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62 Cards in this Set

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Franz Boas

-Disagreed that Universal laws governed all human culture

-Kwakiutl Pacific Northwest

-He found that b/c of the structure of their language

-Cultural Relativism: Speakers can't report an action, must be exlpained how you know that person did an action

I saw her washing her hands rather that she's washing her hands

Laura Bohannan

- "Shakespeare in the Bush"

-Tiv- Nigeria (think she doesn't understand true meaning of Hamlet)

- Learns no values are truly universal b/c different cultures have different perspective on love, marriage, etc

-Tiv see her as uncultured

Noam Chomsky

-Universal grammar: Basic set of principles and rules that underlie all languages

William Labov

-Linguistic Variation and social Class

-High prestige dialects can provide social and economic benefits (pronunciation clearly associated with prestige)

He went to 3 stores: high class, middle class, lower class Mapping variation in languages

Asked about something in the fourth floor to see how they pronounced the letter R

Claude Levi-Strauss


-Universal pattern to the structure of myths

-Shared structure of stories derived from the shared structure of the mind

-Universal Characteristics:

(1) Need to classify; impose order

(2) Opposite categories "Binary Oppositions"

(3) Bridge b/w opposites

Karl Marx

Social Theorist in industrialization- industrial rev. In Europe brought a lot of inequality (Burrgeousi vs. working class) Elabarote a theory how in the context of industrialization, social class functionality Revolt against the borgeosui (they’re all the same people)

Victor Turner

Communtas: Bond of solidarity among liminal people

Theorist of religion: proposed the idea of rites of passage thru change of status

Max Weber

Refer to Protestant Work Ethic

Margaret Mead

Said that gender patterns are cultural patterns (different cultures have different perspectives on gender or what they view as feminine/masculine)

Code Switching

Speaker's shift from one language or dialect to another


Comes from mixing of 2 parent languages, starts out as a pidgin but gains formal rules


People switch dialects to high (formal) and low (informal) variants of the same language


Substitution of an inoffensive word for a more unpleasant one ("pass away" rather than "die")


-Speaking/ understanding more than one language

Focal Vocabulary

Specialized sets of terms and distinctions that are particularly important to certain groups


Set of structural rules that governs the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given language


Terms used with people to honor them or show status differences (ex. Mr. or Lord)


Using the wrong ford or form b/c it seems more correct or prestigious

ex. "I" vs "Me" or "Who" vs "Whom"


Study of commnunication through body movements and facial expressions


Vocabulary: all the morphemes in a language and their meaning

Minimal Pairs

Words that resemble each other in all but one sound, used to find all the phonemes in a given language (ex. Bat/cat or hare/dare)


Smallest units that have a specific meaning

Ex. teach, teacher, teachers


-The study of a system of distinctive sounds in a language

-Smallest unit of sound that influences meaning

(Ex. Merry, Marry, Mary)


Technical study of the way sounds are produced Phoetics: the way different things produce different sounds

Ex. The movement of the mouth to say a word


A language's meaning system

Style shifting

Varying speech in different social contexts (ex. party langiage vs job interview)


Rule of word order in regards to the meaning trying to be conveyed

Universal grammar

Basic set of principles and rules that underlie all languages

African American Vernacular English

A rule-governed dialect spoken by some African Americans (inner city areas like NY, Boston, Chicago, Detroit)

It is systematic- still as correct language as other such as the language spoken by white high social class people No language is better than other The effect of social construction

Gender and Language

Different pronunciations/vocabulary for men and women

-Different adjectives for each gender

-Voice tech- male/female voice

-Women tend to use less "uneducated speech" ("I dont want none)

Bourgeoisie and Working class/Proletariat

B: Owners of factories, mines, large farms, and other means of production

WP: People who had to sell their labor to survive


The political, economic, social, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time

Intervention Philosophy

Idealogial justification for outsiders to guide or rule native people

Ex. Life and Debt: IMF based on intervention philosophy, neoliberal economics and that didn't fit with the local system and ruined their economy

Certain countries (mainly in the core) think they have a certain mission to lead lower countries into industrialization or lead their economy

World Systems theory

Idea that a discernib;e social system based on wealth and power differentials transcends individual countries

Articulates interconnections of core and periphery Countries are economically and politically interdependent (role that capitalism plays in the world today)

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

Given that there are different linguistics systems in the world, does it affect the way you view the world?

- Different languages produce different patterns of thought

Core, Periphery, Semiperiphary

-Periphery- countries who are excluded from positions of power - follow what the people in power decide to do

-Semiperiphery- countries that export good but lack power to make decisions (Brazil)

Art by appropriation vs Art by intention

Art by Intention: Artist meant as art

Art by Appropriation: Things placed in that category by others

Art as Subersive

Art that is upsetting/undermines the status quo/society

Ex. Graffiti:Political Vehicle

Hmong Needlework


Comparative study of music as an aspect of culture


-Understanding spiritual beliefs (come/understand the same sacred entity)

-Idea that there are souls or doubles that exist in state of sleep and trance states

-First form of religion

Cargo Cults

Guinea/ Malneisa

Missionaries coming in with cargo (blankets etc.) Overthrowing the missionaries to share the goods they bring Interpreting the new influences that arrive through their own beliefs


Rite of passage- all these people are going through the same experience together: All going through the same experience as a community of changing status

Functions of Religion

1. Intellectual/Cognitive Function: Search for order and meaning

Ex. Science vs. Religion

2. Emotional Functions: Explanation for misfortune, provide comfort, allay fears and reduce anxiety, exercise control (MAGIC)

3. Social Functions: maintain social order, promote social solidarity


Franz Boas

Speakers can't just report action, they must also say how they know it (structure of their language)


Supernatural techniques used to accomplish specific goals employed most in situations of greatest uncertainty


Sacred impersonal force

*like good luck charm

Object that has meaning


Traditional, often sacred, narratives

*teach lessons to guide social order

Binary Oppositions

Levi Strauss

Pairs of related terms opposite in meaning

Ex. Black/white, good/evil)

Revitalization Movements

Reaction to oppression or rapid culture change

Rites of Passage and their stages

1. Separation (withdraw from community) ex. child

2. Liminal (moment where you’re not here or there; youre in between)

3. Incorporated (you are reborn and have a new status where you live) ex. Adult


Blending of cultural influences emerging from ongoing contact

Ex. Melanesia and cargo cults



-Myths have the same pattern b/c our minds and way of thinking are the same

-Binary oppositions: we as human beings have a way of classifying things in 2 different categories

Protestant Work Ethic

-Signs of being the chosen one of being successful or making it far

-Religion provided foundation in which it made sense


Sacred and forbidden, prohibition backed by supernatural sanctions


Religious form of cosmology for imagining and understanding the universe where an animal, plant, etc is associated with a specific social group.

Social Construction of Illness

Sickness is a form of communication, through which nature, culture, and society speak

A medical system is an explanatory system:

- theory of disease

- knowledge and skills

- providers of caring and curing

historical influences on the development of medical anthropology

1. Biological Anthropology

- biocultural perspective

2. Early ethnographic work

3. Culture and personality school

-"National Character"

-Cross-cultural studies of mental illness (russians bipolar b/c they were swaddled as infants)

4. International public health movement after WWII

non-binary gender roles: xanith, hijra, “two-spirit” role, nadle, guevedoce

-Native American: two-spirit person high status

- India: Hijra

Biological males

"Neither men nor women"

Perform female gender in some ways; deploy "male" behavior in other ways

-Oman: Xanith

Biological males

Legal rights of men

Social Interaction with women

Not men or women

Can become men


Neither unambiguiously male nor female

Ex. Navajo: Nadle

spiritually gifted; shamans

-Dominican Republic: Guevedoce

XY; sexually ambiguous

Separate category

-Sambia (New Guinea): kwolu-aatmwol

sex, gender, sexuality

Sex=biological; Gender=social and cultural

-Sex: biological attributes of men and women

-Gender: qualities that are culturally constructed, defined, and elaborated

-Gender as performative

-Biological determinism

-Sexuality: sexual feeling and behavior

“sex-positive” and “sex-negative”

Sex-negative: opposition or hostility towards sexual behavior

Inis Beag (Irish)

Sex-positive: sexual activity viewed good and healthy

Mangaia (Polynesian)

feminization of poverty

Women = less resources than men (incomes below minimum wage)

Women= vulnerable of position