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238 Cards in this Set

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Open Door Policy
-1899 John Hay proposed this in China
-All nations would have equal trading and development rights throughout all of China
-Put imperialist powers on equal foot in china and limit advantages of countrys that were already really powerful (Russia)
Boxer Rebellion
-peasants in northern china
-wanted to destroy the Ching dynasty
-tried to rid china of foreigners
-massacred chineese christians and christian missionaries
Cuban and Spanish American War
-Cuba wanted independance from spain because of the hardship caused by high prices for sugar
-USA helped cuba and made sittuations worse with Spanish
Teller Amendment
USA did not have intention to exersize control over cuba after the spanish cuban war made it an independant
Spanish American War
-USA fought war to end the Spanish power in western hemisphere
-only lasted for 2 weeks
Treaty of Paris 1898
-USA and Spain met in spanish
-ended war after 6 months
-USA gets puerto rico and guam
-Spain released claim to Cuba
Platt Amendment
-USA holds cuba for 5 years after treaty of paris and secretary root made set of articles for future USA-cuban relations
-became part of the 1902 cuban constitution
-gave USA naval base at guantanamo bay
-forbids cuba from granting land to any other nation
-maintained that cuba would contract no foreign debt with other countries
-USA could intervene in cuban affairs if necessary
-Cuba can not make treaties with other countries
Middle Class in the Progressives
-Progressives were affluent middle class people who wanted to improve own communities
-felt trapped in middle between poor and rich
-wanted old fashion jeffersionian individualism that was endangered by corporate interests, labor unions, and urban political machines
-name given to american journalist an critics who looked to expose negative impacts of industrialization (abuses of busuiness and corruption in politics)
Wisconson Plan
-became the model of progressive reform
-led by Follette
-taxes on corps were raised and RR commision was created to set rates and conservation commission was set up
Roosevelt's First Term
-Trust Buster
-Regulate monopolies
-Three R's: relief, recovery, reform
-Bank Holiday, Fireside Chats
Court Packing Scheme
Supreme Court ruled some new deal laws unconstitutional
proposed that president could appoint new justices for each current justice older than 70.5 (would have been 6 justices). This got people mad
Roosevelt's Second Term
-Redistrubution of Wealth
-Had democratic Party majority
-helped unions and migrant workers
-employed over 3 million
-Very pro enviornment- nation forests and conservation
Farmer's Crisis
The prices were reduced for products so they couldnt afford land
-had shelter and things to eat but didnt have money to buy tools or things to make repairs
-attempted at getting nation out of depression
-asked companies to accelerate/undertake publc work projects
-created jobs
-promised not to lower wages of business leaders...found this to be unrealistic
1st New Deal
Recovery, bank call day
Reform, fair labor standards, new trade laws
Recovery, creating public works, jobs, loans
2nd New Deal
More reforms, social welfare, social security, reform trade
Articles of Confederation
No central power, no way to make supreme power, power in the hands of individual states
Constitution, problems
Made centralized government, taking away power from little guy. bill of rights creates.
Clay's American System
Democratic Republicans, later formed Whig party, tried to accomplish internal improvements, rds, canals, protective tariffs, tax on foreign goods to make us products more appealing
Hamiliton v. Jeff
Hamilition - loose interpretation, nat'l. bank
Jefferson - strict interpretation, wasnt job to make in economy
1789 Fugitive Slaves
slave escaped to free state, sent back to slave state and is still a slave. meantime more states coming into union and disregarding law
Panic of 1819
Bank fails, effect on what people thought of democracy
Missouri Compromise
1820, drew a line at 36 30 anything above free, below slave.
Issues with Texas
TX was Mexico, Mexicans couldnt get settlers, appealed to Americans with land. If didnt get people, would get taken over. Americans go to Mexico couldnt have slaves, move or get rid, fight instead. Appealed to Jackson said no. TX gains independence and then annexed by US.
Treaty of Guadlupe Hidalgo
US gains CA NM OK TX makes TX and Mexico border at Rio Grande
Wilmont Proviso
Voids MO compromise, states cant have states in any new territories, passed by House of Reps. Free soil movement.
Compromise 1850
CA free state
Repercussions of Compromise of 1850
All land gained from Mexico under popular sovereignty, had to follow fugitive slave act, slave trade banned in DC
Kansas Nebraska ACt 1854
Popular sovereignty in LA territory, because people in La territory wanted same power that was gained in the Mexican territories.
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas offered popular sovereignty, trying to get majority people on each side. ends on a tie, so slave state
Lincoln Douglass Debates
Debates for Senate in Illinois discussing popular sovereignty Lincoln looses
Dred Scott v Stanford
Stanford died in a free state, Scott thought free, claimed as property by Supreme Court, sent back to family. essentially all states were slaves
John Brown
Killed people, armed slaves at Harpers Ferry, VA. made slaves kill masters. hung for treason.
Election of 1860
Lincoln wins, SC succeeds
French and Indian War
French and Indians v British fighting for America. colonist joined british and win. debts and repercussions from this war were factors for american revolution, colonists realized being use
Treaty of 1763
Gave all of N.America east of mississippi to british.
Proclamation of 1763
British said colonists could not settle past the app. mountains. pissed the colonists off
Pontiac's Rebellion
Rebellion that lasted from 1763-66.
Pontiac indians tried to revolt against having to adopt british methods
ended in Pontiac's getting a pardon from the british
Intolerable Acts
Sugar Act (Foreign goods taxed- sugar, wine, coffee, regulated export of lumbar and iron)
Currency Act (Forbids paying of debts with paper money, harmful to economy)
Quartering Acts (Colonial governments had to supply barracks and supplies and shelter for british troops)
Stamp Act (Pay taxes on every piece of printed paper)
Letters From a Pennsylvania Farmer
14 essays written by Dickenson explaining why the Townshend acts were unconstitutional because they were acts disguised as trade reglations but were really for raising revenue. INTERNAL TAXES raising revenue NOT OK
These gave colonists a legit reason to oppose the acts
Common Sense
Written by Tom Paine
Saying that the King was a royal brute
first call for independance
He defended the Idea of American independence on the grounds that people should not pledge allegiance to a king and a corrupt govt
Boston Tea Party
British tea was too expensive, a ship arrived with expensive tea from britian and it sat in the Boston Port. Colonists snuck onto boat and dumped barrels of tea over board. Symbolized colonists dislike for British. British as a result closed boston port and required that colonists pay them back
Port Bill
Port of Boston Closed (MAJOR source of supplies)
Other colonies became sympathetic for boston and they all united in efforts against british
Massachusetts Government Act
Gave all power to the governors of the colonies
Administration of Justice Act
British officers stationed in America could be tried overseas which made the courts less biased towards them
Witnesses for both sides were req. to attend trial
Olive Branch Petition
The colonists last attempt at achieving peace with Britain.
Written by Dickinson
Battle of Lexington
First battle in 1775
Battle that convinced French that colonists could win if they had some support from another super power (France)
Treaty of Paris (1783)
British recognized US independence
US gets all land east of Mississippi R
Navigation of M.R was open
Shay's Rebellion
Daniel Shays leads rebellion by debt ridden farmers who were upset with economic positions in Mass. and refused to inflate currency
They felt as if they were trapped and couldnt escape economic conditions
Made people realize that we needed a stronger central govt
Protested against excessive taxes on property, poll taxes, and unfair actions by courts
Whisky REbellion
Farmers in Pennsylvania revolting due to the the whiskey excise tax that they did not want to pay. Farmers thought it was an attack on themselves. GW comes in on white horse and suppresses the rebellion and the people settled down.
Symbolized the power of the government
VA and NJ and CT Plan
VA- Representation based off of population. 2 houses. Executive Branch chosed by legeslation. BIG STATES <3

NJ- Representation was equal. A lot of Contress power like the articles of confedereation. LITTLE STATES <3

CT- House of Reps based on population, Senate equal representation
3/5 compromise
slaves served as 3/5 of a person for taxation and representation
Created an almost population between north and south
Formation of the First Cabinet
Secretary of State- Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of War- Henry Knox
SEcretary of Treasury- Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton's idea to make each colonies debt into one national debt
Unpopular in South because many had already paid off their debts and didnt want more
Ended up passing in Congress and it helped unite the congress
The Capitol Compromise
because the debt was assumed the other end of the compromise was that the capitol would be located in the Potomac to please Jefferson
National Bank
First bank of the United States
Wanted by Hamilton
Excise Tax
Paid for assumption and funding
Hamilon asked Congress to pass revenue act that established tarriffs on imported goods and imposed taxes on liquor and refined sugar
Washington's idea to stay out of foreign affairs
Jay's Treaty
Chief Justice Jay goes to Britain to try to try to have the British stop seizing the US ships and impressing US soldiers.
Returns with a treaty in which the British agree to evacuate the western frontier ports
Didn't agree to terms of original suggestions
Pinckney Treaty
Spain sees Jays treaty as the US becoming close to Britain so Pinckney makes treaty with Spain opening the Mississippi and New Orland Port to US trade. Floridas boundary set at the 31st parallel
Washington's Fair-well Address
Written by Hamilton
Warned nation against partisan politics and said to remain neutral
XYZ Affair
Jay's Treaty angered France which was at war with Great Britain at the time.
French seized many American ships headed for Britain
Many wanted war but instead Jefferson sent 3 diplomats over to France to negotiate but 3 French diplomats said before any negotiation happened they wanted money
When the 3 US diplomats returned home, jefferson released statement in which he referred to the French men as X, Y, and Z. thus how it got its name
Alien and Sedition Acts
President can deport and aliens that may be dangerous and can detain any enemy aliens in time of war
Made it illegal for media to criticize government
Georgia and Kentucky Acts
Anonymously written by Jefferson and Madison
Talked about the state's rights theory of government
Said alien and sedition acts were unconstitutional
Election of 1800
Adams lost to Jefferson and Burr
Goes to house of reps
Jefferson wins
Louisiana Purchase
15 million dollars for all of the mid north america.
Jefferson's reasons were because he didn't like the fact that France and Spain had potential to block the New Orleans Port
Manifest Destiny
Marburry vs. Madison
Marbury had been commissioned Justice of Peace by John Adams in Midnight appointments
His papers were never officially received and signed
Madison was appointed same position under Jefferson
SC ruled that position was Marbury's
This established the concept of Judicial Review (power for courts to determine actions unconstitutional)
Midnight Appointments
Adams on way out of presidency appointed 6 federal circuit courts and 16 new judges as well as many other government positions
Who was North America primarily peopled by in the early 1600s
The winter of 1609-10
the "starving time" when people ate acorns, ruits, fish, etc.
Nobody had populated or worked so their wasn't food
Martin Luther
Translated the bible from Latin to German and encouraged people to interpret bible for themselves
Got heavily involved in other people's busuinesses.
formed heavily watched communities
believed in strict rules and devotion to god
Anne Hutchinson
Arrested and executed for claiming that god had spoken to her
Stripped people nakey to demonstrate how god would strip men of desticntions and outward show
WIlliam Penn
Planned city of pennsylvania along grid pattern
King Philip's War
Colonists executed many indian prisoners
Treaty with Wampanog indians had lasted through 2 rulers and when King Philip became chief he revoked the treaty due to hostility and fees as well as other complaints
Bacon's Rebellion
White Virginians burned Jamestown to the ground
Berkley refused to allow americans to attack indians and instead wanted to play defesnve...organized a plan that would station americans along a border and wait for indians to attack
Americans knew this was retarded and Bacon led them in a revolt in which they attacked the Indians
American Colonies by year 1700
many indians had adopted european textiles, tools, crops and livestock
Effect of Britains new Navigation regulations
massachusetts sippers began smuggling and other efforts to evade new rules
governor Andros
tried to raise the fees and taxes without consent in 1689 in Boston
Result of Glorious Revolution
Elected assemblies became established as a central part of colonial government
French expansion in 16 and 1700s
French had ports along the Mississippi River
Colonists objected to Britaisn concept of virtual representation because:
it assumed that colonists wants and needs were the same as Britains
First Continental Congress Met to discuss
Intolerable Acts
Second Continental Congress began to meet in 1775 why:
It approved the olive branch petition
Northwest Ordinance
the conditions for government of western lands
Hamiltons Financial program was most beneficial to
eastern merchants
Notes on The State of VA
written by TJ
Said that nature had placed blacks under whites intelectually and otherwise
dasss right nigga
George Mason
VA declaration of Rights
Potowmack company
organized by GW in 1780s
formed for purpose of building canals to promote trade from east coast to Ohio
US constitution written in
constitutional convention held in
almost deadlocked over disagreement about proportionate versus equal
representation in congress
who objected the articles of confederation and why
maryland and it was because they didn't know who controlled territory in west
First state to ratify const?
Opponents of Constitutional ratification were known as
Federalists Papers written by
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay
Colonial Newspapers
1704 Boston Newsletter published as first newspaper, helped spread information more quickly, first form of media
Stono Rebellion
50 black slaves attacked 20 white masters in SC, number of slaves imported decreased
Great Awakening
1739-1741, new religious changes, redistributed religion throughout the colonies, colleges were founded. end of awakening most colonists were protestents. led to the fights against catholics in france
Physical Changes in colonial homes
new shape to the house, made of more durable woods, archetectual foundations for future americans
Cotton Mather
Scientist looking to understand the natural world, sent a book with facts from all sciences ex: astronomy, zoology. paved the way for science and suspersition to be able to become accepted
Sugar, Rum, Iron
Colonists leading exports goods
Colonial Birthrate
increasing, men could buy plots of land to settle, encouraged to marry young and have lots of children
Pony Express
method of carrying mail across to the west for a year and half, lost out to the transcontinental RR
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts, helped the south's econ., mass production and eventually the assembly line process
Cyrus McCormick
invented the reaper, could have farmers use horse drawn machines to cut 12 acres of wheat a day instead of cradle scythe
Steel Plow
Invented by John Deere double his protectivity
Samuel F.B. Morse's
Invented the telegraph to instantly communicate with each other over distance
Sewing Machine
Invented by Elias Howe in 1846 perfected by Singer gave another boost in textile industry
Lowell Factory System
new textile mills built, recruited young girls from countryside for labor, farm girls were good employees. when econ turned bad, they looked for the irish immigrants to work and the lowell system ended
National Road (Cumberland)
built in stages with $7 billion went from cumberland MD to Vandalia Illinois, imporant until 1850 with invention of canals, reailroads, and telegraph
Steamboat 1807
Robert Fulton invented with the Clermont, became more popular and better with nice cabins, bars, casinos etc/
Erie Canal
1817-1825 under Clinton 363 miles long, showed how enterprising americans could be, cut transportation wages, raised land values. less important in 1850 with production of RR
1830 with baltimore and ohio by 1860 more than 31,000 miles of track. funding came from outside countries, much of labor from Irish
relgious, denied jesus, god only in one person
2nd Great Awakening
opposition to deism, many people no longer were christain, spread westward, stengthened methodists and baptists
Impact of Revivalism and 2nd Great Awakening
Helped many secular reform movements ex. temperance, peace movement, abolition, education. appealed to women
Irish immigration
potato famine 1840s,
German Immigration
political, economical, social
Horace Mann
reformed the schools, extended school year to six months, raised teachers salaries, modernized ciriculam, normal schools for teachers training
Ten Hour Movement
1830s workers pushed for a ten hr. work day
men who drank a lot, 1851 maine first state to outlaw liquor
Legal Code Reforms
Reduction in crimes, punishable by death
Started by Quakers in PA, movement to abolish slavery, looked to abolish the slave trade, free the blacks, repeal the 3/5 compromise
Seneca Falls Convention
Mott and Stanton organized it, passed 12 resolutions except for the right to vote
Declaration of Sentiments
written by staton and mott who believed all mena nd women were created equal
Lucy Stone
reformer for womens rights, toured the country trying to help slaves, looked to help womens rights
Susan B. Anthony
social reformer for temperance, collaborated with Stanton
Elizabeth Blackwell
1st woman doctor
Gadsden Purchase
knit all the railroads together to complete transcontinental rr, paid $10 million for string in southern AZ
CA Gold Rush
1848-1849 on American river, large migrations, many became rich
Middle Passage
Transporting slaves from Africa to the Americas.
Triangle Trade
sugar, rum, slaves
1st established city in the colonies, 1st group of Africans traded for food
Slave Laws 1705
All servants imported and brought into the country who were not christians in their native country shall be slaves, blacks indians etc.
Frederick Douglass
son of slave, white slaveholder taught himself to read and write, wrote a book
Underground RR
Harriet Tubman, made 19 trips to south to help slaves escape
Gag Resolutions
House of Reps. automatically table any petitions to slavery
Book: Uncle Tom's Cabin
Written by Stowe show how bad slavery is, inspired by fugitive slave law
Know-Nothing Party
anti-catholic political organization, "i know nothing" about the organization about the details of their non-protestant organization
Trent Affair
Confederate officals sailing on the british ship the trent. England the world power demanded their release treathening war. Lincoln gave in.
Emancipation Proclamation
After the win at Antieam lincoln freed all slaves residing in territory in rebellion against the federal governement, actually freed few people,
Lee gambled and pursued te union army into northern soil. the tide of war turned against the south as the conferates were defeated ay the three day battle of gettysburg in Pa. made a speech after called Gettysburg address
Freedman's Bureau
the agency provided food, medical supplies for needy blacks and some whites, hospitals are made in the south, made black colleges, confederate official seized and distributed
John Wilkes Booth
shot lincoln
Wade-Davis Bill
congressional plan for reconstruction that provided for military governors to rule southern states and a majority of the citizens would be required to take the loyalty oath. lincoln pocketed the bill
Johnson's Plan
Follow lincoln. 13th amendement adopted, get rid of confed. war debt
Radical Republicans
Stevens, Sumner, Wade, Butler, advocated the enlistment of blacks, "hard peace" for confeds
Joint Committee
6 senators 9 congressmen who refused to accept johnson's actions
Black Codes
bind the freedman to the land, common elements that appeared in many codes, defining race by blood and the presence of any amount of black blood made one black, cant teach to read or write
14th amendment
protected rights against state infringements, defined citizenship prohibited states from interfering with privileges and immunities, required due process and equal protection of the laws
1st Reconstruction Act
provided for the organization of loyal governments in all former confederate states tenn, 14th amendment, the military commander was responsible for seeing that each state
founded in Tennessee in 1866 white supremacy intimidating the blacks
Congress Controls for the President
give congress control over the executive branch, army appropriations ac limited the president's powers as commander in chief
Tenure of Office Act
passed to stop the president from controlling his cabinet by making it illegal to remove a cabinet official before a presidential term had expired. laws were passed that limited the supreme court's appellate jurisdiction
Teddii Roosie
trust busting
promises to stay out of euro affairs, whole ww1 person
Open Door Policy
U.S. proposes for china to be a free trade zone, could trade any part along china
Teapot Domee
pro business
great depression starts, didnt do anything about it, not much help. pres became primary figure, more reliable on figure than courts
End WWII, dropping atomic bomb, desegregation of army
war hero. cold war. expands new deal, social security, houses, health services, h-bomb
helped poor, war on poverty
changed back to normalcy, vietnam, social movements, detente, watergate. less reliable on federal government, gave states more power. appealed to silent majority, got southern support by slowing down desegregation process, played off communist china vs. communist russia,
pardons Nixon, disliked because of it
restore credibility to the nation, economy called reganomics if you helped big corporations wealth with trickle down, re-invest in economy, didnt want labor unions because he wanted to reopen competition, cold war ending, soviet union falls
U.S. policy of detente ended when?
Soviet invaded Afgan
What defines pres. johnson's policy in vietnam
gradual military escalation to force n. vietnam to negotiate
Tet Offensive
U.S. started not supporting war in vietnam
What religion were the founding fathers
strategic arms limitation treaties
Jacksonian Democracy
universal male suffrage (did this by getting rid of property restrictions for males), rotation in office, spoils system, let parties put ppl. in office, more elected officials instead of appt. officials, durin prez the charter for national bank had to be renewed but he refused b.c it helped out wealthy and NOT common man, hated public education bc it was for wealthy to
Nullification Crisis
Calhoun and SC threatened to nullify the tariff of 1828 that jack supported, increase tariffs, farmers would suffer so jackson sends military to SC and convinces congress to not make tariffs too high,
VA KY accords
jefferson and madison wrote it, didnt like adam's alien and sedition acts unconst. wanted power, and believed they had the right to nullify them (void)
Cherokees and Jackson
cherokee indians in GA supreme court case, Wooster v GA ruled laws of GA that it was GA land didnt apply to cherokees, GA pissed disagreed with court ruled, jackson didnt agree had to uphold supreme court rulings, went against lead to trail of tears
New Deal
expands social and scope of federal government, immediate action, alphabet soup, relief direct aid, reform changes the system, recovery benefit econ and business.
Important Alphabet Soups
TVA tennesse valley ass. gov't getting involved in usage of power, FDIC banks insure money, PWA public works opened up jobs, social security expanded
farmers like expansion of silver, nationalize RR, make gov't take control of it taking advantage of powers
political progressives, secret ballots, professional banishment of cities, recall corrupt officials
social reformers, women's rights, better labor conditions, and living conditions
The Feminine Mystique
written by Betty Freidan (1963)
Era of Good Feeling
described good time period of Monroe's two terms, only one political party nat'l republicans, gov't not as involved working lazzie-faire, lots of monieeeee
Growth of Suburbia
Hoover pres. ppl went to cities instead of farms, switched to industries, blacks migrated to the north
buying things in the 20s b/c stock market doing well, extra money to spend, innovative inventions, wanted to buy the new things
Smoot-Hawley Tariff 1935
highest us tariff ever been, good for small business limited competitors
Doctor Francis Townsend
Social Security, believed elders thanked for hard work, pensions should be made for others
Huey Long/Share our wealth
FDR competitor, wanted to revolt against big business, believed in redistribution of wealth
Inventions of the 1920s
Panam traveled weekly acorss atlantic
Refig kept things cold, could store food now
Model T car
Immigration laws of 1920
Congress put limit on amount of people could enter
Andrew Carnige
believed trade did not follow flag, believed way to do trade with other nations was to make them cheaper, steal
Union Pacific RR
1869 joined central pacific line at utah, formed 1st transRR.
Southern Industry Late 1800s
inexpensive labor available
Hierarchal Management Techniques pioneered in US by?
RR corps
Bonanza Farmz
large scale, mechanize corporate farms, held by absentee farmers
Midwestern granger laws 1870s created state railway comissions whose main purpose was to
investigate unfair disparities and set reasonable rates
John Rockafellaaa
Owner of Standard Oil, massive oil trust
Knights of Labor
advocated 8 hr work day, equal pay for equal work for men and women, and public ownership of banking and transportation
American Federation of Labor
umbrella organization of nat'l craft unions
Pulman Strike of 1894
sat on tracks refused to build pullman trollies until wages increased or rent put down
1900 how many states had full womans stuffrage
Nat'l Grange of Patrons of Husbandry
1867 political influence in midwest to help pass laws regulating rr's and grane elavators
Farmer's Alliances
supported government control of transport and communication creation of govt sponsered sub treasuries and direct election of us senators
northeastern republicans who wanted to see federal imployment based on merit
william jennings bryans famous speech at 1896 convention
Gold Cross free coinage of silver
Hay Market Square Riot
anarchist protestors threw a bomb that killed police trying to break up a fight
arguments for giving women right to vote
be useful to offset votes of poor immigrants and AA men
WHo were Progressives in terms of class and interests
middle class reformers concerned with urban and consumer issues
Dorthia Dix
mental health
Three women for womens rights
soujourner truth, susan b anthony, elizabeth b stanton
what did horace mann participate in during the 2nd GA
an educated society is more effective
Cult of domestication
womens proper place in society is at home
Panic of 1819
end of era of good feeling
who enhabited the chesapeake when the colonies were first being formed......

SIngle men who were endentured servants
granger laws
laws proposed to regulate rates of freight trains
Main point to the Louisiana Purchase
Mississippi River access and expand land avaliable to farmers
The Know Nothing Party

anti-immigrants, anti-catholics, very racist
Colony Leaders:
John Winthrop
Lord Baltimore
In colonization years dutch are always linked with..
In colonization years French are always linked with
Trade with Native Americans
Wilmont Proviso
Compromise 1850
Kansas NE ACts
W.M.P- not passed. essencially all it does is bring popular sovergnty issue to front burners

C. 1850- popular soverignty in all of the states acquired from mexico, CA free state, eliminates slave trade in DC, annex TX and absorb its debt

KS NE Acts: Divides KS and NE and gives them both popular soverignty...leads to bleeding KS
Bleeding KS
KS population wants free and slave. mass arrival of people into state to make it what they want. ends up being slave states
Ostend Manifesto
After Mexican war
Cuba will have to do everything by itself
US will not truly get involved in business
if and when slavery is added its going to be a slave state
MExican War Ended in....which did...
Treaty of Guataloupe Hidalgo which said that we acquiew CA, TX, UT etc.
Teller Amendment
Lets Cuba do its own thing without US involvement
Platt Amendment
cuba not allowed to make treaties with other nations, gives US some land, US allowed to get involved in internal affairs, got military bases
National Labor Union
8 hour work day for federal employees
Knights of Labor
Open membership for almost anyone, fought for 8 hour work day and increase wages, did not really have anything to do with working conditions, used negotiations not strikes
Haymarket Bombings
Anarchists at peaceful demonstrations who decided to throw bombs. never decided who did it. suspects were hung
American Federal Labor
confederation of local skilled workers
reaganomics, hard on communism,
truman doctorine- assistance to anyone who wants democracy
JFK 60-63
Debates with Nixon
New Fronteir- expand C.C, Research, Space Program, continue containment
Cuban Missle Crisis-soviets sending nuclear missles to cuba near USA. almost a war
LBJ 63-68
Southern liberal from texas
most liberal president of times
Great Society- expansion of welfare, medicare and medicaide, federal CR administration, federal assistance with busing, war on poverty,
Tonkin Golf Rez
Tet Offensive
Peace movement/ student protests
Tonkin Gulf Rez
Allows president to do whatever he wants militarily essencially in order to protect US...escalates war
Tet Offensive
turning point
not military loss
more NV killed than SV
advised johnson no way to win