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39 Cards in this Set

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Molecules vs molecular compounds

2+ of same element vs 2+ of different element

specific heat

amount of energy required to raise temp of substance by 1 degree

heat of vaporization

amount of heat a liquid must absorb for 1g to be converted from liquid to gas

water is 2x that of alcohol

evaporative cooling

when liquid evaporates, remaining amount cools. This helps stabilize organism's temperatures

cohesion vs. adhesion

cohesion helps water move up, adhesion also helps counter gravity (capillary action)

heat is measured in_____ and proportional to_____

it is a measurement of the total amount of______

joules or calories, matter

kinetic energy

a redox reaction involves ____ bonds


inductive reasoning vs deductive reasoning

specific to general vs. general to specific


entire library of genes in an organism

most of life is composed of these 4:

the next 4 are:

and the rest are called:

C, H, O, N

Potassium, Calcium, Phospohorus, Sulfur

trace elements

one calorie =

the amount of energy it takes to raise 1g water 1degree C

acid precipitation occurs when:

rain+So2+NO mix in the air to form sulfuric acid and nitrous acid

cells are 70-95% H2O and the rest are______

carbon-based compounds

hydrocarbons_________. They are_______and_______

consist only of hydrogen and carbon

hydrophobic and nonpolar

Isomers have:

the same molecular formula, but different structure and vastly different properties

structural isomers

different shape+arrangement of atoms

geometric isomers

same molecular shape, but different arrangement around a double bond


mirror images of each other. Important in pharm industry. Either R(D) or S(L)

enantiomer examples

ibuprofin - R is ineffective, S treats inflammation

albuterol - R treats asthma, S causes inflammation

thalidomide-R treats leperosy and multiple myeloma, S causes birth defects

dopa - R has no effect, L/S is effective for Parkinson's

functional groups allow chemists

to predict the reactivity of a molecule


a substance that, when added to H2O, splits the H2O so that there is an increase in H+ ions


a substance that when added to water, takes up H+ ions or yields OH-

effects of long term changes in pH level are:

bad! diabetes lowers blood pH from 7.25 to 7, causing major kidney problems and damage to central nervous system. Must have dialysis to literally replace blood

the majoritry of CO2 "waste" produced by a cell is used:

to make bicarbonate buffer

water ionization creates___________

acids and bases!

hydrogen ion:

hydronium ion:

hydroxide ion:

the proton transferred to another H2O molecule when the hydrogen bond breaks

molecule that gained the proton

molecule that lost the proton



too low Ph is blood - CNS failure

too high - tetany, seizures

bicarbonate =

and it:

CO2 and H2O mix

makes a buffer that stabilizes blood pH

acid precipitation has a pH lower than:


White fat cells:

Brown fat cells:

stored in cytoplasm, used for storage

mitochondria convert fat to heat

a protein's______________or_______ determines its function

confirmation or shape

factors that affect protein shape:

pH, temp, amino sequence, ionic bond between amino, hydrophobic interactions, van der wall forces, sulfide bonds

Primary structure:

linear shape, determined by DNA, with an AMINO END and a CARBOXYL end, like a necklace in primary school

Sickle cell disease: results from sing amino substitution in hemoglobin protein. changes shape in primary structure, affecting cat structure by making two molecules crystallize into a fiber

most genetic diseases result from...

a defective or abnormal protein, e.g. cystic fibrosis


nucleotides working as electron carriers in redox reactions


nucleotides working as secondary chemical messengers


have single, six membered ring



have 6-membered ring fused with 5-membered ring