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89 Cards in this Set

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Define vertebrate.

An animal with a backbone. It is part of phylum chordate.

What are placoid scales.

Hard scales on the skin of sharks and rays. They feel like tiny teeth.

What is a swim bladder?

Organ that fish have to control boyancy in water.

Do humans have swim bladders?


What is a lateral line?

a visible line along the side of a fish consisting of a series of sense organs that detect pressure and vibration.

What is pulmonary circulation?

Loop of circulation tanking deoxygenated blood from the organs to get oxygenated.

What is systemic circulation?

Loop of circulation taking blood to the organs through the lungs.

Are bird warm or cold blooded?

Warm blooded

The life universe and everthing


What animal has the highest metabolic rate of any vertebrate?

The hummingbird

Where is air stored in the bird?

The "Sacs"

True or false

Birds always have oxygenated blood in their lungs even when they are exhaling

Why are birds able to have oxygenated blood in their lungs even when exhaling?

The "sacs".

There are many similarities between birds and _________.


List three simularities between birds and dinosaurs.

S-shaped neck

Unique ankle joint

Hollow bones

Birds are believed to have evolved during the the _________ period _______ years ago


500 million

What is the name of the oldest known bird fossil?


Does the archaeopteyx have feathers?


What dinosaur traits does the archeopteyx have?



long bony tail

Was the Archaeopteryx small?


What is the first of the 7 characteristics of all birds?


What is the second of the 7 characteristics of all birds?


What is the third of all characteristics of all birds?

Lightweight rigid skeleton (Hallow bones)

What is the fourth of the 7 characteristics of all birds?

Endothermic metabolism

What is the 5th of the 7 characteristics of all birds?

Unique respiratory system

What is the 6th of the 7 characteristics of all birds?


What is the 7th of the 7 characteristics of all birds?


What is oviparity?

Oviparous animals are animals that lay eggs.

What are feathers made of?


List the three different types of feathers.

1. Down feathers

2. Contour feathers

3. Flight feathers

Describe down feathers. What do they do for the bird?

Down feathers are soft and fluffy. Baby chicks have these. All birds have them, but they are viable on chicks because they have not grown the other feathers yet. Down feathers provide warmth for the bird.

Describe contour feathers. What do they do?

They provide color and shape for the bird.

Where are flight feathers on the bird? What do they do for the bird?

Flight feathers are on the wings and tail. Flight feathers help the bird fly.

Define "preen"


To sharpen or clean feathers with beak.

Why do birds preen their feathers?

To waterproof their feathers form the rain.

They do this by spreading oil from the preen gland located at the base of their tail.

To realign barbs and barbules.

This action gets rid of splits in the feather.

True of false:

Birds have hollow bones.

True. You should know this.

True of false:

Many of the birds bones are fused together.


Why are many of the birds bones fused together?

To resist the forces produced by strong flight muscles.

How many chambers does the mammal heart have?


Birds have a large ______ sternum where ______________ attach.

keeled; flight muscles

What is the purpose of the preen gland?

To produce an oily substance used to condition the feathers.

True or false:

Mammals are exothermic


True or false:

The mammal heart is divided.


What is the first of the six characteristics that apply to all mammals?


What is the second of the six characteristics that apply to all mammals?

All mammals have hair.

What is the third of the six characteristics that apply to all mammals?

4 chambered completely divided heart.

What is the fourth of the six characteristics that apply to all mammals?

Mammary glands

What is the 4th of the six characteristics that apply to all mammals?

Mammary glands

What is the 5th of the five characteristics that apply to all mammals?

Single jawbones

what is the 6th of the six characteristics that apply to all mammals?

Specialized teeth.

What are the thee main groups of mammals?



Placental mammals

What is the defining characteristic of monotremes?


What is the defining characteristic of marsupials?

Viporous - short development period in mother, further development in pouch

What is the defining characteristic of placental mammals?

Viperous, longer development period in mother

What are the benefits of endothermy?

-Heat generated internally by breaking down food.

-Rapid metabolism.

-fat layers and isolation.

What are the disadvantages of endothermy?

-requires oxygen and much more food.

How many chambers does the mammal heart have?


How many atria does the mammal heart have?


How many ventricles does the mammal heart have?


True of false:

One of the biggest disadvantages of the mammal heart is that oxygenated and deoxygenated blood constantly mix.


True or false:

More efficient hearts support higher oxygen demand


What are the two functions of amphibian skin?



Amphibian skin contains _____ glands and ______ glands.

Mucus; poison

Cutaneous respiration involves the ____ while pulmonary respiration involves the _____.

skin; lungs

Amphibain skeletons must be strong enough to combat the force of ______.


True of false:

Vertebrae of the amphibain spine are fused.


The amphibian heart has ___ chambers and ___ loops

3; 2

What happens during pulmonary circulation?

Deoxinagated blood is pumped to the lungs to get oxygen.

What happens during systemic circulation?

Newly oxygenated blood returns to the heart where it is pumped through the body.

Fish evolved from ________


Amphibians evolved from ____________

lobe-finned fish


Fish only have _____ while amphibians have _____, _____ & ____.

Gills; gills; lungs; skin

The fish heart has ___ chambers, while the amphibian heart has ___ chambers.

2; 3

Fertilization in the fish is ________ while fertilization in amphibians is also ________

external; external

Amphibians evolved ___ MYA from lobe-finned fish.


List the three similarities between amphibians and lobe-finned fish.

- Skulls and vertebral colums

- fin/limb bones

- lungs

Amphibians have ______ feet


Amphibians have eyes on the ___ of their head


What does the lateral line do?

It senses vibrations underwater

What is the first of the 5 characteristics of amphibians?

Undergo metamorphosis

What is the second of the five characteristics of amphibians?

Moist thick skin

What is the third of the 5 characteristics of amphibians?

webbed feet with no claws

What is the fourth of the fives characteristics of amphibians?

uses gills skin and lungs for respiration.

What is the 5th of the 5 characteristics of all amphibians?

eggs lack shells.

What are the three orders of amphibians?

Anura, Gymnophiona, and Caudta

The order Anura includes _____ and _____

frogs; toads

Frogs have ______ _____ skin, while toads have _____ ______

smooth; moist; rough; bumpy

Describe amphibians in the order Gymnophiona.

legless and blind. Look like small snakes.

Describe the order Caudata.

Amphibians with tails. Includes salamanders.