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115 Cards in this Set

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Storage of lipids that represent an important energy reserve in bone occurs in areas of

red marrow

Of the five major functions of the skeleton; the two that depend on the dynamic nature of bone are

support and storage of minerals

One of the basic histological differences between compact and spongy bone is that in compact bone

the basic functional unit is the osteon/Haversian system

Compact bone is usually found where

stresses arrive from many directions

Spongy and cancellous bone, unlike compact bone, resembles a network of bony struts separated by spaces that are normally filled with


Spongy bone is found primarily at the

expanded ends of long bones, where they articulate with other skeletal elements (epiphysis)

The basic functional unit of compact bones is the ____


The expanded region of a long bone consisting of spongy bone is called the ____


The ossification process first occurs in the


Identify the correct sequence in the process of endochondral ossification

1. chondrocytes enlarge,calcify, and then die

2. inner layer of perichondrium differentiates into osteoblasts

3. osteoblast form spongy bone at a primary center of ossification

4. bone enlarges, osteoclasts break down spongy bone, creating a narrow cavity

5. blood vessels invade epiphyses; osteoblasts form secondary centers of ossification

Secondary ossification center occur

in the medullary cavity of the diaphysis

When sexual hormone production increases, bone growth

accelerates rapidly

Endochondral ossification begins with the formation of a

calcified model

Variations in body size and proportions relative to bone growth between men and women are due to

differences in sex hormones

The vitamins that play an important role in normal bone growth and maintenance are

Ca, P, K, and Fe

the process of remodeling in bone involves the

removal and replacement of the protein and mineral components of bone

During bone renewal, as one osteon forms through the activity of osteoblasts, another is destroyed by


An important and essential way to maintain bone strength and bone mass is to

avoid stressing the bones during exercise

Bones will usually heal after they have been severely damaged so long as the cellular components of the endosteum and periosteum survive and there is a(n)

ossification center

Two hormones--parathyroid hormone and calcitriol-- work together to

elevate calcium levels in body fluids

A homeostatic mechanism of the skeleton would be

as one osteon forms thfough the activity of osteoblasts, another is destroyed by osteoclasts

The nutrient essential for absorption of calcium and phosphate ions in the digestive tract is

Vitamin D

The most abundant mineral in the human body, 99% of which is deposited in the skeleton, is


Bones not subjected to ordinary stresses become

thin and brittle

The hormone calcitonin functions to

depress the level of calcium in body fluids

As a normal part of the aging process, bones become thinner and relatively weaker, resulting in inadequate ossification called


The condition that produces a reduction in bone mass great enough to compromise normal function is called


In women, bone mass can be maintained at adequate levels to prevent fragility, weakening, and thinning by

estrogen therapies; dietary changes that elevate blood calcium levels; exercise that stresses bones and stimulates osteoblast activity

The axial skeleton provides an extensive surface area for attachment of muscles that

stabilize/position elements of the appendicular skeleton; perform respiratory movements; adjusts the positions of the head, neck, and trunk

bones found exclusively in the axial skeleton

skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, hyoid

The axial skeleton creates a framework that supports and protects organ systems in the

dorsal and ventral cavities

The bones that make up the appendicular division of the skeleton consist of

pectoral and pelvic girdles, the upper and lower limbs

One of the major functional differences between the appendicular and axial divisions is that the appendicular division

makes you an active, mobile individual

A composite structure that includes portions of both the appendicular and axial skeleton is the

pelvis, pectoral girdle, pelvis girdle

The unique compromise of the articulations in the appendicular skeleton is

the stronger the joint, the more restricted the range of motion

The bones of the skeleton provides and extensive surface area for attachment of


The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles and the upper and lower


The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is the


At birth, the bones of the skull can be distorted without damage because of the


The most significant growth in the skull occurs before age 5, when the

brain stops growing and the cranial sutures develop

The bones of the cranium that exclusively represent single, unpaired bones are

occipital, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid

The paired bones of the cranium are the

parietal and temporal

The associated bones of the skull include the

hyoid and auditory ossicles

The sutures that articulate the bones of the skull are the

lamboid, sagittal, coronal, and squamous

Foramina, located on the bones of the skull, serve primarily as passsageways for

nerves and blood vessels

Areas of the head that are involved in the formation of the skull are called

ossification centers

The sinuses or internal chambers in the skull are found in the

sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary bones

The vertebrae that indirectly effect changes in the volume of the rib cage are the

thoracic vertebrae

The lumbar vertebrae are the

most massive and least mobile

Identify the sequence of the vertebrae from superior to inferior

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx

The atlas and axis are vertebrae identified as

C1 and C2

Gaps that permit the passage of nerves running to or form the enclosed spinal cord are called

intervertebral foramina

The vertebral column contains _____ cervical vertebrae, _____ thoracic vertebrae, and _____ lumbar vertebrae

7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar

Cervical vertebrae can usually be distinguished from other vertebrae by the presence of

transverse foramina

The odontoid process is found in the


Costal processes are located on the ____ vertebrae


Thoracic vertebrae can be distinguished from other vertebrae by the presence of

facets for the articulation of ribs

An attachment site for a muscle that closes the anal opening is the primary purpose of the


The vertebra that holds up the head and articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull is the


The vertebrae that stabilize relative positions of the brain and spinal cord are the _____ vertebrae


The bones of the pectoral girdle include

clavicles and scapula

The primary function of the pectoral girdle is to

position the shoulder joint and provide a base for arm movement

The bones of the pelvic girdle include

ilium, pubis, ischium

The heavy bones and the strong, stable joints of the pelvic girdle

bear the weight of the body

The primary type of tissue responsible for stabilizing, positioning, and bracing the pectoral girdle are


The large process on the scapula that articulates with the distal end of the clavicle is the

coracoid process

At the glenoid cavity, the scapula articulates with the proximal end of the humerus to form the

shoulder joint

The parallel bones that support the forearm are the

ulna and radius

The pubic symphysis is the articulation that

limits movement between the two pubic bones

The bone that articulates with the coxa at the acetabulum is the


The longest and heaviest bone in the body is the


Compared to the pelvis of males, the pelvis of females is

broad, light, and smooth

The eight carpal bones represent the bones of the


The bones of the foot are called the


The anatomical name for the heel bone is the


The bones of the fingers and toes are collectively referred to as


The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is the


The pelvic girdle consists of six bones referred to as the


The ulna and radius both have long shafts that contain like processes called _____ processes


The process that the tibia and fibula have in common that acts as a shield for the ankle is the


At the hip joint on either side, the head of the femur articulates with the


The popliteal ligaments are responsible for reinforcing the back of the


an enlarged pelvic outlet in the female is an adaption for

child birth

The bone that cannot resist strong forces but provides the only fixed support for the pectoral girdle is the


The thin lateral bone of the lower leg is the


The two types of joints that reflect the type of connective tissue binding them together are

fibrous and cartilaginous

Sutures, gomphoses, synchondroses, and synarthroses are terms used to identify

fibrous joints

The freely movable joints typically found at the ends of long bones are called

diarthroses or synovial joints

The joint that permits greatest range of motion of any joint in the body is the

glenohumeral / shoulder

The joint that is correctly matched with the type of joint indicated is

knee -- synovial

The synovial fluid that fills a cavity

nourishes the chondrocytes, provides lubrication, acts as a shock absorber

The primary function(s) of menisci in synovial joints is(are) to

subdivide a synovial cavity; channel flow of synovial fluid; and allow for variations in the shapes of articular surfaces

A synathrotic joint found only between the bones of the skull is a


A totally rigid immovable joint resulting from fusion of bones is a


The amphiarthrotic joint where bones are separated by a wedge or pad of fibrocartilage is a


Diarthrotic joints permit a wide range of motion are called _____ joints


The extremely stable synovial joint that is almost completely enclosed in a bony socket is the ____ joint


The joint that resembles three separate joints with no single unified capsule or common synovial cavity is the _____ joint


The radial collateral, annular, and ulnar collateral ligaments provide stability for the ____ joint


Flexion is movement in the anterior-posterior plane that

reduces the angle between the articulating elements

The movement that allows you to gaze at the ceiling is


Movements of the vertebral column are limited to

flexion and extension

The opposing movement of pronation, in which the palm is turned forward, is called


A movement toward the midline of the body is called


The movement of the thumb that allows for grasping is


Twiddling your thumbs during a lecture demonstrates the action that occurs at a

saddle joint

Contraction of the biceps brachii muscle produces

supination of the forearm and flexion of the elbow

Movements such as dorsiflexion and plantar flexion involve moving the


To do a lateral split, the initial movement of the legs is


The elbow joint is quite stable because

the bony surfaces of the humerus and the ulna lock

In the hip joint, the arrangement that keeps the head of the femur from moving away from the acetabulum is the

articular capsule enclosing the femoral head and neck

The knee joint functions as a ____ joint


The reason the points of contact in the knee are constantly changing is

the rounded femoral condyles roll across the top of the tibia

The special movement of the thumb that enables it to grasp and hold a object is


The function(s) of the intervertebral disc is/are to

act as shock absorbers; prevent bone-to-bone contact; allow for flexion and rotation of the vertebral column