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41 Cards in this Set

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Mexican Revolution
10 yr period, ousting of Porfino Diaz from pwr. Opposition forces led by Panchno Villa and Emilio Zapata
What were some causes of the Mexican Revolution?
Disruption of traditional markets for LA; forced 2 rely on themselves
Porfino Diaz
1876 president of Mexico for 35 yrs; strong central gov
What was eco, pol, and soc under Diaz?
Eco -> mining, railroads, foreign ctrlld
Pol -> was corrupt; opposition stifled
Soc -> rebels protesting jobs were repressed
Francisco Madero
Ran against Diaz when he got old. Diaz arrested him, held a rigged electon, and regained pwr. Madero called a for a revolt after his release. His moderate policies could not solve Mexico's soc probs. Assassinated in 1913
Pancho Villa
Mexican revolutionary in the North who led a group of unhappy civilians
Emiliano Zapata
Mexican revolutionary in the South (Morelos); led peasant guerrilla movement for land reform
Victoriano Huerta
Attempted to create a dictatorship supported by large landowners, army, and foreign companies. Forced from pwr in 1914 by Villa and Zapata
What happened as a result of Huerta losing office?
Political chaos, followed by US intervention. Alvaro Obregon emerged as the new leader to solve MANY probs
Alvaro Obregon
1915 -> became leader of Mexican gov
1920 -> elected president
Mexican Constitution of 1917
Formal end of Mexican Revolution. Promised land reform (slow to manifest), limited foreign ownership, guaranteed workers rights, restricted church ownership of property, rural edu
What did these reforms try to achieve subconsciously?
Get back to American Indian roots. Achieved by: secular nationalistic schools, etc.
How was Marxist socialism evident during these reforms?
Secularization. This was met with strong church opposition
Conservative peasant movement during 1920s. Tried to curb secularization, often turning to violence
Why did the US intervene with Mexico's revolution?
Desire for order, fear of German influence, and eco interests
What was Mexico's theoretical "one political party"?
Party of the Institutionalized Revolution (PRI)
What spurred a rev in Russia?
Food shortages and wartime misery that led to food riots and strikes. Peasants demanded new pol regime
Who prevailed in the chaos?
A worker group (soviet) took over city gov and arrested the tsar
Alexander Kerensky
1917 Russian Rev -> Liberal rev leader who wanted parliament and rel freedom (although liberalism was not high [low middle class])
What problems did the Bolsheviks have once gaining pwr?
In Treaty of Versailles, some of Russia's conquered territory was given 2 make Poland. Also the Bolsheviks weren't the major pol party
What did Lenin do to advance his pol party?
Shut down the parliament created by the Social Revolutionary Party and created the Congress of Soviets in its place (Bolshevik run)
What effects of Communism prevailing were evident?
Foreign hostility -> nations were appalled and intervened. Domestic resistance -> bloody internal civil war
What were causes of the Russian civil war of 1918-1921?
Against communist regime, Landed peasant resented loss of land 2 give 2 less fortunate. Industrial nationalism disrupted manufacturing. Famine + unemployment => workers revolt
Red Army
Military constructed under Lenin. Used people of humble background
New Economic Policy
1921 -> state sat basic eco policies, freedom for small businesses and peasant landowners
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
1923 -1991 -> Federal system of various socialist ethnic groups in Russia; ctrld by Communists
What else did Communists in Russia create for the people?
Youth movements and women groups, inc edu of communism
Made communism more nationalistic. Ended Comiterns and began collectivization, 5 yr plans. Anti-Western (Socialism in one country), killed opponents
Intl USSR office to spread communism thru Europe
Large state run farms to ctrl peasants
Yuan Shikai
Warlord in China after fall of Qing dynasty. 1912 -> became pres (received from Sun Yatsen) 1916 -> resigned from not fighting against Japanese invasion
What groups were fighting for pwr in post- Qing China?
Military commanders organized into cliques, coastal city bankers and merchants, secret societies, and JAPAN
May Fourth movement
1919 -> Intellectuals tried to transform China into a liberal democracy and rejected Confucianism
Li Dazhao
Called for a reworking of Marxist ideas to fit China's circumstances
Mao Zedong
A student of Li. Communist leader in China. Advocated rural reform and role of peasants in Nationalist movement
Chinese nationalist party. Forged alliances with key social groups (Communists) and created army
What were Sun's intentions once in pwr?
Unify China under a central gov, ctrl imperialistic intruders, and introduce soc reforms for the peasants. Got support from urban merchants
What did the Nationalist party focus on?
Pol only, neglected highly needed soc-land reform
Whampoa Military Academy
1924 -> military wing of Guomindang
Chiang Kaishek
First head of WMA; became master of China during 1920s, but was defeated by Communists after WWII
Long March
1934 -> Est Mao as head of Communist China, during Civil War of Nationalists and Communists