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74 Cards in this Set

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Great Depression
international economic crisis following WWI; began with collapse of American stock market in 1929; actual causes included collapse of agricultural prices in the 1920s; included collapse of banking houses in the US and western Europe, massive unemployment; contradicted optimistic assumptions of 19th century
Socialism in one country
Joseph Stalin's concept of Russian communism, based solely on the Soviet Union rather than the Leninist concept of internal revolution; by cutting off the Soviet Union from other economies, the USSR avoided worst consequences of the Great Depression
Popular Front
combination of socialist and communist political parties in France; won election in 1936; unable to take strong measures of social reform because of continuing strength of conservatives; fell from power in 1938
The New Deal
-in the US, the gov. offered direct aid to Americans in economic trouble in the form of the New Deal
-the social security system, government economic intervention and agricultural planning, and banking regulations were all attempts to recover from the depression
-most importantly for the Americans, restored confidence in the economy and in the gov.
-established a path for future govs, between the ineffectiveness of the English and French and extremism of the Italians, Germans, and Spanish
Totalitarian state
-a new kind of gov. in the 20th century that exercised massive, direct control over virtually all the activities of its subjects; existed in Germany, Italy, and Soviet Union; Hitler created a state replete with a secret police, purges of the opposition, strident nationalism, and an incessant attack on Germany;s large Jewish minority
secret police in Nazi Germany, known for brutal tactics
Hitler's union of Germany with the German-speaking population of Austria; took places in 1938, despite complaints of other European nations
policy of Neville Chamberlain, British Prime minister who hoped to preserve peace in the face of German aggression, particularly applied to Munich Conference agreement; failed when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939
Spanish Civil War
was fought between those favoring a parliamentary republic and those who wanted Fascism from 1936 to 1939; Germany and Italy supported the royalists or fascists; the Soviet Union supported the republicans, with help from Germany and Italy and with only verbal opposition from France, Britain,, and the US., the Fascists won
Import substitution industrialization
typical of Latin American economies; domestic population of goods during the 20th century that had previously been imported; led to light industrialization
economic and political system based on the organization of labor; imported in Latin America from European political movements; militant force in Latin American politics
Tragic Week
occured in Argentina in 1919; government response to general strike of labor forces led to brutal repression under guise of nationalism
political ideology with its roots in Fascism that emphasized the organic nature of society and made the state a mediator, adjusting the interests of different social groups; appealed to conservative groups of European and Latin American societies and to the military
Lazaro Cardenas (1934- 1940)
president of Mexico who was responsible for redistribution of land, primarily to create ejidos, or communal farms; also began a program of primary and rural education
Getulio Vargas (1872- 1954)
elected President of Brazil in 1929; launched centralized political program by imposing federal administrators over state govs,; held off coups by communists in 1935 and fascists in 1937; established a corporatist regime in Brazil modeled on Mussolini's Italy, but he backed the Allies in WWII; leaned to communists after 1949; after he committed suicide in 1954, Brazil began to struggle
Juan D. Peron
emerged as the leader of a military-style government in Argentina and forged an alliance with workers and industrialists at the expense of civil liberties
-His program was couched in nationalistic terms, taking control of foreign- owned railroad and oil resources, but Argentina's economy faltered anyway
-He was exiled but returned briefly to power in the 1970s
-After his death, the military took control again
Five- year plans
-Stalin's plans to hasten industrialization of USSR; constructed massive factories in metallurgy, mining, and electric power; led to massive state- planned industrialization at cost of availability of consumer products
Socialist Realism
attempt of Joseph Stalin with the USSR to relate formal culture to the masses in order to avoid the adoption of western European cultural forms; fundamental method of Soviet fiction, art, and literary criticism
executive committee of the Soviet Communist party (20 members) who sycophantically followed Stalin's lead
National Socialist Party (Nazi)
-led by Adolf Hitler in Germany; picked up political support during the economic chaos of the Great Depression; advocated authoritarian state under a single leader, aggressive foreign policy to reverse humiliation of the Versailles treaty; took power in Germany in 1933
German term for lighting warfare; involved rapid movement of troops, tanks, and mechanized carriers; resulted in early German victories over Belgium, Holland, and France in WWII.
Winston Churchhill
British prime minister during WWII; responsible for British resistance to German air assaults
Battle of Britain
the 1940 Nazi air offensive including saturation bombing of London and other British cities, countered by British innovative air tactics and radar tracking of German assault aircraft
term for Hitler's attempted genocide of European Jews during WWII; resulted in deaths of 6 million Jews
Battle of the Bulge
Hitler's last ditch effort to repel the invading Allied armies in the winter of 1944-45
Pearl Harbor
American naval base in Hawaii; attack by Japanese on this facility in December 1941 crippled American fleet in the Pacific and caused entry of US into WWII
Battle of the Coral Sea
-World War II Pacific battle; US and Japanese forces fought to a standoff
Midway Island
the WWII Pacific battle; decisive US victory over powerful Japanese carrier force
United Nations (*when was it formed?)
formed in the aftermath of WWII; included all of the victorious Allies
Tehran Conference
meeting among leaders of the US, Britain, and the Soviet Union in 1943; agreed to the opening of a new front in France
Yalta Conference
meeting among leaders of the US, Britain, and the Soviet Union in 1945; agreed to Soviet entry into the Pacific War in return for possessions in Manchuria, organization of the United Nations; disputed the division of political organization in the eastern European states to be reestablished after the war
meeting among leaders of the US, Britain, and the Soviet union just before the end of WWII in 1945; Allies agreed upon Soviet domination in eastern Europe;Germany and Austria to be divided among victorious allies
Atlantic Charter of 1941
WWII alliance agreement between the US and Britain; included a clause that recognized the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live; indicated sympathy for decolonization
Quit India Movement
mass civil disobedience campaign that began in the summer of 1942 to end British control of India
Muslim League
founded in 1906 to better support demands of Muslims for separate electrorates and legislative seats in Hindu- dominated India; represented division within India nationalist movement
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Muslim nationalist in India; originally a member of the National Congress Party; became leader of Muslim League; traded Muslim support for British during WWII for promises of a separate Muslim state after the war; first president of Pakistan
Convention Peoples' Party
political party established by Kwame Nkrumah in opposition to British control of colonial legislature in Gold Coast
Jomo Kenyatta
leader of the nonviolent nationalist party in Kenya; organized the Kenya African Union; failed to win concessions because of resistance of white settlers; came to power only after suppression of the Land Freedom Army, or Mau Mau
Kenya African Union
leading nationalist party in Kenya; adopted nonviolent approach to ending British control in the 1950s
Land Freedom Army
radical organization for independence in Kenya; frustrated by failure of nonviolent means, initiated the campaign of terror in 1952; referred to British as the Mau Mau
National Liberation Front
radical nationalist in Algeria; launched sustained guerilla war against France in the 1950s; success of attacks led to independence of Algeria in 1958
Secret Army Organization
organization of French settlers in Algeria- led to guerilla war following independence during the 1960s; assaults directed against Arabs, Berbers, and French who advocated independence
Afrikaner Nationalist Party
emerged as the majority party in the all- white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system of racial segregation called apartheid
policy of strict racial segregation imposed in South Africa to permit the continued dominance of whites politically and economically
Zionist military force engaged in violent resistance to British presence in Palestine in the 1940s
Kellogg Briand Pact
a treaty coauthored by American and French leaders in 1928; in principle outlawed war forever; ratified subsequently by other nations
cubist movement
20th century art style; best represented by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso; rendered familiar objects as geometrical shapes
Benito Mussolini
Italian fascist leader after WWI; created first fascist government based on aggressive foreign policy and new nationalist glories
political philosophy that became predominant in Italy and then Germany during the 1920s and 1930s; attacked weakness of democracy, corruption of capitalism; promised vigorous foreign and military programs; undertook state control of economy to reduce social friction
Porifirio Diaz
one of Juarez' generals; elected president of Mexico in 1876; dominated Mexican politics for 35 years; imposed strong central government
Francisco Madero
moderate democratic reformer in Mexico; proposed moderate reforms in 1910; arrested by Porfirio Diaz; initiated revolution against Diaz when released from prison; temporarily gained power, but removed and assassinated in 1913
Pancho Villa
Mexican revolutionary and military commander in northern Mexico during the Mexican Revolution; succeeded along with Emiliano Zapata in removing Diaz from power; also participated in campaigns that removed Madero and Huerta
Emiliano Zapata
Mexican revolutionary and military commander of peasant guerilla movement after 1910 centered in Morelos; succeeded along with Pancho Villa in removing Diaz from power; also participated in campaigns that removed Madero and Huerta; demanded sweeping land reform
Victoriano Huerta
attempted to reestablish centralized dictatorship in Mexico following the removal of Madero in 1913; forced from power in 1914 by Villa and Zapata
Alvaro Obregon
emerged as a leader of the Mexican governement in 1915; elected president in 1920
Mexican Constitution of 1917
promised land reform, limited foreign ownership of key resources, guaranteed the rights of workers, and placed restrictions on clerical education; marked formal end of Mexican Revolution
Diego Rivera
Mexican artist of the period after the Mexican Revolution; famous for murals painted on walls of public buildings; mixed romantic images of the Indian past with Christian symbols and Marxist ideology
Jose Clemente Orozco
Mexican muralist of the period after the Mexican Revolution; like Rivera's, his work featured romantic images of the Indian past with Christian symbols and Marxist ideology
conservative peasant movement in Mexico during the 1920s; most active in central Mexico; attempted to halt slide toward secularism; movement resulted in armed violence
Red Army
military organization constructed under leadership of Leon Trotsy, Bolshevik follower of Lenin; made use of people of humble background
New Economic Policy
initiated by Lenin in 1921; state continued to set basic economic policies, but efforts were now combined with individual initiative; policy allowed food production to recover
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
federal system of socialist republics established in 1923 in various ethnic regions of Russia; firmly controlled by Communist party; diminished nationalities protest under Bolsheviks; dissolved 1991
Supreme Soviet
parliament of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; elected by universal suffrage; actually controlled by Communist party; served to ratify party decisions
successor to Lenin as head of the USSR; strongly nationalist view of communism; represented anti- Western strain of Russian tradition; crushed opposition to his rule; established series of five year plans to replace New Economic Policy; fostered agricultural collectivization; led USSR through WWII; furthered cold war with western Europe and the US; died in 1953
international office of communism under USSR dominance established to encourage the formation of Communist parties in Europe and elsewhere
creation of large, state-run farms rather than individual holdings; allowed more efficient control over peasants, though often lowered food production; part of Stalin's economic political planning; often adopted in other communist regimes
Yuan Shikai
warlord in northern China after fall of Qing dynasty; hoped to seize imperial throne; president of China after 1912; resigned in the face of Japanese invasion in 1916
May Fourth Movement
resistance to Japanese encroachments in China began on this date in 1919; spawned movement of intellectuals aimed at transforming China into a liberal democracy; rejected Confucianism
Li Dazhao
Chinese intellectual who gave serious attention to Marxist philosophy;headed study circle at the University of Beijing; saw peasants as vanguard of revolutionary communism in China
Mao Zedong
communist leader in revolutionary China; advocated rural reform and role of peasantry in Nationalist revolution; influenced by Li Dazhao; led Communist reaction against Guomindang purges in 1920s, culminating in Long March of 1934; seized control of all of mainland China by 1949; initiated Great Leap Forward in 1958
Chinese Nationalist party founded by Sun Yat- sen in 1919; drew support from local warlords and Chinese criminal underworld; initially forged alliance with Communists in 1924; dominated by Chiang Kai- shek after 1925
Whampoa Military Academy
founded in 1924; military wing of the Guomindang; first head of the academy was Chiang Kai- shek
Chiang Kaishek
a military officer who succeeded Sun Yat-sen as the leader of the Guomindang or Nationalist party in China in the mid 1920s; became the most powerful leader in China in the early 1930s, but his Nationalist forces were defeated and driven from China by the Communists after WWII
Long March
Communist escape from Hunan province during civil war with Guomindang in 1934; center of Communist power moved to Shaanxi province; firmly established Mao Zedong as head of the Communist party in China