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34 Cards in this Set

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1) Primitive atmosphere of the earth

1) Nitrogen

2) Carbon dioxide

3) Ethane

4) Ammonia

5) Hydrogen

6) Hydrogen Sulfide

(no oxygen)

2) Oparin and Haldane Hypothesis

1)Erth early atmosphere was reducing environment

2) Energy for organic synthesis was from lightning and UV radiation. Life appeared from early ocean "primitive Soup"

Sources of energy for life on earth

1)The Sun

Sunlight allows plants, algae and cyanobacteria to use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates



Bacteria can be classified into two groups based upon the cell wall:

1)Gram (+): Large amount of peptidoglycan and have a membrane

2) Gram(-): -less peptidoglycan, more complex with an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides. And are more threatening because the wall are toxic and are resistant to antibiotic

-Extract membrane( Lipopolysaccharide and protein, peptidoglycan, membrane)

Gram (+) : stain purple, because they have a thick cell wall that contained peptidoglycanlayer without an outer membrane. and have a plasma membrane.

Gram(-): (stain,red/pink)

, because the cell wall have an outer lipid/ lipopolysaccharide membrane inthe middle a peptidoglycanlayer and thin cell wall (plasma membrane)

Three basic shapes of bacteria

1) Coccus- cell are round/spherical shaped

2) Bacillus- Cell are rod-shaped

3) Spirillum- cell are spiral shape

1) coccus:
2) Bacillus
3) Spirillum
coccus is gram (+)

Cell can be variations of the above shapes

coccus- group acording to arrangements:

3 basic shapes of bacteria (monphology)

-Diplo-( two bolita stuck together)

-Staphylo-( mucha bolita juntas,comunidad rasimo de uva)

-Strepto(muchas bolitas en linias)

Arrangement of bacterial :

-coccus ( una bolita redonda una sola)(spherical)

-Bacillus ( como un candy largo retangulo)

-spirillum(una snaked)

streptococcus: Chain

Staphylococcus: grape look.

Bacillus= rod-shape it have

streptobacillus: Is the category of bacillus.

Nearly all prokaryotes- cell wall in bacterial have peptidoglycan and polysaccharide

which this are made of modified sugar cross-liked with amino acids.

Some sugar are NAG and NAM little boll

Archaea: have walls but does not contain peptidoglycan.

Gram(-) Ecoli and bacillus are gram (-)

Capsule: Sticky outer layer of polysaccharide or protein, but no all bacterial

The purpose of capsule are

-Adhesion and

-protetion from Dehydration and host immune system.

Example of it s Strep thorat: streptococcus adhering to a tonsil cell

Example of it is Strep thorat: streptococcus adhering to a tonsil cell

Other structure of prokaryotes is


hair-like and it used for adhesion in the host cell.

Other structure of prokaryotes is Flagella:

- Flagellum, singular (one)

-Made of protein flagellin,


-Acts as propeller

All this help pushing the bacter along.

Internal organization: No membrane bound organelles but some have infoldings of plasma membrane

*Example: Mitochondria and chloroplast

Respieratory membrane: 1)Aerobic Prokaryotes( mitochondria) using oxygen

And Photosynthetic prokaryotes: Thylakoid membranes dont take oxygen.Anaerobic photosynthesis bactarial that make energy but does not need oxygen.

They are known for nitrogen-fixing abilities, and they form symbiotic relationships with certain plants, such as the mosquito fern.

Cyanobacteria-Autotrophic bacterial

- photosynthetic

-Phycocyanin- bluish pigment to capture light

-chlorophyll a

- Blue, red or pink bacteria

( oscillatoria, Anabaena, Gloecapsa)

Internal organization: prokaryotes does not have nucelus but it have nucleoid: inside this it is the region where DNA is.

-Single, circular chromosome double-stranded

Plasmids: is a small piieces of DNA, and it replicate independent of chromosome

and contain non-essential genes

Diversity in Metabolism: 1)Phototrophs: organisms that obtain energy from light.

2) Chemotrophs: Obtain energy from chemicals.

3) Autotroph: Makes its own food.

4) Heterotroph:Obtains food from other source. (Those are Anaerobic CO2. Thyakoid photosynthetic)

O2 in metabolism, Aerobic respiration.

Some prokaryote are:

1) Obligate aerobes: must use O2.(we)

2) Obligate anaerobes: Poisobed by O2

3) Facultative anaerobes(Fermentation): Can do both fermentation and aerobic respiration Ex: E.coli

There are diversity in mentabolism: Autotroph group: Makes its own food

1) Photoautotroph: Light

2)Chemoautotroph: Inorganic chemicals

Heterotroph:Obtains food from other source.

1) Photoheterotroph: Light

2)Chemoheterotroph: Organic compund

Reporduction in bacterials: By Binary fission, -Split int two

-short gerneration times 20min-3hr.


Amoeba proteus (special thing)

it have a pseudopods and its fuction it work as a arm to grap food for the amoeba.

Genetic change in prokaryotes:

-This happened in a Rapid evolution due to generation time and mutations.

-Horizontal Gene transfer: Exchange of small amounts of genetic material from one organism to another( not parent to daughter cells)

- Transformation: Uptake of DNA from enviroment, Homologous recombination, like crossing over.

Travel the plasma, prokaryote : bacterila and archea.

Trasformation of the mouse DNA it die because the DNA transfer S die/ break out S DNA trasnfero into R which S take over R creating Livinf S cells.

Conjugation: is a one-way transfer of DNA between 2 bacterial

Pilus: is made by one bacteria, and then attaches and pulls other close.

and this created a mating bridge forms then

then F plasmid transferred: has genes for pilus, that can carry other genes. transder of genes hapened and make it F+. F is fetility

R Plasmids: It carry genes for antibiotic Resistance.

- Can carry pilus genes: so transfer of R plasmids

Use of antibiotics-------- natural selection

-R plasmids becoming more frequent

-More resistant strains

It divede more frequency which make them to reporduce/ replicate more bacterial resistances to the antibiotic

Phylogeny of bacteria

5 main groups: Domain Bacterial: Proteobacterial,Gram(+),chlamydias, cyanobacteria

Proteobacterial: -Large and diverse group

-Gram-negative,- include E.coli and Helocobacter pylori(peptic ulcer)

Phylogeny of bacterial:

-Chlamydia: intracellular parasite(animal cells) It use host resources such as ATP, Amino Acid,food from the cytplasma, They live inside the eukaryote cells or on top.( inside the cell)

Phylogeny of bacteria:

Spirochetes: -Corkscrew shape

-Many free living

- Some parasites such as: 1)Treponema pallidum- syphilis 2) Borrelia burgdorferi- Lyme's disease.

Swiming around the water, lake pound make it harder for white cell to fight it.

Phylogeny of bacteria:

Cyanobacteria-Autotrophic bacterial- photosynthetic, single- cell and filamentous, can be found in salt and fresh water, oxygenated the atmoshphere early in earth's history. aerobic respiration

Phylogeny of bacteria:

Gram(+) bacterial

- also large and diverse group

-Example: streptomyces-- Streptomycin(inabiotic)

-Two important subgroups



Mycoplasma: Tiny bacterual with no cell walls( fibroblast cell ( it help to compete and kill it)

Archaea: Many live extreme environments: example: Extremophiles, make hight pressure but dont not boil it just a little.

Extreme Halophiles:

1)-Salty conditionns,(great salt lake)2)-Require high salt to survive(adpted)

Extreme Thermophiles: heat up to 121c

Rhizaria: Foraminifera it have a test(shell)it have calcium carbonate which make it brownish color

Archaea: Menthanogens: produce methane from H2 and CO2, obligate anaerobe only work without oxygen.

Live in: - swamp sediment can convered it into( swamp gas) live in the bottle of it

- Guts of cattle and humans, - Some methanogens live in extreme thermophilic enviroments.

Methane: Greenhouse gas

Radiolaria :it have a test(shell) it made of silicon compound

Pathogenic Bacteria is

Exotoxins: Secreted by bacterium, cholera toxin: causes intestines to release Cl-( wayer follows by osmosis, = watery diarrhea.

This also can use in botox= botulinum toxin

-Clostridium botulinum----- Botulism(food posiene) and to stop muscle.

paramecium bursaria

it have zoochlorella is agreen dots that producen extract sugar to be able to live inside the paramecium. As well when the paramecium dont get light it eats the zoochlorella and when it come to light it eat new zoochlorella.

Pathogenic Bacteria:

Endotoxin: it have lipopolysaccharide in outer membrane of gram-negative which released when bacteria die

-Immune system reacts violently--- high fever.

Gram (-)

origin of Eukaryotes:


stentor coeruleus: it move slow moving or stagnant fresh water, sticky substance on narrow end

cilia-motility and creates a whirlpool-like disorder in the wwater to gests the prey into the gullet

corkscrew structure on outside of stentor.`1
