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18 Cards in this Set

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John Calvin
John Calvin was responsible for founding Calvinism, which reformed Catholicism. He writes about it in "Institutes of a christian Religion."
Anne Hutchinson
A religious dissenter whose ideas provoked an intense religious and political crisis in the Massachusetts Bay Colony between 1636-1638. Her beliefs became known as Antinomianism, a belief that Chrsitians are not bound by moral law.
Roger Williams
Banished from the Mass. bay Colony for challenging Puritan ideas. Established Rhode Island.
Henry Hudson
Discovered what today is known as the Hudson River. Sailed for the Dutch even though he was originally from England.
William Penn
English Quaker; "Holy Experiment". Persecuted because he was a Quaker.
Advertised PA colony
Sir Edmond Andros
Head of the Dominion of New England in 1686; militaristic, disliked by the colonists because of his affiliation with the Church of England. Changed many aspects of colonial life. Tried to flee America after the Glorious Revolution but was caught and sent to England.
Primary idea behind Calvinism; states that salvation or damnation are foreordained and unalterable
"Visible saints"
Religious belief developed by Calvin held that certain number of people were predestined to go to heaven to God.
Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Revolution was a religious revolution during the 16th century. ended the supremacy of the Catholic Church and resulted in the establishment of Protestantism.
Separatists; left Holland on the Mayflower in 1620 and landed in Massachusetts at Plymouth Rock.
New England Confederation
Union of 4 colonies consisting of the 2 MA colonies (Bay and Plymouth) and the 2 CT colonies in 1643. The purpose was to defend against enemies and prevent intercolonial problems.
Massachusetts Bay Colony
One of the first settlements in New England; established as major Puritan colony. Major trading center.
Dominion of New England
1686, New England, w/NY and NJ, consolidated under royal authority--James II. Charters and self-rule revoked, the king enforced mercantile laws. New setup made for more efficient administration of the English Navagation Laws. Removed in 1688 in Glorious Revolution.
Navigation Laws
1660's England restricted the colonies; they couldn't trade w/other countries.
The Puritans
Group of religious reformists who wanted to "purify" the Anglican Church. First began to leave England in 1608. Est. Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Pilgrims that started out in Holland in the 1620's who traveled over the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower. They were the most extreme Pilgrims existing, wanting to create an entirely new religious system rather than purify it.
Belief in the equality of all peoples and resist the military.
Mayflower Compact
1620: agreement made by Mayflower Separatists to form a government when they arrived in the New World