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413 Cards in this Set

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1. Tiene (él) esta enorme tripa cervecera. ¡ Realmente es un punto débil ! (p.e. desmotivador para ligar con él)
He's got this big beer gut. It's a real turn-off
2. Tiene que tener en torno a 50. Tiene el pelo grisáceo y la cara muy arrugada
He must be in his fifties. He's got greying hair and quite a wrinkled face
3. ¡ Tiene un montón de tatuajes y una nariz agujereada !
He's got loads of tatoos and a pierced nose !
4. Tiene esos horrorosos dedos manchados de nicotina.
He's got these horrible nicotine-stained fingers.
5. Tiene esos dedos tan delicados, largos y adorables
He's got such lovely long delicate fingers
6. Tenía pinta (yo) de la muerte resucitada ! Mis ojos estaban inyectados en sangre y tenía enormes bolsas debajo de ellos !!
I looked like death warmed up ! My eyes were all bloodshot and I had great big bags under them !!
7. Es (él) uno de esos tipos irritantes que han sido agraciados con una esa cara de niño bueno
He's one of those irritating guys who's just been blessed with boyish good looks !
8. Odio mis piernas. ¡ Son tan gordas y achaparradas ! Me gustaría haber tenido piernas largas y esbeltas como tu !
I hate my legs ! They're so fat and stumpy ! I wish I had long slender legs like you !
9. ¡ Ella es preciosa ! Tiene esos enormes y conmovedores (enternecedores) ojos marrones
She's gorgeous !. She's got these big brown soulful eyes
10. Me gustaría que se afeitara más a menudo. Tiene con frecuencia esa horrible barbilla. ¡ Pincha de verdad !
I wish he'd shave more often. He's often got this horrible stubble. It's really prickles !
11. ¡ Tiene una calva justo en la coronilla y las entradas son cada vez más profundas !
He's got bald patch on top and his hairline's receding pretty badly !
¡ Es una modelo ! Tiene unos hermosos y pronunciados pómulos
She's a model !. She's got beautiful high cheekbones
13. Tiene los ojos azul verdoso
She's got greeny-blue eyes
14. Tiene los ojos verdes azulados
She's got blueish-green eyes
15. Tiene los ojos verdes azulados
She's got bluey-green eyes
16. Tiene los ojos azules tirando a verde
She's got greenish-blue eyes
17. Me estaba muriendo de hambre. Mi estómago estaba rugiendo
I was starving. My stomach was really rumbling
18. Voy a salir un momento a darme una vuelta, sólo para estirar las piernas antes de cenar
I'm just going to pop out for a little walk just to strech my legs a bit before dinner
19. ¿ Puedes picar las cebollas que faltan ? ¡ Estoy llorando como una magdalena !
Can you chop the rest of these onions ? My eyes are watering like mad !
20. Me gustaría dejar de morderme las uñas. ¡ Míralas ! Están todas mordidas y feísimas
I wish I could stop biting my nails. Look at them ! They're all chewed and horrible !
Asegúrate que te limpias los pies antes de entrar. No quiero barro en el suelo
Make sure you wipe your feet before you come in. I don't want mud on my floor.
22. Estaba levantando pesas en el gimnasio cuando de repente se me fue la espalda. Creí que me la había roto
I was lifting weights at the gym when my back just suddenly went. I thought I'd broken it
23. Vale, vale, lo haré. Me has vencido el pulso
OK, OK. I'll do it. You've twisted my arm
24. Es una gran creativa. Tiene muy buen ojo para el color y las formas
She's a great designer: She's got a really good eye for colour and form
25. He estado martirizando mi cerebro intentando recordar el nombre, pero se ha desvanecido completamente de mi mente.
I've been racking my brains trying to remember the name, but it's completely slipped my mind.
26. El Chelsea está mostrando su fuerza financiera en la pretemporada, gastando 130 Millones de libras en nuevos jugadores
Chelsea are flexing their financial muscle preseason, spending 130 million pounds on new players
27. Robin intentó poner cara de valiente, pero pude ver que en el fondo estaba realmente descompuesto
Robin tried to put on a brave face, but I could see that deep down he was really upset
28. Hay mucha mala sangre entre los dos países, por un montón de razones
There's quite a lot of bad blood between the two countries - for a whole host of reasons
29. Tendría que haber renunciado, pero no tuve valor
I should've quit, but I didn't have the guts
30. Tu pronunciación es sorprendente. Tienes que tener muy buen oído para los idiomas
Your pronunciation is amazing. You must have a very good ear for language.
31. People who give in easily and don't stand up for what they belive in are....
32. Tiene (ella) unos asombrosamente (increiblemente) penetrantes ojos azul verdoso.
She's got amazing piercing greeny-blue eyes
33. Estudio bellas artes
I study fine arts
34. cuchillo de carnicero
cleaver (pro='kli-vêr)
35. hender, hendió, hendido
cleave, cleft, cleft
36. labio leporino
cleft lip
37. hoyuelo, barbilla partida
cleft chin
38. escote
39. nariz húmeda
runny nose
40. retrasado mental, idiota, imbécil
41. pisar, pisó, pisado
tread, trod, trodden
42. pisarte el pie
tread on your foot
43. ¿ Te depilas las cejas ?
Do you pluck your eyebrows ?
44. ¿ Conoces a alguien que se urge la nariz ?
Do you know anyone who pick their nose ?
45. ¿ Te limas las uñas ?
Do you file your nails ?
46. ¿ Alguna vez te has depilado las piernas con cera ?
Have you ever had your legs waxed ?
47. ¿ Qué dices si alguien te pisa un pie ?
What do you say if someone tread on your foot ?
48. ¿ Cuándo tienes que limpiarte los pies ?
When do you need to wipe your feet ?
49. ¿ Alguna vez te has pinchado en el ojo ?
Have you ever poked yourself in the eye ?
50. ¿ En qué trabajos estás de pie todo el día ?
In what jobs are you on your feet all day ?
51. ¿ Qué clase de cosas podrían estar mal vistas ?
What kinds of things might raise a few eyebrows ?
52. Uñas pulidas
Polished nails
53. Uñas barnizadas
Varnished nails
54. Uñas mordidas
Chewed nails
55. dark circles of skin that often appear below your eyes when you are tired or ill
Bags under your eyes
56. Eyes that are very red because you are tired, ill, have drunk top much alcohol
Bloodshot eyes
57. Very expresive and sometimes sad eyes
Soulful eyes
58. short, thick legs
fat stumpy legs
59. very thick eyebrows
bushy eyebrows
60. If you have a roll or fat beneath your chin, then you have a ....
double chin
61. Chin of a man who has not shaved recently
stubbly chin
62. opposite of a man with a stubbly chin
a clean-shaven man
63. If someone has a cold and liquid runs from their nose, then the cold can be called a ....
runny cold
64. nose that have a small hole made in it so that you can wear a piece of jewellery in it
pierced nose
65. a man who has a young and innocent-looking face
boyish face
66. the person's expression is blank
a vacant look on someone's face
67. Hair that has been cut or styled to stick up in pointed tufts
Spiky hair
68. Hair that has been treated with chemicals so that it stays curly for several months
Permed hair
69. Hair that hasn't been brushed or combes and is untidy, with knots in it
Tangled hair
70. Remove substances from inside your nose with your finger
pick your nose
71. smooth and shape your nails
file your nails
72. limar las uñas
file your nails
73. Lima de uñas
nail file
74. hacerse la cera en las piernas
wax your legs
75. Pisar a alguien
Tread on someone's foot
76. limpiarse los zapatos en la alfombrilla
wipe your feet on the mat
77. las cebollas hacen llorar los ojos
onions make your eyes water
78. Las enfermeras están de pie
Nurses are on their feet
79. something that causes people to feel surprised or disapproving
something that raise a few eyebrows
80. someone makes you feel comfortable by doing things for you or giving you expensive or luxurious things
you are pampered by someone
81. someone who's easily embarrassed and nervous because they feel that everyone is looking at them and judging them
someone who's self-conscious
82. Tienes el pelo teñido
you have your hair dyed
83. jeans with holes and cuts in them
ripped jeans
84. that period is finished and in the past
those days are long gone
85. this thing or substance
this stuff
86. wash something in clean water in order to remove dirt or soap from it
rinse something out
87. hair that is easy to control and keep looking neat
manageable hair
88. encasillar a la gente
pigeonhole people
89. if you hear what someone is saying when they are not talking to you and they do not know you are listening
you overhear someone
90. No tener a alguien en cuenta ( su opinión o punto de vista)
Not to take someone seriously
91. stereotype people
put people in a box
92. that's understandable
fair enough
93. not think about something even though you are aware of it
put something to the back of your mind
94. handfuls of hair
whole clumps of hair
95. alguien se hace pasar por alguien
someone passes for someone
96. large bag made of rough woven material
97. an artificial top piece fixed over a broken or decayed tooth
A crown
98. Teñir la raíz del pelo
have your roots done
99. a fairly short hairstyle for women in which the hair is the same length all the way round, except for the front
A bob
100. cut off small amounts so that it looks neat and tidy
have your hair trimmed
101. make your hair much lighter in colour with a chemical like peroxide
Have your hair bleached
102. I've had many disasters too
I've had my fair share of disasters
103. popular and fashionable (informal)
all the rage
104. a painful swelling containing pus
105. filled with a thick yellowish liquid that forms in wounds when they are infected
Filled with pus
106. go to the dentist so that they can attach a small piece of metal that keeps false teeth in place to your real teeth
have a bridge put in
107. have an operation in which the surgeon tightens the skin on someone's face in order to make them look younger
have a facelift
108. a form of cosmetic surgery where fat is removed from a particular area of the body by dissolving it with special chemicals and then sucking it out with a tube
109. have an operation to make your ears lie flatter against your head
have your ears pinned backed
110. have surgery (formal)
undergo surgery
111. while trying to become beautiful
in the pursuit of beauty
112. this isn't something that happens only in Britrain
far from being a uniquely British phenomenon
113. change
114. usually choose or decide to do something in preference to something else
tend to opt for
115. type of surgery that involves rebuilding a part of someone's body because it has been badly damaged, or because the person wants to change its shape
Reconstructive surgery
116. I don't agree with it at all
I'm dead against it
117. I full agree with it
I'm totally for it
118. what really annoys / irritates / angers me
the thing that really gets my back up
119. I don't understand it (informal)
I don't get it
120. If someone causes a situation, system or belief to continue
someone perpetuates a situation, system or belief
121. everyone is entitled to their own opinion
each to their own
122. desprecio, desdén, menosprecio
123. dar derecho, autorizar
to entitle
124. if you express your contemp for someone or something by the expression on your face or by what you say
you sneer at someone or something
125. a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences
perspective on
126. the part of the body that you sit on
a bum, a bottom
127. a person who does not show any serius or careful thought
a shallow
128. a person who is only concerned with appearances
129. characteristic or illness that is passed on to a child from its parents before it is born
a hereditary characteristic or illness
130. the situation got worse until it reached the stage when...
it got to the point where
131. the latest in a series of unpleasant or undesirable events that makes you feel that you cannot tolerate a situation any longer
the final straw
132. buy something like a luxury even if it costs a lot of money
splash out on
133. a person who is so thin that they might almost be considered to suffer from anorexia
borderline anorexic
134. someone did a very bad job on something
someone totally botched a job up
135. your skin is badly marked as a result of a wound
your skin is scarred
136. alguien que usa una crema hidratante todas las noches
someone who uses a moisturiser every night
137. cremas contra el envejecimiento
anti-ageing creams
138. alguien preocupado por las arrugas
someone who worries about wrinkles
139. alguien que utiliza una cama bronceadora
someone who uses a sunbed
140. hilo dental
dental floss
141. alguien que se haya blanqueado los dientes
someone who has had their teeth whitened
142. enjuague bucal
143. alguien que se depile las piernas
someone who gets their legs waxed
144. alguien que se de un masaje regularmente
someone who has a massage regularly
145. alguien que tenga un tatuaje
someone who has a tattoo
146. alguien que se castiga en el gimnasio
someone who works out at the gym
147. alguien que tiene el pelo seco
someone who has dry hair
148. extensiones de cabello
hair extensions
149. alguien que tiene un poco de calva en la coronilla
someone who is going a bit thin on top
150. reflejos (cabello)
151. alguien que se ha hecho la permanente
someone who has a perm
152. alguien que tiene caspa
someone who gets dandruff
153. alguien que usa gomina
someone who uses gel
154. internacionalmente famoso
internationally famous
155. totalmente feliz, muy feliz, dichoso...
blissfully happy
156. clínicamente deprimido
clinically depressed
157. con poca cualificación, con pocos títulos relevantes al trabajo
badly qualified
158. completamente desgraciado
absolutely disgraceful
159. auténticamente Británico
uniquely British
160. escandalosamente caro
outrageously (pro='aut-'reiuisly) expensive
161. absolutamente, completamente obligatorio
strictly enforced
162. del país (un bien o producto hecho )
locally produced
163. muy decepcionado, tremendamente decepcionado
bitterly disapponted
164. condenado por error
wrongly convicted
165. completamente, absolutamente normal
perfectly normal
166. Límpiate las lágrimas
wipe tears away
167. Límpiate el culo
wipe your bottom
168. operación de nariz (por estética)
a nose job
169. operarse las tetas (estética y coloquial)
a boob job
170. hacer algo muy mal, desastrosamente
to botch something up
171. estoy extasiado (de felicidad)
I'm blissfully happy
172. estrías ( de la piel)
strech marks
173. manos asquerosas
filthy hands
174. manos delicadas
delicate hands
175. manos blandas
soft hands
176. manos ásperas
rough (pro='raf) hands
177. cejas espesas
bushy eyebrows
178. cejas depiladas
plucked eyebrows
179. cejas finas
thin eyebrows
180. cejas gruesas
thick eyebrows
181. Me gustaría no tener que trabajar tanto (pero no esto enfadado por trabajar tanto pero no estoy contento con la situación)
I wish I didn't have to work so much
182. Me gustaría no tener que levantarme tan temprano (no estoy enfadado por ello pero no me gusta la situación)
I wish I didn't have to get up so early in the morning
183. Me gustaría que no escribieras cuando estoy hablando (sí estoy enfadado por ello)
I wish you wouldn't write while I'm speaking
184. Me gustaría que no usases el teléfono en la clase (estoy enfadado por ello)
I wish you wouldn't use the phone in the class room
185. regret
186. ¿ Sabes tocar la guitarra ? No, me gustaría saberla tocar (en realidad me arrepiento de no haber aprendido a tocar la guitarra de más joven)
Can you play the guitar ? No, I wish I could play the guitar
187. Me gustaría haber estudiado más inglés que francés ( me arrepiento, de no haberlo hecho en el pasado)
I wish I had studied more English than French
188. Me gustaría no haber escrito esa carta ( me arrepiento de haberla escrito)
I wish I hadn't written that letter
189. Me gustaría que no lloviera tanto ( no estoy enfadado por ello, aunque prefiero que no llueva)
I wish it didn't rain so much
190. Me gustaría que no lloviera tanto ( estoy enfadado porque llueve mucho)
I wish it wouldn't rain so much
191. Me gustaría que te limpiaras los pies antes de entrar (mala costumbre que tienes, pero no estoy enfadado por ello)
I wish you did wipe your feet before come in
192. Me gustaría que te limpiaras los pies al entrar (realmente ahora esto enfadado porque no te has limpiado los pies al entrar)
I wish you would wipe your feet before come in
193. Te deseo una feliz estancia aquí
I wish you a pleasant stay here
194. Disfruta de tus vacaciones. Espero que te lo pases muy bien
Enjoy your holiday. I hope you have a great time
195. Adiós. Te deseo lo mejor
Goodby. I wish you the best
196. Nos dijimos adiós y nos deseamos suerte
We said goodby to each other and we wished each other luck
197. Vamos a hacer una comida en el campo mañana, así que espero que el tiempo nos acompañe
We're going to have a picnic tomorrow, so I hope the weather is nice
198. Te deseo suerte en tu nuevo trabajo. Espero que todo te salga bien
I wish you luck in your new job. I hope it works out well for you
199. It's raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain. You say:
I wish it would stop raining
200. You're waiting for Jane. She's late and you're getting impatient. You say to yourself:
I wish she would hurry up
201. You're looking for a job - so far without success. Nobody will give you a job. You say :
I wish somebody would give me a job
202. You can hear a baby crying. It's been crying for a long time and you're trying to study. You say:
I wish the baby would stop crying
203. Brian has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he needs some new clothes. You say to Brian:
I wish you would buy some new clothes
204. Your friend drives very fast. You don't like this. You say to your friend:
I wish you wouldn't drive so fast
205. Joe leaves the door open all the time. This annoys you. You say to Joe:
I wish you wouldn't leave the door open all the time
206. A lot of people drop litter in the street. You don't like this. You say:
I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street
207. Me gustaría que Sarah estuviese aquí ahora
I wish Sarah were here now
208. Me gustaría que me escuchases
I wish you would listen to me
209. Me gustaría tener más tiempo libre
I wish I had more free time
210. Me gustaría que nuestro piso fuese un poco mayor
I wish our flat were a bit bigger
211. Me gustaría que cambiase el tiempo
I wish the weather would change
212. Me gustaría que no te quejases continuamente
I wish you wouldn't complain all the time
213. Me gustaría que nada fuese tan caro
I wish everything weren't so expensive
214. lo que dije fue algo estúpido. Me gustaría no haberlo dicho
It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I hadn't said it
215. Estoy harto de esta lluvia. Me gustaría que parase
I'm fed up with this rain. I wish it would stop
216. Es una pregunta difícil. Me gustaría saber la respuesta.
It's a difficult question. I wish I knew the answer
217. Te debería haber escuchado. Me gustaría haber seguido tu consejo
I should have listened to you. I wish I had taken your advise
218. Tienes suerte de haber salido (de vacaciones). Me hubiese gustado haber podido acercarme (Ojalá hubiese podido ir yo también)
You're lucky to be going away. I wish I could come
219. Estoy completamente sin fuerzas ahora. Me gustaría no estar tan cansado
I have no energy at the moment. I wish I weren't so tired
220. ¿ Todavía no están listos (ellos) ? Me gustaría que se dieran prisa
Aren't they ready yet ? I wish they would hurry up
221. Estaría bien quedarse aquí más tiempo. Me gustaría no tener que irnos ahora
It would be nice to stay here longer. I wish we didn't have to leave now
222. Cuando estuvimos en Londres el año pasado, no tuvimos tiempo de ver todo lo que queríamos. Me hubiese gustado haber podido estar más tiempo
When we were in London last year, we didn't have time to see all the things we wanted to see. I wish we could have stayed longer
223. Está helando hoy. Me gustaría que no hiciese tanto frío. Odio el frío.
It's freezing today. I wish it weren't so cold. I hate cold weather
224. Joe todavía no sabe lo que quiere hacer. Me gustaría que se decidiera
Joe still doesn't know what he wants to do. I wish he would decide
225. No me gustó mucho la fiesta. Me gustaría no haber ido
I really didn't enjoy the party. I wish I hadn't gone
226. Mejor que te pase a tí que a mí ! (algo desagradable)
Rather you than me !
227. piernas gordas y achaparradas
fat stumpy legs
228. piernas peludas
hairy legs
229. piernas largas
long legs
230. piernas esbeltas
slender legs
231. piernas delgadas
skinny legs
232. piernas estupendas
great legs
233. bolsas debajo de los ojos
bags under my eyes
234. ojos inyectados en sangre
bloodshot eyes
235. ojos grandes y conmovedores
big soulful eyes
236. ojos de loco
mad staring eyes
237. uñas afiladas
sharp nails
238. uñas pintadas
polished nails
239. uñas muy largas
incredibly long nails
240. uñas mordidas
chewed nails
241. pies talla 13
size-13 feet
242. pies apestosos
smelly feet
243. pies descalzos
bare feet
244. pies planos
flat feet
245. pies diminutos
tiny feet
246. papada
double chin
247. mentón con barba de tres días
stubbly chin
248. hoyuelo en la barbilla
cleft chin
249. nariz enorme
huge nose
250. nariz que gotea
runny nose
251. nariz puntiaguda
pointy nose
252. nariz chata
flat nose
253. nariz agujereada, con un piercing
pierced nose
254. cara, rostro arrugado
wrinkled face
255. rostro angelical
angelic face
256. rostro con cara de niño
boyish face
257. cara con la mirada perdida
vacant look on his face
258. pelo tupido
bushy hair
259. pelo pincho
spiky (pro='spaiqui) hair
260. pelo canoso
greying hair
261. pelo amarillento o rojizo
ginger hair
262. pelo con la permanente hecha
permed hair
263. pelo ondulado
wavy hair
264. pelo enmarañado
tangled hair
265. ¿ Te depilas las cejas ?
Do you pluck your eyebrows ?
266. ¿ Conoces a alguien que se urge la nariz ?
Do you know anyone who pick their nose ?
267, ¿ Te limas las uñas ?
Do you file your nails ?
268. ¿ Alguna vez te has hecho la cera en las piernas ?
Have you ever had your legs waxed ?
269. ¿ Qué dices si alguien te pisa un pie ?
What do you say if someone tread on your foot ?
270. ¿ Cuándo tienes que limpiarte los pies ?
When do you need to wipe your feet ?
271. ¿ Alguna vez te has metido un dedo en el ojo ?
Have you ever pocked yourself in the eye ?
272. ¿ Qué cosas podrían hacer que tus ojos llorasen ?
What things could make your eyes water ?
273. ¿ En qué trabajos estarías de pie todo el día ?
In what jobs were you on your feet all day ?
274. ¿ Qué clase de cosas podrían causar desaprobación ?
What kinds of things might raise a few eyebrows ?
275. Me voy a cortar el pelo (no tengo cita todavía) ¿ Te lo vas a cortar mucho ?
I'm going to have my hair cut. Are you going to have much taken off ?
276. Me voy a cortar el pelo (ya tengo reservado hora y día)
I'm having my hair cut
277. Yo sólo me lo descargaría un poco (dando un consejo y se refiere a un corte de pelo)
I would just have it trimmed
278. Volveré sobre las 7 ( he decidido que volveré sobre esa hora)
I'll be back around seven
279. ¿ Qué se hizo ? (ella en su pelo ). Se lo ha teñido de rubio ( se lo hicieron -la peluquera- a ella)
What has she done to it ? She had it bleached
280. Una vez me hicieron la permanente
I once had my hair permed
281. Estaba de moda entonces pero tan pronto como me lo hicieron me arrepentí
It was all the rage at the time but as soon I had it done, I regretted it
282. ¡ No me lo cuentes ! (algo desagradable)
Spare me the details !
283. Dijo que seguramente me tendrían que sacar la muela del juicio
He said I would probably have to have my wisdom tooth taken out
284. Ya es hora que me tiñan las raíces de nuevo
It's time I had my roots done again
285. Me van a poner una corona la próxima semana (no tengo la cita cerrada con el dentista todavía)
I'm going to have a crown fitted next week
286. Me van a poner una corona la próxima semana (tengo cita cerrada con el dentista)
I'm having a crown fitted next week
287. Entonces ¿ Porqué te la hiciste ? (p.e. una operación de estética)
So why did you have it done ?
288. someone who you dislike them becose they are upleasantly polite and flattering usually because they want you to like them or to do something for them
289. skilful and impressive
290. there's a subtle difference between ... and ...
it's a fine line between ... and...
291. If you suggest a plan, proposal or name that should be considered for a particular purpose or job, then ....
you put forward a plan, proposal or name
292. the payment that someone makes to a university in order to attend a course of study there
university tuition fees
293. a school controlled by members of a particular faith (religion), where the beliefs and values of that religion play an important role in the education of the pupils who study there
a faith school
294. When a religion is no longer allowed to play a part in an institution or organisation then it ....
is secularised
295. someone who gives the impression of being dishonest
someone who looks a bit shifty
296. the man never answers a question directly and honestly
the guy never gives a straight answer
297. someone who is not very important, serious or skilful in a particular area of activity
someone who's a bit lightweight
298. someone who's sensible and practical; pragmatic
down-to-earth, grounded
299. Someone who is disliked by you becose they are unpleansantly polite and flattering, usually because they want you to like them or to do something for them
300. skilful and impressive
301. there's a subtle difference between .... and...
it's a fine line between ... and...
302. someone's opinion or attitude to a matter
someone's stance on something
303. What's your opinion on the war against terror ?
What your stance on the war against terror ?
304. you suggest than a plan, proposal or name should be considered for a particular purpose or job
you put forward a plan, proposal or name
305. the payment that someone makes to a university in order to attend a course of study there
university tuition fees
306. a school controlled by members of a particular faith (religion) where the beliefs and values of that religion play an important role in the education of the pupils who study there
a faith school
307. An institution or organization where religion is no longer allowed to play a part in it
a secularised institution or organization
308. someone who gives the impression of being dishonest (informal)
someone who looks a bit shifty
309. the man never answers a question directly and honestly
the man never gives a straight answer
310. If you think someone is not very important, serious or skilful in a particular area of activity you describe as ...
a bit lightweight
311. sensible and practical; pragmatic
312. sensible and practical; pragmatic
313. a person who attracts, influences and inspires people by their personal qualities
a charismatic person
314. carisma
315. someone describes a bad or serious situation honestly, without trying to conceal the problems
someone tells it like it is
316. in your area
round your way
317. I have no idea at all
I haven't got a clue
318. I don't get involved
I keep out of all of it
319. If you don't trust the people at all you could say:
I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them
320. a person who hasn't yet decided who to vote for in a forth coming election
a floating voter
321. a person who speaks or behaves towards others in a way which seems friendly, but which shows that they think they are superior.
a person who is patronising
322. If the police keep someone in prison but do not charge them with a crime, which would entitle them to a trial where they would have a chance to prove their innocence
the police detain someone without trial
323. se hace el duro pero en realidad es un blandengue
He comes across as being very tough but in fact he's a softie
324. the system by which voters get to elect a goverment
an electoral system
325. electorado
326. elector, votante
327. a victory in a election in which a person or political party gets far more votes or seats than their opponents
a landslide
328. una victoria electoral muy ajustada
a narrow victory
329. a political party get a percentage of votes in a election
a political party polls a percentage of votes in a election
330. If a group or organisation suffer as a result of quarrelling and competition between their own members...
a group or organisation suffers from infighting
331. the control or goverment of a country, organisation or group by itself rather than by others
332. I only heard or saw the last part
I caught the end of it
333. If someone makes you feel nervous or frightened then ...
someone gives you the creeps
334. a speech or dialogue that has been written out and practised many times before it is delivered publicicly
a well-rehearsed script
335. someone who belives that people always act selfishly
a cynic
336. you don't let people guess what you are thinking
you're not giving much away
337. cause someone to make a mistake that reveals that they are lying about something, do not know something, or cannot do something
catch someone out
338. nervous and confused
339. la gente con frecuencia se sonroja cuando se pone nerviosa o se confunde
people often go red in the face when they are flustered
340. control something and keep it within limits
341. someone doesn't think they are more important than other people
someone has got no pretensions
342. someone who pretends to have qualities, beliefs or feelings that they do not really have
a complete hypocrite
343. una persona hipócrita
a hypocritical person
344. someone is very direct and honest in their dealings with others
someone is very straight with people
345. a quality or feeling of confidence that surrounds a person
an aura of confidence
346. tell a joke
crack a joke
347. if no one laughs at a joke because they don't think it is funny then the joke...
falls flat
348. an answer that doesn't make much sense because it keeps going off the subject in a confused way
a rambling answer
349. a meeting of the most senior ministers in a goverment to discuss policies
a cabinet meeting
350. a meeting in which there is a lot of angry argument or criticism
a stormy meeting
351. cause difficulties that prevent a meeting from continuing
disrupt a meeting
352. in the period of time just before an election
in the rup-up to an election
353. If someone dishonestly arranges an election to get the result they want..
someone rigs an election
354. organise an election
hold an election
355. have a policy that will be the subject of intense public argument, disagreement or disapproval
adopt a controversial policy
356. If an issue makes people form two opposing sides over the right course of action then the issue ...
divides public opinion
357. a survey in which people are asked their opinion about something, usually to find out how popular something is
an opinion poll
358. en mi humilde opinión (en realidad no pienso que sea tan mala mi opinión, más bien pienso que es bien acertada)
in my humble opinion
359. something you hope to achieve over a long period of time
a long-term goal
360. something you hope to achieve in the very near future
an immediate goal
361. decide that you hope to achieve a particular goal in your life
set a personal goal
362. services that are provided by the state to help with people's living condictions and financial problems
363. something reaches the highest level it has ever been
something reaches an all-time high
364. something reaches the lowest level it has ever been
reach an all-time low
365. el desempleo ha alcanzado su cota máxima
unemployment has reached an all-time high
366. millions of people have chosen not to vote in an election, even though they have the right to vote
stay away from the polls in their millions
367. someone who is only interested in what they can get for themselves can be described as...
368. someone who behaves in a dishonest way by making other people believe something that is not true
someone is deceitful
369. a vague suspicion, often one you are unwilling to accept
a sneaking suspicion
370. be in charge of a situation, organisation, system, ....
run the show
371. person whose actions are controlled by a more powerful person or government, even though they may appear to be independent
a puppet
371. marioneta
372. títere
374. something that is done secretly rather than publicly
something done behind the scenes
375. powerful financial and commercial organisations use their influence with politicians in order to get something done, often, unfairly
big business pulls the strings
376. something that is an important factor in achieving a particular thing
something goes a long way
377. you make a policy more appealing to the public by changing the details of it
you tailor a policy to fit public opinion
378. pass the age of 18
turn 18
379. an election that you take part in as part of your preparation for a real election
a mock election
380. a political proces whereby the general public have the opportunity to vote in decisions that are likely to affect them directly
grassroots democracy
381. referendum
382. the public can decide how much of the tax-payer's money is to be spent on different things
a participatory budget
383. voting by means of a text message
384. consider something when you are thinking about a situation or deciding what to do
take something into account
385. tener algo en cuenta
take something into account
386. obviously
387. Lo que más me preocupa es que...
What concerns me most is that....
388. Lo que más me molesta de él es la forma en la que se dirige a la gente (hablando)
What annoys me most about him is the way he talks to people
389. Lo que más me enfada (cabrea) es la cantidad de dinero que se han gastado (han desperdiciado ) en proyectos inútiles
What angers me the most is the amount of money they've wasted on useless projects
390. Lo que me hace subir por las paredes es lo arrogantes que son todos. Nunca creen que están equivocados
What drives me crazy is how arrogant they are. They never belive they're in the wrong
391. Lo que me inquieta es el hecho de que ahora te pueden encerrar en realidad sin un juicio. Están constantemente deteriorando las libertades civiles
What disturbs me is the fact that you can now be basically detained without trial. They're constantly eroding civil liberties.
392. Lo que me descompone es ver a toda esa gente muriendo de hambre en África y saber que nuestro gobierno no hace nada por ayudarles
What upset me is seeing all these people starving in Africa and knowing our goverment is doing nothing to help
393. Lo que me decepciona no es tanto lo que han hecho, sino cómo lo han presentado
What disappoints me is not so much what they've done, but the way it's been presented
394. Lo que me fastidia es el nivel de criminalidad en nuestras ciudades. ¡ Es demasiado alto !
What bothers me is the level of crime in our cities. There's just so much !
395. Lo que me exaspera son las carencias de inversión en educación. No se pueden mejorar nuestras escuelas tan rápidamente como nos gustaría sin más dinero
What frustrates me is the lack of investment in education. We can't improve our schools as quickly as we'd like without more money
396. Habla de forma condescendiente a la gente, como si fueran niños
He talks down to people like they're children
397. Está loco por el poder (él). Sólo está interesado en llegar a lo más alto
He's power-mad. He's only interested in getting to the top
398. Da la impresión de ser tremendamente condescendiente
He comes across as incredibly patronising
399. En las entrevistas da la impresión de ser bastante falso
He comes across as being quite shifty in the interviews
400. Parece que tiene los pies puestos en la tierra (él)
He seems very down-to-earth
401. Tengo la impresión de que es muy apasionado
I get the impression he's very passionate
402. Es muy tranquilo delante de las cámaras
He's very smooth in front of the cameras
403. Da una imagen de ser muy eficiente. Nunca le ves nervioso o que le pillen en algo
He presents a very slick image. You never see him flustered or caught out
404. Quiere limitar los derechos de la mujer y librarse de los inmigrantes, ese tipo de cosas
He wants to curb women's rights and get rid of all immigrants, that type of thing
405. No tiene la chispa o el carisma como para ser primer ministro
He hasn't got the spark o charisma to be Prime Minister
405. Las elecciones fueron amañadas
The election was rigged
407. En mi humilde opinión es descaradamente injusto
In my humble opinion, it's blantantly unfair
408. Soy el típico votante indeciso
I'm your typical floating voter
409. Lo que me molesta es la cantidad de dinero que han malgastado
What bugs me is the amount of money they've wasted
410. Me mantuve completamente al margen (de un asunto)
I just keep out of it all
411. Hay una línea muy fina entre calmado y adulador
It's a fine line between smooth and smarmy
412. Ha habido muchas luchas internas en el partido
The party's suffered from a lot of in-fighting
413. Nadie obtuvo una mayoría absoluta
No-one won an overall majority