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102 Cards in this Set

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non-living things (temperature/water/rock)
Non-living things

Temperature, Sun, Water, Soil, Rocks...
a change that helps an organism survive
A change that helps an organism survive

The peppered moth changed from white to black to survive the industrial revolution
Behavioural adaptation
What an animal does to survive

The ostrich sticks its head in the sand when scared
What an animal does to survive

The ostrich sticks its head in the sand when scared
Different types of plants and animals living in an area
Different types of plants and animals living in an area
The largest division of the biosphere (Permanent ice/Desert)
The largest division of the biosphere (Permanent ice/Desert)
The air, land, and water  where everything lives
The air, land, and water where everything lives
Living things (plants and  animals)
Living things (plants and animals)
Precipitation and temperature in an area for a long time
Precipitation and temperature in an area for a long time
Records temperature and precipitation in a chart
Records temperature and precipitation in a chart
The height of land above sea level
The height of land above sea level
The distance from the equator (North pole is 90°N)
The distance from the equator (North pole is 90°N)
Physiological adaptation
A chemical adaptation that helps an animal survive

The ostrich maintains constant temperature year round
A chemical adaptation that helps an animal survive

The ostrich maintains constant temperature year round
Structural adaptation
A physical adaptation that helps an animal survive

Arctic fox has short ears and legs to save heat
A physical adaptation that helps an animal survive

Arctic fox has short ears and legs to save heat
Land (extra terrestrial – from another land)
Land (extra terrestrial – from another land)
One animal benefits the other isn’t helped or harmed

(2 Remora attached to the Ray....the remora gets food, but the ray gets nothing)
One animal benefits the other isn’t helped or harmed

(2 Remora attached to the Ray....the remora gets food, but the ray gets nothing)
All living plants and animals in an area
All living plants and animals in an area
A fight (normally for food, shelter or a mate)
A fight (normally for food, shelter or a mate)
Ecological hierarchy
Organism -> population -> community -> ecosystem

Smallest ------ to ------> Biggest
Biotic and abiotic and abiotic living in an area
Biotic and abiotic and abiotic living in an area
Excess nutrients cause an increase in the number of plants

Too much algae growing in the pond because of the large amounts of nutrients
Excess nutrients cause an increase in the number of plants

Too much algae growing in the pond because of the large amounts of nutrients
Where an organism lives (a lake, a rotten log, an area of the boreal forest)

A picture of a lake
Where an organism lives (a lake, a rotten log, an area of the boreal forest)

A picture of a lake
Both animals benefit

The anemone gets food the clownfish gets protection
Both animals benefit

The anemone gets food the clownfish gets protection
The role that an organism plays in an ecosystem
One animal benefits the other is harmed

Warbler lost all her eggs and is taking care of the cuckoo baby who threw the eggs out of the nest
One animal benefits the other is harmed

Warbler lost all her eggs and is taking care of the cuckoo baby who threw the eggs out of the nest
Plants convert carbondioxide to oxygen and energy

Trees, Grass and other plants
Plants convert carbondioxide to oxygen and energy

Trees, Grass and other plants
The number of 1 species in an area (The population of Canada is 36 million)
Predator hunts the prey

Tiger eating a Gazelle
Predator hunts the prey

Tiger eating a Gazelle
One type of plant or animal (humans or dogs)
The interaction between two different species

The breaking down of dead organic matter
The total mass of all of one species in an area

(all the trees in the world)
Meat eater
Meat eater
An animal that eats other plants or animals
An animal that eats other plants or animals
Organism that breaks down dead things into nutrients
Organism that breaks down dead things into nutrients
Break down dead things
Ecological pyramid
Includes the pyramids of: numbers, energy, and biomass
Energy flow
The flow of energy from one organism to another
Food chain
Shows one feeding relationship
Shows one feeding relationship
Food pyramid
A pyramid showing the loss of energy from one trophic level to another
A pyramid showing the loss of energy from one trophic level to another
Food web
Shows many feeding relationships and how they are interconnected
Shows many feeding relationships and how they are interconnected
Plant eater

Zebra eating grass
Plant eater

Zebra eating grass
Elements like Nitrogen and Phosphorus needed for growth
Eat both plants and animals

Bear eats fish and berries
Eat both plants and animals

Bear eats fish and berries
Primary consumers
Eat producers

Zebra eating grass
Eat producers

Zebra eating grass
Primary producers
All plants (grass, algae, and cyanobacteria)

All plants (grass, algae, and cyanobacteria)

All plants (grass, algae, and cyanobacteria)

All plants (grass, algae, and cyanobacteria)

Pyramid of biomass
The relative mass of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain
The relative mass of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain
Pyramid of energy
Shows the amount of energy available at each trophic level
Shows the amount of energy available at each trophic level
Pyramid of numbers
Shows the number of organisms at each trophic level
Shows the number of organisms at each trophic level
Secondary consumers
Eat primary consumers (3rd trophich level)
Eat primary consumers (3rd trophich level)
Tertiary consumers
Eat primary and secondary consumers (4th trophich level)

The bear eats the fish which eats the algae
Eat primary and secondary consumers (4th trophich level)

The bear eats the fish which eats the algae
Trophic levels
The level that an organism is in a food chain
The level that an organism is in a food chain
Carbon cycle
How carbon moves through biotic and abiotic things
CO3 2- store for carbon either as Calcium Carbonate (Limestone) or in Shells
CO3 2- store for carbon either as Calcium Carbonate (Limestone) or in Shells
Cellular respiration
Nitrogen returns to the atmosphere
Nitrogen returns to the atmosphere
Denitrifying bacteria
Bacteria that convert nitrate (NO3–)into nitrogen gas (N2)
Bacteria that convert nitrate (NO3–)into nitrogen gas (N2)
Eat dead things
Eat dead things
Geologic uplift
Buried rock layers that are pushed up
Buried rock layers that are pushed up
Water removes nutrients from rocks and soil
Ammonium (NH4+) is converted into nitrate (NO3–)
Ammonium (NH4+) is converted into nitrate (NO3–)
Nitrifying bacteria
Bacteria in the soil that convert ammonium (NH4+) to nitrite (NO2–) to nitrate (NO3–)
Bacteria in the soil that convert ammonium (NH4+) to nitrite (NO2–) to nitrate (NO3–)
Nitrogen cycle
How nitrogen moves through biotic and abiotic components of an environment
How nitrogen moves through biotic and abiotic components of an environment
Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen in the air is converted to nitrate or ammonium in the ground
Nitrogen in the air is converted to nitrate or ammonium in the ground
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Convert nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonium (NH4+)
Convert nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonium (NH4+)
Nutrient cycles
How nutrients move through biotic and abiotic components of an environment
Phosphorus cycle
How phosphorus moves through biotic and abiotic components of an environment
Plants convert carbondioxide to oxygen and energy
Plants convert carbondioxide to oxygen and energy
Soil particles build up in layers on the bottom of a lake
Soil particles build up in layers on the bottom of a lake
A place where something is kept for a long time

A picture of a coal deposit or coal store
A place where something is kept for a long time

A picture of a coal deposit or coal store
Rock is broken down into smaller pieces
Rock is broken down into smaller pieces
The build-up of toxins from the environment

The shark is getting toxin from the polluted water
The build-up of toxins from the environment

The shark is getting toxin from the polluted water
The amount of toxin gets bigger up the food chain

The bird will have more toxin than the shrimp
The amount of toxin gets bigger up the food chain

The bird will have more toxin than the shrimp
Using bacteria to make pesticides non-toxic
A toxin that can bioaccumulate
Heavy metals
Lead  Mercury and Cadmium
Lead Mercury and Cadmium
Keystone species
A plant/animal that has a big impact on the food chain (usually producer)

The sea otter is a keystone species
A plant/animal that has a big impact on the food chain (usually producer)

The sea otter is a keystone species
Parts per million
A toxin that can be bioaccumulated and biomagnified
A Chemical used to kill insects on farms
Adaptive radiation
One species adapts to fill many niches at once making many species (finches of the Galapagos islands)
One species adapts to fill many niches at once making many species (finches of the Galapagos islands)
Climax community
The end community (tall trees)
The end community (tall trees)
Ecological succession
Change in the types of plants and animals that live in an area over time

The picture shows the climax community...the last stage of succession
Change in the types of plants and animals that live in an area over time

The picture shows the climax community...the last stage of succession
Natural selection
The process where the strongest will survive and reproduce.
Pioneer species
The first plant to arrive

Lichens (in photo) and Moss in primary succession
Grass in secondary succession
The first plant to arrive

Lichens (in photo) and Moss in primary succession
Grass in secondary succession
Primary succession
Growth of plants on bare rock (no soil – glacier/lava flow)

Picture shows lava flow destroying a house
Growth of plants on bare rock (no soil – glacier/lava flow)

Picture shows lava flow destroying a house
Secondary succession
Growth of plants on soil (forest fire/agriculture or farming)

Picture is of a forest fire
Growth of plants on soil (forest fire/agriculture or farming)

Picture is of a forest fire
Put holes into ground so oxygen and water can enter ground
A toxin enters an environment (pollution)
Cut down trees in an area
Cut down trees in an area
Habitat fragmentation
The division of habitats into smaller pieces
Habitat loss
The destruction of habitats (human activities/flooding/forest fire)
The destruction of habitats (human activities/flooding/forest fire)
Land use
How we use land (urban development, agriculture, mining)

The picture is of a large open mine
How we use land (urban development, agriculture, mining)

The picture is of a large open mine
Using a resource until it is gone
Resource exploitation
Using resource
Soil degradation
Breakdown of soil
The balance between using and renewing a resource so it isn’t overexploited
Traditional ecological knowledge
The knowledge of what plants and animals can heal us.
The knowledge of what plants and animals can heal us.
Foreign species
Plants or animals from another country
Introduced species
Bring plants/animals from one country to another for food work or entertainment
Invasive species
Introduced organisms that outcompete native species

The picture is of Kudzu that outcompeted the trees
Introduced organisms that outcompete native species

The picture is of Kudzu that outcompeted the trees
Native species
Plants and animals that originally lived in an area

Panda is from China
Plants and animals that originally lived in an area

Panda is from China