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56 Cards in this Set

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What is the singular and plural of one species and many Species

One species

"The Human Species"

Many Species

"species of apes"

Darwinian Gradualism

The View first proposed by Darwin is that evolution occurs slowly and steadily.

Slow incremental and cumulative changes produce phenotypic changes and eventually new species

Key Mechanisms of speciation

Genetic Drift and Mutation

Punctuated Equilibrium

Long periods of Stasis, followed by Abrupt change

Difference in the Punctuated Equilibrium Model

Key mechanism of speciation is mutation

No Geographic or physical separation is needed for speciation

Speciation occurs rapidly, not slowly

What are the plural and singular of the human species

"Homo sapiens" is both plural and singular

"Homo Sapien" is not a word

Four Functions of Skin are?


Vitamin synthesis



Why is Skin Color is an Evolutionary Adaptation ?

Variations in skin color are adaptive

Related to the regulation of UV radiation penetration and its effect on human fitness.

Skin Color around the world is strongly correlated with UV radiation levels.

Although darker skin produces more melanin

all skin has the same number of ____________?

Melanocytes - the cells that manufacture the melanin

Dark requires much more UV to produce the same about of _________?

Vitamin D

Human Skin Color Variation

1)Natural selection favored ________________ in northern latitudes where there was less sunlight.

2) Natural selection favored _______________ in equatorial environments with more sunlight.

1) Less Melanin Production

2) More Melanin Production

What is Caused by vitamin D deficiency and Lack of sun?


Human Populations vary in distribution of ____________?

Sweat Glands

For Example, Eskimos (Inuit) have more sweat glands on their face than any other population

1) Skin color is coded for by ________?

2) The genes that code for ________ have nothing to do with any other trait.

1) 6 genes

2) Melanin

True or False?

Genes coding for skin pigment are the same genes related to intelligence.


Short-term physiological response to environment i.e. Suntan is?


What is a Long-term, genetic response to environment that is a trait produced by natural selection i.e., skin color?


The evolution of the ability to digest milk in adulthood occurred in some in populations that _______________________.

These populations came to depend on dairy products.

Domesticated dairy animals


IS there a distinct racial pattern with respect to the characters we have examined thus far?


Genetic adaptation tied to local environments are?

Populational Differences

Racial classification began with _____________.

Classified humans into four races

Linnaeus in 1735

_______________ Saw gradual changes across environments reflected in human morphology.

Lines between human varieties cannot be drawn

Franz Boas

What does Cline mean?

People 'BLEND' in appearance across the world

Why 'Race' has no biological meaning?

Human variations is distributed in clines

Not in discrete groups

All overlap, all interbreed

There are no 'pure' races nor have there ever been because?

It is impossible to assign a set of traits to one race that is exclusive to that race

There has always been gene flow between human populations

What is the scientific discipline of naming organisms?

Developed by Linnaeus


What are Primitive Mammalian Traits?


Constant Body Temperature


1) __________ - Old, commonly shared

2) __________ - Newly evolved, unique characters

1) Primitive traits

2) Derived traits

No Lumbar ribs, 3 Inner ear bones, Specialized Teeth are what?

Primitive mammalian Skeletal Traits

Grasping hands, Opposable Thumb, Nails instead of claws, stereoscopic vision are what?

Primate Characters

Animals that are adapted to life in the trees, rather than on the ground are what?


Primates have what type of vision?

Color Vision

Our most distant primate relatives

Many are nocturnal

More developed sense of smell than other primates

grooming claw, dental comb


Prosimians found only on Madagascar


Types of Prosimians?

Lemurs - Madagascar

Loris - Africa and Asian forests

Galago - Africa and Asian forests

Tarsier - Rain forests of Southeast Asia

Monkeys, apes, and humans are what type of primate?

Mostly diurnal


Primates that have Prehensile Tails and are new world monkeys


Primates that are a branch of Catarrhines considered old world monkeys have tail but not prehensile are?


Are Hominoids that are found in Central Africa who are knuckle-walkers and Omnivores are?


___________ Use Tools, Hunters


1) ___________ are Apes, Brachiators, No Tail

2) C.h.o.g.g. Abbreviation for?

1) Hominoids

2) Chimps,. Humans,. Orangutans,. Gorillas,. Gibbons.


1) __________ are the tool users

2) __________ are hunters

3) __________ also go to war

1) Females

2) Males

3) Males

1) Common Chimpanzee: _________________

2) Bonobo: _________________

1) Pan troglodytes

2) Pan paniscus

They frequently engage in non-conceptive sexual behavior

They have sexual intercourse even when females are not estrous

Sex has a social function


Ape Communication can be what?

Basic ability to understand both spoken and symbolic language

Sign Language (ASL)

Speech ability is limited by anatomy.

Vocal Tract Anatomy

Primary Function: Alliance building in primates


Genetic difference between Humans & chimps is _____?


Lower levels of sediment are older

The principle of stratigraphy

Methods that provide a specific chronological age

Potassium/ Argon

Carbon 14

Absolute dating Methods

1st Primates

1) __________

2) __________ million years ago

3) Similar in many respects to modern ___________

1) Prosimians

2) 55 myr

3) Prosimians

Abbreviation I.A.N. for this Prosimian means what?

Insectivores,. Arboreal,. Nocturnal.

1st Anthropoids (Monkeys) appeared when?

35 million years ago

1st Hominoids (Apes) Appeared when?

22 million years ago

Apes have what type of Molar?

Y-5 Molar




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C D | |

E ---------------

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A) Prosimians

B) Anthropoids

C) Platyrrhines

D) Catarrhines

E) New World Monkeys

F) Old world Monkeys

G) Hominoids