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52 Cards in this Set

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Peripheral NS

Located outside the skull and spine

Bring info into the CNS and carry signals out of the CNS


Made up of 2 NS:

Somatic NS:

Afferent nerves (sensory)

Efferent nerves (motor)

Autonomic NS:

Sympathetic nerves (fight/flight)

Parasympathetic (rest and digest)

Sympathetic Nerves


Thoracic and lumbar (middle of spine)

Second stage neurons are far from target organs

Parasympathetic Nerves

Rest and digest

Cranial and sacral (top and bottom of spine)

Second stage neurons are close to target organs

3 Meninges

Dura mater (tough outer membrane)

Arachnoid membrane (web-like)

Pia mater (adheres to CNS surface)


Cerebrospinal fluid - serves as a cushion

Chemical Protection for the Brain

Blood-brain barrier ( tightly packed cells of brain's blood vessel walls prevent the entry of many molecules)


Specialized cells that receive, and transmit electrochemical signals

Cell membrane

Semipermeable membrane that encloses the neuron


The short processes emanating from the cell body, which receive most of the synaptic contacts from other neurons


The long, narrow process that projects from the cell body

Axon hillock

The cone shaped region at the junction between the axon and the cell body

Cell body

The metabolic center of the neuron, also called the Soma

Nodes of Ranvier

The gaps between sections of myelin

Terminal buttons

The button like endings of the axon branches, which release chemicals into synapses


The gaps between adjacent neurons across which chemical signals are transmitted

Synaptic vesicles

Spherical membrane packages that store neurotransmitter molecules ready for release near synapses


Molecules that are released from active neurons and influence the activity of other cells

Glial cells

Support neurons, both physically and chemically

Some communication and modulatory effects on neural communication

Four classes of glial cells

Oligodendrocytes - create myelin sheaths in CNS

Schwann cells - myelinate in PNS and can guide axonal regeneration

Astrocytes - help nourish cells by interfacing with blood vessels

Microglia - involved in response to injury or disease and help hold brain together

Spinal cord - what cells in which areas

Dorsal - afferent (sensory)

Ventral - efferent (motor)


Origin of the reticular formation


Pons: involved in sleep and dreaming

Cerebellum: motor coordination (timing)


Tectum: contains the inferior colliculi (hearing) and the superior colliculi (vision)

Tegmentum: contains periaquaductal gray, substanstia nigra (produces dopamine), and red nucleus


Thalamus: sensory relay for 4 / 5 senses (not smell)

Hypothalamus: involved in 4 F's- feeding, fleeing, fighting, and mating


Cerebral Cortex: convolutions increase surface area

Corpus callosum: largest hemisphere connecting tract


4 Lobes

Frontal lobe: planning / control, personality, motor movement

Parietal lobe: spatial awareness, body sensation

Temporal lobe: language, hearing, and knowledge

Occipital lobe: vision


Subcortical Structures

Limbic system: regulation of motivated behaviors


Hippocampus (memory)

Mammillary bodies (memory)

Amygdala (fight/flight)

Cingulate (emotional / cognitive


Septum + fornix


Subcortical Structures

Basal ganglia: reward and motor system


Striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) (motor related)

Globus pallidus (motor related)

Nucleus accumbens (reward center of the brain)

Left hemisphere better at:

Greater verbal competence

Processes information more sequentially and locally

Right hemisphere better at:

Better at spatial relationships

Music and prosody ( emotional expression in voices)

Processes information more globally

Primary Sensory Areas

Visual Cortex (sight)

Auditory Cortex (hearing)

Olfactory Cortex (smell)

Gustatory Cortex (taste)

Vestibular Cortex (sense of balance)

Somatosensory Cortex ( sensing your body, knowing where you are in space, touch)

Membrane potential

The difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of the cell

Resting membrane potential

Inside of neuron is negative relative to outside (-70mV)

Ionic basis of the resting potential


Any charged particle (Na+)

Factors contributing to even ion distribution

Random motion and electrostatic pressure

Factors contributing to uneven ion distribution

Selective permeability to certain ions and sodium-potassium pumps

Ions contributing to resting potential




Negatively charged proteins

Ion channels

Ions move in and out through ion specific channels

K+ and Cl- pass readily

Na+ ions move less

Proteins don't move at all - trapped inside

Generation and conduction of postsynaptic potentials

NTs bind at postsynaptic receptors, causing electrical changes

Depolarizations (Excitatory PSPs (EPSPs))

Making the membrane potential less negative - more likely to fire

Hyperpolarizations (Inhibitory PSPs (IPSPs))

Making the membrane potential more negative - less likely to fire


Travel passively from their site of generation

Decremental (graded) - they get smaller as they travel farther

Integration of PSPs and generation of action potentials

Summation: typically more than one EPSP is needed to cause a neuron to fire and release a NT

Integration: net total of IPSPs and EPSPs must equal about -65mV to generate an AP


Combining many individual signals into one overall signal

Spatial Summation: integrating events across different places

Temporal Summation: integrating events across different times

Threshold: for the neuron to fire the activation threshold must be reached near the axon hillock

Conduction of AP

All-or-none: when the threshold is reached, voltage activated ion channels are opened

Refractory period

Refractory periods prevent the backwards movement of APs and limit the rate of firing

Absolute: impossible to initiate another AP

Relative: harder to initiate another AP

Axonal conduction of APs

Passive conduction (instant and decremental) occurs along each myelin segment to the next node of ranvier

A new AP is generated at each node

In myelinated axons, instant conduction along myelin segments results in faster conduction than in unmyelinated segments

Release of NT molecules

The arrival of AP at the terminal opens voltage - activated calcium channels

The entry of calcium causes vesicles to fuse with the terminal membrane and release their contents (exocytosis)

Activation of receptors by NT molecules

Released NT molecules produce signals in postsynaptic neurons by binding to receptors

Receptors are specific for a given NT

An NT is a ligand (molecule that binds to another) of its receptor

Reuptake, enzymatic degradation, and recycling

Reuptake: scoop up and recycle NT

Enzymatic degradation: an NT is broken down by enzymes

Pharmacology of synaptic transmission

How drugs infl. synaptic activity:

Agonists: increase / facility activity

Antagonists: decrease / inhibit activity

A drug may act to alter NT activity at any point in its life cycle