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24 Cards in this Set

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Allen's rule says that ____ is dependent on latitude and ____ as you go north.
limb length, decreases
Bergman's rule says that ____ is dependent on latitude and ____ as you go north
body size, increases
The closer an area is to the poles, the ____ the angle of the sun's rays to the earth's surface.
____ are self-feeding and ____ are other-feeders.
autotrophs, heterotrophs
___ production is by aututrophs and ___ production is by heterotrophs.
primary, secondary
There is ___ energy available at each link of a food chain. This is because energy is used to perform ___, ___, and ___.
less, work, respiration, lost as heat
Organisms in a food web are divided according to ______. These include primary producer, primary consumers, and secondary consumers.
trophic levels
A ____ is a group of individuals of the same species living together in an area, potentially interbreeding.
Populations vary greatly in density according to ___, ___, and ___.
location, season, year
Size of population oscillates around a level known as ______.
carrying capacity
The sum of populations of various species living in a given biotope is a ____.
The weight of living organisms per unit area is called the ____.
Where a species lives is known as its ____, and can be divided into different types.
Habitat is not the same as a ____. This includes not only where an organism lives, but also its function in the ecosystem.
The combination of animal and plant communities, and their physical surroundings, is the ____.
A ___ecosystem is on land, a ___ ecosystem is in fresh water, and a ___ecosystem is in sea water.
terrestrial, limnic, marine
Species diversity is greatest in the ___ and declines as you move toward the ___. This is because the stratified, or layered, ecosystem of lush tree growth creates lots of living space.
tropics, poles
The number of individuals per species is generally higher at the ___.
____ are distinguished by their predominant plants and particular climate.
There are ___ air circulation cells on each side of the equator. This creates major deserts at __ degrees N/S.
three, 30
The ____ effect causes apparent deflection of winds. The earth rotates from ____. The ____ occur at the equator, ____ occur at 30 degrees, and ____occur past 60 degrees at the poles.
coriolis, east to west, tradewinds, westerlies, polar easterlies
Adequate moisture for plant growth when ___ is above ___.
precipitation, temperature
Flux in soil structure due to ___, ___, and ___.
climate, organisms, topography
The ___ soil horizon contains organic material. The ___ contains mineral soil with some mixed organic material. The ___ is the deposition horizon and contains materials leached from A and may for distinct banding patterns. The ___ horizon contains weathered parent material and includes rock fragments and lies on bedrock.
O, A, B, C