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40 Cards in this Set

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Clavicles and a scapula are components of what?

Pectoral/Shoulder girdle

Where do the clavicles articulates with the sternum?

At the SC joint?

Where does the clavicles articulate with the scapula?

At the AC joint

What is located on the dorsal surface of the scapula?

Supraspinous Fossa

What is located on the ventral surface of the scapula?

Subscapular Fossa

The thin edge near the vertebral column

Medial/Vertebral border

What is the anterior depression on the distal end of humerous when the forearm is flexed

Coronoid Fossa

What is it when the distal end of the radius articulates distals ends of the wrist bones?

Carpal Facet

What is located on proximal end of the ulna? How about the distal?

Coronoid and olecranon. Styloid

What is the arm from the elbow to the wrist known as?


Proximal Row

(Some Lovers Try Positions) Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform

Another word for thumb


How many bones in the right of each lower and upper extremity?


The greater sciatic notch is located below what?


What is the largest division of the coxal bone?


What is the smallest division of the coxal bone?


What is the large foramen formed by the ischium and pubis?

Obturator foramen

The intertrochanteric crest is on which surface of the proximal femur?


The patella bone develops in the tendon of what muscle?

Quadricep femoris

The intercondylar eminence provide attachment for the what?


The medial malleolus is a rounded projection on the what?


What is the only ankle bone the articulates with both the tibia and fibula?


What is the largest and strongest tarsal bone?

Calcaneus (Heel)

What is the proximal end of the metatarsal bone called?


The great toe is also known as what?


Flatfoot is the collapse of which arch?


How many phalanges are in the body? How many in each foot/hand?

56. 14.

An exaggeration of the forward lumbar curve that is caused by obesity or pregnancy is known as what?


A lateral bending of the vertebral column is known as what?


A condition found in older females which bone resorption outpaces bone formation?


Risk factors of osteoporosis include what?

Endocrine dysfunction, poor calcium metoabolism, body type/gender/race, lack of exercise, drugs, family history

Which end is the head of the radius?

Proximal end

The head of the ulna is on which end?


A partial fracture in one side of the bone while the other side bends that happens in children is known as what?

Green stick

A fracture to L4 and L5 with a forward slippage due to continued trauma and degeneration of the IVD?


Calve-Legg-Perthes disease affects the epiphysis of what?

Femoral head

Osgood-Schlatter's disease affects the epiphysis of the what?

Tibial tubercle

Scurvy is the lack of what?

Vitamin C

Rickets is the lack of what?

Vitamin D

A congenital defect of the vertebral column in which the laminae fail to unite at the midline, exposing cord and meninges?

Spina Bifida