era un sitio tan bonito que estuve allí horas
It was such a beautiful place that I stayed there for hours
29. get married
tie the knot
30. very great in extent, degree or amount
31.It costs more money than you can afford
32. to say or do other thing first than an action or speech
to preface
33. someone who belives that people always act selfishly
a cynic
34. very pleased with how good, clever or lucky you are. (negative)
35. drinking too much alcohol, usually in the course of a night
36. perseguir, cazar
to chase
37. someone is chasing you and isn't far behind you
someone is hot on your heels
38. a word or expression that has become fashionable in a particular field and is being used a lot by the media
39. despedida de solteros
stag night
40. despedida de soltera
hen party
41. está mal visto (algún comportamiento)
it's frowned upon
42. make a subject more interesting
bring a subject alive
43. someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten people
a bully
44. repeatedly criticise someone unfairly or treat them unkindly
pick on someone
45. say you approve or admire someone
give a lots of praise
46. difficult to do or deal with
47. Mi hermano divaga continuamente sobre fútbol
My brother rambles on and on about football all the time
48. to talk for a long time in a boring and rather confused way
to ramble on
49. orígenes, antecedentes dispares
disparate backgrounds
50. the kind of family you come from, the kind of education you have had, your social status, ....
your backgrounds
51. Someone who says unkind things about someone is a ...
52. someones who is a very annoying or irritating person is a ...
a pain in the arse. (Much more polite a pain in the neck)
53. A woman who is careless and forgets things but easy to like
A dizzy woman
/ˈdɪzi/ ; des~i
54. La gente que conduce grandes 4x4 en el centro de la ciudad me ponen de los nervios
People who drive big 4x4 in the middle of the city really wind me up !
55. People who do or say things which annoy you ...
People who wind me up
56. If I'm critical to someone because they do nothing I could say that she/he...
never lifts a finger
57. echar una bronca a alguien (porque ha hecho algo mal)
to tell someone off
58. malo, travieso, pícaro (niño)
/ ˈnɔːti/ ; 'no-ti; 'no-ri
59. el más malo, travieso o pícaro (niño)
60. Obtén qué otras cosas puedes seguir (p.e. una dieta para peder peso, una norma, un camino..)
Elicit what else you can stick to: ( a diet to lower weight, a rule, a path...)
61. Pregunta qué sucede si no te atienes a una dieta: vuelves a coger peso
Ask what happens if you don't stick to diet: you put weight back on
62. continue to follow a diet
stick to diet
63. someone who does not have the opportunity to speak because someone else is talking to much
He or She cannot get a word in edgeways
64. to be trapped in a place or unpleasant situation and unable to get away of it, even though you want to
to be stuck
65. to speak very quietly and not clearly, with the result that the words are difficult to understand
to mumble
66. to keep moving something or touching it with your fingers
to fiddle with something
67. If someone is moving a lot in their seat, and we don't like it we could say:
Stop fidgeting
68. someone / somethings makes me feel nervous or frighetend
someone / something gives me the creeps
69. Someone who is deliberately difficult instead of being helpful is a ....
70. People who don't have the things that people consider to be essential in life, like acceptable living condictions or education
Deprived people, or people from deprived backgrounds.
71. Opposite to deprived backgrounds ...
Privileged backgrounds
72. A taste that a lot of people do not like it when they first experience it but often start to like it more when they get to know it better is ....
An acquired taste
73. A collection of objects, ideas or beliefs that is wide-ranging and comes from many different sources is ...
An eclectic collection
74. Tengo gustos variopintos sobre música
I've got eclectic tastes in music.
75. Este vino hace honor a su fama
This wine lives up to its reputation
76. Tú no cumples aposta las normas
You flout the rules
77. Desarrolla (impulsa) tu carrera profesional
Boost your professional career
78. Estropea tu carrera profesional, idiota !!
Damage your professional career, stupid !!
79. Me gustaría desarrollar (seguir) una carrera artística
I'd like to pursue a career in the arts.
80. ponerse al día con el nivel de la clase (un estudiante nuevo)
to catch up with the class
81. Es tan vago
He's such a slob
82. Ella es tan habladora que es imposible meter baza en la conversación
She's so talkative that it's impossible to get a word in edgeways
83. Había tantos fotógrafos fuera que la actriz apenas pudo salir del coche
There were so many photographers outside that the actress could hardly get out of the car
84. Mi vestido estaba tan apretado que apenas podía respirar
My dress was so tight that I could hardly breathe
85. Su piso (de ellos) es tan pequeño que apenas tienen sitio para todos sus muebles
Their flat's so tiny that there isn't room for all their furniture
86. Dice (Ella) tantas mentiras que ya nadie cree una palabra de lo que dice
She tells so many lies that now nobody belives a word she says
87. Fue un crimen tan horrible que condenaron al hombre a cadena perpetua
It was such a serious crime that the man was given a life sentence
88. Empezamos con mal pie (una relación, una amistad)
We got off on the wrong foot
89. Encajamos rápidamente (una relación, una amistad)
We hit it off straightaway
90. Me gustó (él) al momento
I took to him straightaway
91. Me produjo una gran impresión (ella)
She made quite an impression on me
92. Sintonizamos al momento
We just clicked
93. No es mi tipo (él)
He's just not my type of person
94. No estamos en la misma onda
We're not on the same wavelength
95. No sé de qué iba (él)
I couldn't quite figure him out
96. Eres tan vanidoso que seguramente crees que esta canción trata de tí.
Your're so vain you probably think this song is about you
97. Me apetece una taza de té
I fancy a cup of tea
98. a nice guy = ?
a nice bloke =?
99. Vale, déjame que te compense ( por haberte faltado o por mi error..)
Oh well, let me make it up to you.
100. Sólo te estoy tomando el pelo. No hagas caso...
I'm just winding you up. Don't take any notice...
101. Lo único que hicimos fue pasar el día sentados charlando
All we did was sit around and chat
102. Me gusta mucho (él) ( en el sentido de que me atrae
I fancy him
103. mirarte de arriba a abajo.
eye you up an down
104. No te mira a los ojos (Él)
He doesn't look you in the eye
105. Vigilo mi peso
Watch my weight
106. Que aproveche !!
Enjoy your meal !
107. Se expresa con mucha dificultad
He's quite inarticulate
108. El presidente es una persona muy elocuente
The president is an extremely articulate person
109. I'm very busy with things
I've got a lot on my plate at work at the moment
110. My boss's very demanding and bossy, dictatorial
My boss is a real slave-driver
111. Showing me what to do and how everything works
I'm still finding my feet
112. They didn't give me any support when I first started
They just threw me in the deep end
113. I can't cope. The work is too demanding
I'm totally out of my depth
114. She's not doing her fair share of the work
She's not pulling her weight
115. I don't want to force people to change the way they do things
I don't want to rock the boat
116. Terminar la carrera profesional
end career
117. Impulsar la carrera profesional
Boost the professional career
118. Arruinar la carrera profesional
Ruin the professional career
119. Amoldar las normas, leyes
To bend the rules
120. Romper a propósito las normas, leyes
To flout the rules
121. Cumplir las normas, leyes
to follow the rules
122. Cumplir estrictamente, al pie de la letra las normas, leyes
to stick to the rules
123. Construir una reputación
To develop a reputation
124.Tener una reputación
To have a reputation
125. Dañar, estropear una reputación
to damage a reputation
126. Hacer honor a una reputación
To live up to a reputation
127. Gustos que no me puedo permitir
Extravagant tastes
128. Gustos adquiridos
Acquired tastes
129. Gustos variopintos
Eclectic tastes
130. Gustos raros
Strange tastes
131. De orígenes privilegiados
Privileged backgrounds
132. De orígenes muy humildes
Deprived backgrounds
133. De origenes religiosos
Religious backgrounds
134. De orígenes obreros
working-class backgrounds
135. Preocupado, sensible a la comunidad
136. persona que dificulta las cosas en vez de favorecerlas
137. De mente, espíritu abierto
138. Concienciado políticamente
politically minded
139. universitario, persona con educación universitaria
140. muy formado
highly educated
41. Formado en la privada
privately educated
142. culto, instruido
143. sensible a la moda
144. mediombientalmente preocupado, sensible
environmentally conscious
145. sensible a los temas de salud
146. interesado en la política
politically conscious
147. Investiga sobre las causas del Alzheimer
Do research into the causes of Alzheimer's
148. Hago mi declaración de la renta
Do my tax return
149. Trato con la parte de marketing de las cosas
Deal with the marketing side of things
150. Gestiono a los clientes irritados/enfadados
Deal with irate customers
151. Hago anuncios y promociones
Make ads and promos
152. Gestiono los preciso para los viajes del jefe
Make travel arrangements for the boss
153. Mantengo el contacto con las sucursales del extranjero
Keep in touch with our branches overseas
154. Mantengo el contacto con los clientes en el país
Keep in touch with customers around the country
155. Negocio los precios con nuestros suministradores
Negociate prices with our suppliers
156. Negocio acuerdos con los sindicatos
Negociate contracts with the unions
157. Interlocución con la policía
Liaise with the police
pro: lies~
158. Interlocución con otros departamentos
Liaise between different departments.
pro: lies~
159. Superviso el gasto
Oversee the spending
160. Superviso el lanzamiento de una nueva categoría de ropa
Oversee the launch of our new range of clothing
161. Organizo conferencias internacionales
Organize international conferences
162. Organizo las bodas y eventos de ese tipo
Organize weddings and events like that
163. Delego mucho trabajo a mi asistente
Delegate a lot of work to my assistant
164. Delego responsabilidad a alguno de los nuevos
Delegate resposability to some of the juniors
165. Soy el resposable de finanzas
I'm in charge of finances
166. Soy el resposable del desarrollo de nuevos productos
I'm responsible for the developpement of new products
167. Ceder responsabilidad a alguien
To give responsability to someone
168. Mi jefe es muy dictatorial
My boss is so dictatorial
169. Diré una cosa sobre ella (en positivo sobre una jefa) : Es muy clara, directa
I'll say one thing for her. She's very direct
170. Seguramente no lo pretende, pero a veces es muy insensible
He probably doesn't mean to be, but he can be really insensitive sometimes
171. Alguna de las cosas que dice realmente te hacen daño
Some of the things he says are very hurtful
172. Ella es una gran jefa, muy imparcial
She's a great boss, very even-handed
173. Es muy temperamental, con subidas y bajadas de humor. Pierde los nervios con facilidad
He's very moody, quite up-and-down. He loses his temper really easily
174. Piensa (él) que soy una especie de tonto
He seems to think I'm some kind of idiot
175. Parece que no encuentro mis llaves. ¿ Las has visto ?
I can't seem to find my keys. Have you seen them ?
176. Creo que es tremendamente ambicioso
He seems frighteningly ambitious.
p: /ˈfraɪtn/ingli
177. Es una trabajadora muy concienzuda
She's a very conscientious worker.
178. Es un trabajador muy fiable. Si dice que va a hacer algo, lo hace
He's a very reliable worker. If he says he'll do something, he does it.
179. Es un poco inflexible a veces. Se aferra a su modo de hacer las cosas (ella)
She can be a bit inflexible at times. She's kind of stuck in her own way of doing things
180. Es una gran jefa, muy accesible. Su puerta está abierta para todos siempre y es fácil hablar con ella.
She's a great boss, very accesible. Her door's always open to everyone and she's really easy to talk to
181. Try to discover facts about something
Do research into something
182. you give your attention to them, and solve a problem or make a decision concerning them
you deal with someone
183. ¿ Cómo piensas gestionar esta reclamación de cliente ?
How are you planning to deal with this customer complaint ?
184. remain in contact with somene by writing to them or telephoning them regularly
keep in touch with someone
185. prepare and write out a contract
draw up a contract
186. redactar un contrato
draw up a contract
187. you discuss the price in order to come to an agreement about it
negociate a price with (someone)
188. negociar a contract
negociate a contract
189. negociar un trato
negociate a deal
190. People or organisations that work together and keep each other informed about what is happening
People or organisations liase with one another
pro: 'lies~
191. los departamentos mantendrán un estrecho contacto
the departments will liaise closely
pro: li'es~
192. make sure that a job or activity is done properly
193. supervisar a Pérez
oversee Pérez
194. supervisar las ventas minoristas
oversee retail sales
195. perder el contacto con alguien
lose touch with someone
196. Incumplir un contrato
betray a contract
197. romper un contrato, deshacer un trato
break a contract, break a deal
198. incumplimiento de contrato
breach of contract
199. demanda por inclumplimiento de contrato
contract enforcement
200. espantoso, horrible, terrible
dreadful, awful
201. awful
202. una situación que fue una completa pesadilla,
A situation that was a total, an absolute nightmare
203. Una situación que fue bastante complicada
A situation that was a bit of nightmare
204. Pedro me deprime
Peter gets me down
205. someone who has to do the boring jobs that nobody else wants to do
a dogsbody (informal)
206. word to refer to things, events, ideas etc. in a general way without mentioning the things themselves by name
207. Tengo tantas cosas que hacer
I've got so much stuff to do
208. start to feel confident in a new situation and to deal things successfully
find your feet
209. Sudamos tinta intentando redactar el contrato
We sweated blood trying to draw up the contract
pro: 'suetd
210. Someone who tries to do something in a very hard way
Someone swets blood
211. unpredictable person
an up-and-down person
212. get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions through physical activity, by telling someone about them or by behaving in a noisy or violent way
let off steam
213. Sólo necesitaba desahogarme un poco
I just needed to let off a bit of steam
214. repeated and unwelcome sexual advances (actions or words), usually in the workplace
sexual harassment
pro: ˈhærəsmənt/
215. happening after someone's death
pro: ˈpɑːstʃəməs ; pos'chiumês
216. póstumo (adj)
pro: ˈpɑːstʃəməs ; pos'chiumês
217. alcanzar un objetivo
reach a target
218. a result you have to try and achieve
a target
219. dar en el blanco
hit a target
220. fallar el objetivo, no alcanzar el objetivo
miss a target
221. a result you have to try and achieve
a target
222. increasing stress
mounting pressure
223. results (formal)
224. work as hard as everyone else doing the same task
pull your weight
225. a time or date before which a particular task must be finished with very little time for unexpected events
a tight deadline
226. cumplir un plazo (para hacer algo o alcanzar un objetivo)
hit a deadline
227. inclumplir un plazo (para hacer algo o alcanzar un objetivo)
miss a deadline
228. how much someone has to aim to sell
sales targets
229. a problem that is very difficult to deal with
an intractable problem
230. try to understand and deal with a problem
address a problem
231. the cause of a problem
the root of a problem
232. make a problem worse
exacerbate a problem
233. If a situation is filled with problems I can say the situation is....
fraught with problems
234. be very sure of what you want (positive)
know your own mind
235. allow yourself to believe something that is not true because you want it to be true (negative)
kid yourself
236. If you do not appreciate or are not grateful for how a person has helped you ...
take that person for granted
237. strong hopes or beliefs that something will happen or that you will get something you want even though you don't recognise the truth about the situation
unrealistic expectations
238. requiring a great effort and determination
239. job leaves you feeling tired and drained (negative)
An emotionally demanding job
240. boring and rather frustrating (negative)
241. well paid
financially rewarding
242. giving satisfaction
243. requiring a lot of effort
244. having a lot of power and influence
245. A way of treating a person that makes people have less respect for she/he is ...(negative)
246. Something someone does and makes people have less respect for that person (negative)
247. G.P. ( General Practitioner )
a doctor
248. a married man who does not have a paid job, but instead looks after his home and children
a househusband
249. a person who collects the rubbish
a refuse collector, a dustmand
250. someone who buys and sells stocks and shares on the stock market
a stockbroker
251. take legal action against someone, usually to claim money form them because they have harmed you in some way
252. you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods. You behave in a way that makes them less likely to succeed
you undermine someone or their position or authority
253. If people deliberately behave in an unfriendly way towards someone and do not allow them to take part in any of their social activities
People ostracise someone
254. offensive verbal abuse
255. profound sorrow
deep regret
256. wide-ranging, radical changes
sweeping changes
257. wide-ranging, radical reforms
sweeping reforms
258. eliminate completely
stamp out
259. Formally ask somone in authority to change a decision
to appeal against a decision
260. Someone who speaks in forceful and direct way, especially when saying something unpleasant to someone
She / He does not mince their words
261. unaware of or unsympathetic to other people'feelings (negative)
262. unkind and upsetting (negative)
263. poco amable, desagradable; cruel
264. ofensivo
265. someone who is completely fair, especially when they are judging other people o dealing with two groups of people
266. strong desire to succeed at work an be promoted
keen to climb the career ladder
267. Someone who is very careful to do their work properly
pro: 'kon-shên-shuus
268. to take notice of small matters and consider them important
to pay attention to detail
269. Someone who can be trusted to work well or to behave in the way that you want them to
270. Someone who has been doing something in the same way for a long time and are unwilling to change their behaviour, customs or habits
Someone is stuck in their own way of doing something (negative)
271. Someone who refuses to change their mind or alter their way of doing things (negative)
inflexible (negative)
272. Someone who is easy for other people to reach or talk to
273. alguien fácil de contactar, accesible
someone's door is always open
274. alguien con quien es difícil contactar, hablar por no ser muy accesible
someone who is difficult to get hold
275. alguien poco accesible, es difícil contactar y hablar con él
Someone who is never available
276. un empaste (de los dientes)
a filling
277. dentista
278. se te ha caido el empaste de una de tus muelas
a filling has come out of one of your back teeth
279. crees que necesitas una revisión de la vista
you think your eyes need testing
281. Te das cuenta que tienes una uña encarnada
you find you have an ingrown toe-nail
Pro: 'tou-neiêl
282. podólogo
pro: 'shiropodist
283. fisioterapeuta
pro: 'fi-s~io-'zerapist
284. te duele la espalda y el médico no te puede aliviar
your back hurts and your doctor can't help
285. tienes el flequillo un poco largo
your fringe is getting a bit too long
286. flequillo
287. quieres un retrato fotográfico tuyo
you want a portrait photograph of yourself
288. fotógrafo
pro: 'fo-'tou-grafer
289. peluquero
290. peluquero
291. has decidido demandar a alguien
you have decided to sue somebody
292. abogado
lawyer, solicitor
293. Te gustan las vacaciones al sol.
you fancy a holiday in the sun
294. agente de viajes
travel agent
295. agente de viajes
travel agent
296. has decidido vender tu casa
you have decided to sell your house
297. agente de la propiedad
estate agent; real estate agent (USA)
298. Quieres que se hagan los planos para una casa nueva
You want plans drawn up for a new house
299. arquitecto
pro: /ˈɑrkɪˌtɛkt ; 'ar-ki-tect
300. quieres tirar para adelante y construir la casa nueva
you want to go ahead and have the new house built
301. constructor (de casas)
302. Estás haciendo una mudanza y tienes un problema con los muebles
you are moving house and have a furniture problem
303. personal de la mudanza
furniture remover
304. mudanza (de muebles)
furniture removal
305. tienes mucha chatarra y quieres deshacerte de ella
you have lots of old iron you want to get rid of
306. chatarrero
scrap merchant
307. Te gusta la idea de un nuevo papel para toda la casa
you like the idea of new wallpaper throughout the house
308. decorador
pro: /ˈdɛkəˌreɪtər/ ; 'de-koreiter
309. chorreando (el agua)
310. el agua sale a borbotones de los grifos de la cocina incluso cuando están cerrados
water is gushing from your kitchen taps even when turned off
311. salir a borbotones (el agua)
312. fontanero
pro:  /ˈplʌmər/ ; 'pla-mêr
313. se han fundido todas las luces de tu casa
all the lights in your house have fused
314. fundirse una luz
to fuse a light
315. electricista
pro:  /ɪlɛkˈtrɪʃən ; 'elek-'trishian
316. crees que tus vecinos podrían estar desatendiendo a su niño pequeño
you think your neighbours just might be neglecting their little child
317. asistente social
social worker
318. tu casa se está quemando
your house is on fire
319. bombero
fireman, firefighter
320. piensas que te vas a volver loco
you think you are going crazy
321. psiquiatra
pro: /sɪˈkaɪətrɪst ; 'se-kaetrist ;
322. quieres aprender a conducir
you want to learn drive
323. profesor de autoescuela
drive instructor
324. clínica de un dentista
a dentist surgery
325. una clínica (en general)
a doctor surgery
326. un empaste
a filling
327. de acuerdo a su preparación (de ellos)
according to their preparation
328. Pero al contrario de la gente que no tiene orígenes rurales
But as opposed to the people that don't have any rural backgrounds
329. Les gusta difrutar del tiempo libre en los pueblos con otros, que, como ellos, también viven en grades ciudades
they like to enjoy their spare time in the villages with others, like them, who also live in big cities
330. que consiste en una merienda o cena
that consist of an afternoon snack or a dinner
331. Conversan sobre temas importantes (ellos)
they discuss important issues
332. las repercusiones que por lo tanto va a tener en la calidad del vino de la próxima cosecha
the consequences thus is going to have on in the quality of the next wine vintage
333. Gracias a esas costumbres, muchos pueblos pequeños en áreas rurales reviven al menos algunos fines de semana
Thanks to those habits many small villages in the rural areas come alive at least on some week-ends
334. hecho importante, teniendo en cuenta ....
important fact bearing in mind ...
335. Me cuento entre sus amigos (de él)
I number myself among his friends
336. crowded
337. un ser inferior
a lesser being
338. repeated and unwelcome sexual advances, usually in the workplace. This can take the form of actions or words
sexual harassment
339. acoso sexual (normalmente en el trabajo)
sexual harassment
340. happening after someone's death
341. unfair treatment of someone on the basis of their race.
racial discrimination
342. make something illegal
343. special court or committee that is appointed to deal with particular problems
a tribunal
344. maintain or support a verdict
uphold a verdict
345. strong official action that is taken to punish people who breaks the law
346. El Gobierno se ha comprometido a tomar medidas enérgicas contra la droga
The Goverment has promised a crackdown on drugs
347. la policía está tomando duras medidas contra la prostitución
the police are cracking down on prostitution
348. being fired for an unjust reason
unfair dismissal
349. a state of worry and tension caused by a difficult situation
a strain
350. Es un ser inferior (él)
He's a lesser being
351. put the phone down quickly and with great force
slam the phone down
352. to speak someone angrly and abruptly
to snap at someone
353. brief and unfriendly (speaking)
354. seco, lacónico (hablando)
355. Metí el coche en el hueco de aparcamiento (era pequeño el hueco)
I squeezed the car into the parking space
356. Espero publicar los resultados de mi investigación el próximo año
I'm hoping to publish the findings of my research next year
357. Investigaciones recientes indican que el incremento del número de divorcios se debe al aumento de la presión en el trabajo
Recent research has blamed the increase in divorce on the mounting pressure of work
358. El gobierno ha fijado objetivos ambiciosos para la reducción de la criminalidad
The government has set some tough targets for reducing crime
359. Es una persona agradable, pero si viniese al tajo no creo que pudiese confiar en que se haría cargo de su parte
She's a nice person, but if it came to the crunch, I just don't think I could rely on her to pull her weight
360. La tienda tuvo que ser evacuada por una alerta de seguridad
The shop had to be evacuated because of a security alert
361. Estamos trabajando con un plazo muy exigente para este proyecto y nos penalizarán si no lo cumplimos
We're working to a very tight deadline for this project and we'll be penalised if we miss it
362. Lo siento. Te hablé de mala manera. No debería haberte hablado así
I'm sorry I snap at you. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that
363. Cuando me despidieron se produjo una tensión muy fuerte en nuestro matrimonio
When I got sacked , it put an enormous strain on our marriage
364. El flash apareció un día cuando volvía a casa del trabajo
The crunch came one day when I was on my way home from work
365. Un plazo muy ajustado que había que cumplir
a tight deadline to meet
366. aburrido, fastidioso
tedious Pro: 'tidios
367. una amplia variedad
a wide variety Pro:va-raieti
368. variado
varied Pro: 'veirid
369. Este trabajo no me realiza, no me llena
This job is not very fulfilling
370. alguien que hace la pelota al jefe
someone who sucks up to the boss
371. un trabajo tremendamente aburrido
an incredibly tedious job
372. un trabajo tremendamente competitivo
an incredibly competitive job
373. La nueva legislación deja fuera de la ley la discriminación por razón de edad en el trabajo
New legislation outlaws age discrimination in the work place
374. El tribunal confirma el derecho de la madre a jornada reducida
Tribunal upholds mother's right to work part-time
375. Fuerte acción gubernamental en contra del acoso laboral
Goverment crackdown on bullying in the workplace
376. Se mantiene el veredicto de despido improcedente en el caso que sienta precedente de los discapacitados
Unfair dismissal verdict upheld in landmark case for the disabled
377. Hacer una reclamación contra
to make a claim against Pro: 'klim
378. Una madre gana una reclamación póstuma por discriminación racial
Mother wins posthumous racial discrimination claim
379. Una mujer recibe 22.000 libras por un caso de acoso sexual
Woman wins 22.000 pounds in sexual harassment case
380. He picks on people
381. She's just odd
382. The word "no" is not in his vocabulary
383. She's been involved with half the men in the office
384. He's a liability. He'll get us into trouble one day
loose cannon
385. He's such a smooth talker. I don't know how he does it
386. He doesn't pull his weight
387. He gets so worked up about the slightest thing
388. She's had every illness under the sun
389. He's always cracking jokes
390. You can't trust her an inch
391. She makes everyone's business her business
392. He's going to end up having a nervous breakdown
nervous wreck
393. She's on one long power trip
394. He knows everything there is to know about PCs
computer whizz kid
395. carga, lastre, incordio
396. flojo
397. Está gorda (ella)
She's not very thin
398. Ella es inflexible
She can be a bit inflexible at times
399. Para cambiar de tema en una conversación, no significa nada en realidad
400. Seguramente no pretende serlo pero..
He probably doesn't mean to be, but ...
401. Y dale que te pego
And go on about it
402. una gran oportunidad de trabajo
a big break
403. Soy el responsable del departamento de Marketing
I'm responsible for the marketing department
404. Soy el responsable del departamento de Marketing
I'm in charge of the marketing department
405. Este trabajo ofrece buenas oportunidades
This job has good prospects
406. En pocos meses (yo) podría ser ascendido a Director
I could be promoted to Director in a few months' time
407. Sólo tengo un contrato para poco tiempo
I've only got a short-term contract
40. Las enfermeras son muy buenas en este hospital
The nursing staff are fantastic at this hospital
409. He's got a degree, a Master's degree and a B at First Certificate
He's got good qualifications
410. I lost my job last year as the company wasn't making profits
I was made redundant
411. I lost my job because I had an argument with the boss
I was saked
412. Me despidieron (la compañía perdía dinero y tuvo que prescindir de empleos)
I was paid off, I was laid off
413. Mi hermana ha estado sin trabajo un año largo
My sister has been out of work for well over a year
414. Adrian no cobra por su trabajo de asistencia social
The charity work that Adrian does is un paid
415. Mi trabajo me exige mucho (negativo)
I have very demanding job
416. Mi trabajo me exige mucho (positivo, exige mucho y puedo conseguir mucho)
I have a very challenging job
417. Los extras (coche, entradas de concierto ...) son fabulosos en este trabajo
The perks are brilliant in this job
418. He intentado contactar con Sam durante días
I've been trying to get in touch with Sam for days
419. Tenía (yo) estrés hasta que empecé a hacer yoga
I used to suffer from stress until I started doing yoga
420. No quiero llegar tarde a mi cita con el médico
I really don't want to be late for my doctor's appointment
421. No estoy muy seguro de la respuesta de la pregunta 2
I'm not really sure about the answer to question two
422. Creo que deberías olvidarte del trabajo por un tiempo y relajarte
I think you should forget about work for a while and relax
423. A los profesores les costó hacerse con una clase tan grande
The teachers find it difficult to cope with such a large class
424. Su nueva película está ambientada en la Europa del siglo XIX
His new film is set in Europe in the nineteenth century
425. Todos los alumnos nuevos tienen que seguir estrictamente las normas del colegio
All new pupils have to stick to the school rules
426. El jefe de contabilidad se hace cargo de todos los problemas financieros de la compañía
The chief accountant deals with all the financial problems of the company
427. Mark entró en la habitación vestido con una camiseta roja
Mark walked into the room dressed with a red shirt
428. Edmund Hillay es famoso por haber sido el primer hombre en escalar el Monte Everest
Edmund Hillary is famous for being the first man to climb Mount Everest
429. Los parlamentarios votaron a favor de incrementar los impuestos a los cigarillos
The members of parliament voted in favour of increasing taxes on cigarettes
430. El jefe de las fuerzas policiales ha sido acusado de aceptar sobornos de los políticos
The head of the police force has been accused of taking bribes from politicians
431. Mucha gente se preocupa sobre cómo será su vida cuando sean mayores
A lot of people worry about what life will be like when they're old
432. Tres estudiantes confesaron que hicieron trampas en el examen
Three of the students confessed to cheating in the exam
433. Hoy en día casi todo el mundo es consciente del peligro de fumar
Nowadays almost everyone is aware of the dangers of smoking
434. El mes pasado solicité 12 trabajos pero no me dieron ninguno
Last month I applied for twelve jobs, but I didn't get any of them
435. Los hinchas de futbol que empezaron los problemas fueron echados del estadio por la policía
The football supporters who started the trouble were removed from the stadium by the police
436. Tom y Emma decidieron deshacerse del sofá viejo y comprar uno nuevo
Tom and Emma decided to get rid of their old sofa and buy a new one
437. Game Over! es un nuevo programa de TV dirigido a los adolescentes interesados en los juegos de ordenador
Game Over! is a new TV programme aimed at teenagers interested in computer games
438. Es fácil hacerse adicto a las drogas duras como la heroína o cocaina
It's easy to get addicted to hard drugs like heroin and cocaine
439. Tras el partido el entrenador culpó al portero de dejarse meter el gol de la victoria
After the match the manager blamed his goalkeeper for letting in the winning goal
440. Llamé a Jack y Sally para felicitarles por su compromiso
I phoned Jack and Sally to congratulate them on their engagement
441. Me gustaría cambiar 500 dólares USA a liras italianas
I'd like to change 500 American dollars into Italian lire, please.