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15 Cards in this Set

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dedicated Puritans; separated from the Church of England; believed in only allowing "visible saints" into the church; Protestant; Pilgrims; Mayflower; 1620; founded Plymouth Bay
William Bradford
self-taught scholar; read many languages; chosen as governor 30 times; Pilgrim leader; feared for non Puritan values
Massachusetts Bay Company
formed by non-Separatist Puritans in 1629 after receiving a royal charter; Boston becomes hub; separated from the impurities of the church of England; first governed by John Winthrop; the biggest and most influential of New England outposts
"against the law"; exhibited by Anne Hutchinson as she claimed that there was no need to obey laws because predestination will take place no matter what
Roger Williams
a salem minister; extreme Separatist; "new and dangerous opinions" led to banishment from the Bay Colony; started Rhode Island; built the first Baptist Church in RI; established complete freedom of religion; sheltered Quakers
Fundamental Orders
a modern constitution; established a democratic regime; ideas were borrowed by Connecticut for state constitution
a Wampanoag who learned English; helped facilitate cultural accommodation
King Phillip's War
1675-1676; 52 Puritan towns attacked, 12 destroyed completely; slowed the westward march of English settlement for decades; inflicted lasting defeat on Indians; less threats; Metacom
Dominion of New England
created by royal authority in 1686; imposed from London; New England, New York and New Jersey; promoted English Navigation Laws; lead by Sir Edmund Andros
English Navigation Laws
intended to keep American trade away from countries not ruled by England; increased smuggling
Sir Edmund Andros
head of the dominion; not well liked by many colonists; curbed town meetings; laid restrictions on courts, press and schools; revoked land titles; taxation without representation; enforced Navigation Laws; suppressed smuggling; caused Dominion of New England to fall
Glorious Revolution
1688-1689; "Bloodless" Revolution; dethroned Catholic James II; enthroned Protestant William III (Dutch) and wife Mary (English, daughter of James)
Henry Hudson
employed by the Dutch East India Company; disobeyed orders and found Delaware Bay in 1609; ascended Hudson River
1681; William Penn (Quaker) receives grant from king; well advertised; invited manual workers; liberal land policy; attracted immigrants; representative assembly; no military; no slavery
Benjamin Franklin
the most representative American personality; from middle colonies