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37 Cards in this Set

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand

-heir to Austrian throne

-assassinated on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo by Serbians, sparking World War I

-caused Germany and allies to declare war on Serbia


-Administrative center of Bosnia (part of Austrian Empire)

-assassination of Ferdinand and wife here in 1914 started World War I

Western Front

-Front established from Belgium to Switzerland during WWI

-featured trench warfare, which led to terrible death tolls and casualties on both sides

-Paris saved as a result

Nicholas II

-last czar of Russia

-lost power in 1917 and murdered in 1918 with his family

-Regarded as a decent man but was weak and ineffective

-loses to revolutionaries, eventually leading to formation of USSR


-Peninsula south of Istanbul

-decisive 1915 Turkish victory over Australian and New Zealand forces under British command during World War I.

-significant defeat in British plans to regain power in middle easy

Armenian Genocide

-1915 assault by mainly Turkish military against Armenians living in Anatolia

-1000000+ Armenians perished, with thousands leaving to Russia and the Middle East.

-Attempt for young turks to take back power and change global perception

Eastern Front

-extremely mobile front

-lacked trench warfare because of length of the front, which went from Baltic states to Russia

-few initial successes, but military defeats led to downfall of tsar in Russia.

Georges Clemenceau

French prime minister aka "the Tiger"

-wanted to punish Germany by reducing its army

-let French troops occupy Rhineland until Germany had paid reparations.

David Lloyd George

-Prime minister of Great Britain

-Headed a coalition government

-British rep at the Paris Peace Conference. Pushed for a revenge-based treaty at Versailles, hampering the 14 points.

Self determination

-Woodrow Wilson called for national independence from colonial rule pre-Versailles

-encouraged by colonial areas in Asia and Africa until they discovered Wilson intended his rhetoric only for Europe.

League of Nations

-precursor to UN created in the Treaty of Versailles

-one of the chief goals of Wilson in the peace negotiations

-USA was never a member

National Congress Party

-Grew from regional associations of educated Indians

-originally focused in Bombay, Poona, Calcutta, and Madras

-became political party in 1885

-focus of Indian nationalist movement and governed through most of postcolonial period

B.G. Tilak

Believed that nationalism in India should be based on appeals to Hindu religiosity; worked to promote the restoration and revival of ancient Hindu traditions; offended Muslims and other religious groups; first populist leader in India

Mohandas Ghandi
Led sustained all-India campaign for independence from British Empire after World War I. Stressed nonviolent but aggressive mass protest.

Morley-Minto Reforms

Provided educated Indians with considerably expanded opportunities to elect and serve on local and all-India legislative councils.
Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
Increased the powers of Indian legislators at the all-India level and placed much of the provincial administration of India under local ministries controlled by legislative bodies with substantial number of elected Indians; passed in 1919.
Rowlatt Act
Placed severe restrictions on key Indian civil rights such as freedom of the press; acted to offset the concessions granted under Montagu-Chelmsford reforms of 1919, Allowed the British ruling government to jail any protester without trial for a maximum of two years.

Lord Cromer

British proconsul in khedival Egypt from1883 to 1907; pushed for economic reforms that reduced but failed to eliminate the debts of the khedival regime
Literally, truth-force; strategy of nonviolent protest developed by Mohandas Gandhi and his followers in India; later deployed throughout the colonized world and in the United States
Class of prosperous business and professional urban families in khedival Egypt; as a class generally favored Egyptian independence.

Dinshawai Incident

Clash between British soldiers and Egyptian villagers in 1906; arose over hunting accident along Nile River where wife of prayer leader of mosque was accidentally shot by army officers hunting pigeons; led to Egyptian protest movement
Also known as Mustafa Kemal; leader of Turkish republic formed in 1923; reformed Turkish nation using Western models
Sherif of Mecca from 1908 to 1917; used British promise of independence to convince Arabs to support Britain against the Turks in World War I; angered by Britain's failure to keep promise; died 1931.
Governments entrusted to European nations in the Middle East in the aftermath of World War I; Britain occupied these in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine after 1922.
members of a movement known as Zionism, founded to promote the establishment of an independent Jewish state
Theodor Herzl
Hungarian-born, Jewish journalist. Expressed a new sense of Jewish identity. Witnessed the Dreyfus affair and all the virulent anti-Semitism it brought to the surface. This stimulated him to found the Zionist movement which sought a Palestinian homeland. The First International Jewish Congress was held in Basel in 1897.
Balfour Declaration
Statement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917 favoring the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.
Leon Pinsker
European Zionist who believed that Jewish assimilation into christian European nations was impossible; argued for return to Middle Eastern Holy Land
World Zionist Organization
Formed by HERZL and other prominent European Jewish leaders to promote Jewish migration to Palestine in advance of the creation of a Zionist state in Palestine
Wafd Party
Egyptian nationalist party that emerged after an Egyptian delegation was refused a hearing at the Versailles treaty negotiations following World War I; led by Sa'd Zaghlul; negotiations eventually led to limited Egyptian independence beginning in 1922.
Alfred Dreyfus
French officer and Jew who was falsely accused of spying for Germany in the late 19th century; his mistreatment spurred Herzl and other Zionists to increase their call for a Jewish homeland.
Sa'd Zaghlul
Leader of Egypts nationalist Wafd party; their negotiations w/ British led to limited Egyptian indep. in 1922, however British gov't told him to stop and was eventually exiled.
Marcus Garvey
African American leader during the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa.
W.E.B Du Bois
First African-American to recieve a doctorate. America's foremost black intellectual at the turn of the twentieth century, and an outspoken leader of the black cause. He disagreed with Booker T. Washington's accommodationist posture and called upon blacks to insist on equal rights. He was a founder of the NAACP and editor of its journal, "The Crisis."
Organization that brought together intellectuals and political leaders from areas of Africa and African diaspora before and after World War I
Literary movement in Africa; attempted to combat racial stereotypes of African culture; celebrated the beauty of black skin and African physique; associated with origins of African nationalist movements.
Leopold Sedar Senghor
One of the post-World War I writers of the negritude literary movement that urged pride in African values; president of Senegal from 1960 to 1980.