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42 Cards in this Set

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What is a species?

A group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

Define population

A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area.

Define community

A group of different populations of different species living and interacting with each other

What is autotrophic nutrition?

The process by which organisms produce their own food from inorganic substances. (eg. Photosynthesis)

What is heterotrophic nutrition?

Heterotrophic nutrition refers to the mode of nutrition by which organisms obtain food from other organisms.

What are the 3 types of heterotrophs?




What is a consumer?

Consumers are heterotrophs that obtains organic compounds from other organisms.

They ingest living, or recently killed organisms.

What is a detritivore?

These are heterotrophs that obtain organic nutrients from dead and decomposing organic matter by internal digestion.

What is a saprotroph?

A heterotroph that obtain organic matter from dead and decomposing organic matter by external digestion.

Define ecosystem

The combination of a community and the abiotic habitat.

What is nutrient cycling?

Nutrient cycling is a system that ensures that finite compounds of carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements of organic compounds remain available to an ecosystem.

What is a mesocosm?

A small experimental area that is set up for ecological experiments, and facilitates the observation of natural environments under controlled conditions.

Sealing communities with air and soil

What is a food chain?

A linear sequence of organisms that feed on the previous organisms.

Transfer of energy is indicated by arrows.

Describe the transfer of energy in a food chain.

Energy is always transferred from one trophic level to the next.

Autotrophs will always provide energy for heterotrophs, and so on.

What is the first organism in every food chain?


How is energy lost in a food chain?

Every is lost between each trophic level by the excretion of waste products, respiration, and incomplete digestion.

Describe how methane is formed in the carbon cycle.

- Bacteria convert organic matter to acids, alcohol, hydrogen, and CO2 (decomposition)

- Bacteria use alcohol and acids to produce acetate and carbon dioxide.

- Organisms called methanogens produce methane as a bi-product of anaerobic respiration, which uses acetic acid.

CH3COO + H -> CH4 + CO2

Describe the greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse gases are present in the atmosphere

UV and visible light rays entering the atmosphere have short wavelengths

The rays are deflected from the surface of the earth with longer wavelengths

Greenhouse gases absorb and reemit the long wavelength rays back to earth, warming it up.

State the main greenhouse gases.


Water vapor

Describe how global warming occurs with reference to greenhouse gases.

Increase levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human and natural causes enhances the greenhouse effect.

This increases the overall temperature of the atmosphere as time goes on.

What are the effects of global warming on climate change?

- More frequent extreme weather conditions.

- Increases droughts and floods in different regions.

- Changes to circulating ocean currents, leading to longer heating and cooling periods.

- Long term weather patterns are also altered.

What are human causes of greenhouse gas emission?

CO2 is increased by fossil fuels and deforestation.

Methane is increased by the agriculture of rudimentary mammals such as cattle.

Mention 5 processes that produce/release carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle

Aerobic cell respiration

Combustion of fossil fuels

Decomposition by detritivores

Forest fires

Mention 5 processes that produce/release carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle

Aerobic cell respiration

Combustion of fossil fuels

Decomposition by detritivores

Forest fires

Mention 3 ways carbon dioxide is used/absorbed in the carbon cycle.

CO2 is dissolved in aquatic bodies and used by mollusks to form exoskeletons

CO2 is used by plants for photosynthesis- which reduces atmospheric CO2

Plants convert CO2 to carbon compounds.

Mention 5 processes that produce/release carbon dioxide in the carbon cycle

Aerobic cell respiration

Combustion of fossil fuels

Decomposition by detritivores

Forest fires

Mention 3 ways carbon dioxide is used/absorbed in the carbon cycle.

CO2 is dissolved in aquatic bodies and used by mollusks to form exoskeletons

CO2 is used by plants for photosynthesis- which reduces atmospheric CO2

Plants convert CO2 to carbon compounds.

Describe one way by which carbon compounds are stored in the earth

Partially decomposed matter forms in anaerobic or acidic conditions

Partially decomposed matter forms peat

Peat forms coal/fossils under high pressure and heat

What is a carbon sink?

Where carbon is stored

What is a carbon sink?

Where carbon is stored

What is a carbon flux

Where carbon is transferred

What is a carbon sink?

Where carbon is stored

What is a carbon flux

Where carbon is transferred

What is the largest carbon sink


What is a carbon sink?

Where carbon is stored

What is a carbon flux

Where carbon is transferred

What is the largest carbon sink


What is the largest carbon flux?


Describe the formation of peat

Dead plant matter

Partially decomposes

Acidic or anaerobic conditions

Waterlogged sites

Takes a long time

How are natural gases and oil formed

Partial decomposition of seas plants and animals.

Compression and heating of partially decomposed matter.

Mostly forms methane

What is methanogenesis?

The production from organic matter in anaerobic conditions by methanogenic archaeans.

That is the nutrient cycle?

The mode by which finite compounds of essential organic elements like nitrogen and carbon are recycled