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27 Cards in this Set

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Who were the first Romans?
Latins, Greeks, Etuscans
What is a republic?
Form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders.
Who were patricians?
Wealthy Landowners
Who were the plebeians?
Farmers, merchants, artisans
What is a dictator?
A leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army.
What made up Rome's Legion?
5,000 heavily armed foot soldiers (infantry) and soldiers on horseback (cavalry).
Who was Hannibal?
A brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage. He assembled 50,000 men.
Who were Tiberius and Gracchus?
Brothers who attempted to help Rome's poor.
*Proposed reforms
-----Limit the size of estates.
-----Gave land to the poor.
What is a Triumvirate?
3 rulers
Laster 7-8 years
Who made up the first triumvirate?
Crassus-Wealthy Roman
Pompey-Popular Roman General
Caesar-Great military leader
Who made up the second triumvirate?
Octavian-18yrs old grandnewphew of Caesar
Mark Antony-General of Roman Army
Lepidus-Powerful politician of Rome (wealthy Roman)
March 15, 44 BC is known as?
Ides of March
Who were Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius?
They killed Caesar by stabbing him 35 times
How did Cleopatra die?
Bitten by a snake
Who defeated who in the Battle of Actium?
Octavian won and defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra
What is a Pax Romana?
200 years of Peace and Prosperity
What values did Rome emphasize? (3)
Discipline, Strength and Loyalty
What was built in 250 AD for Roman Citizen entertainment?
What is polytheism?
Belief in many Gods
What is monotheism?
Belief in ONE God
What is Judaism?
1 God who is creator of all things
Who was Jesus of Nazareth?
Born in Bethlehem,
Worked as a carpenter until 30yrs old,
Age 30 became public minister
Who were the apostles?
Informed people of Jesus' teachings,
12 Apostles
Who was the Apostle Paul?
Major influence on Christianity's Development. He began spreading teachings of Jesus. Said that anyone can convert to Christianity.
What is a diaspora?
Persecution of Jews. Jews were driven from homeland from Romans. Some imprisoned, burned and crucified.
Who was Constantine?
Roman Emperor who reported that he saw an image of a cross and ordered it to be placed on their shields for battle. Instituded the Edict(Treaty) of Milan-Declared that Christianity can now be a religion of Rome.
What reforms did Julius Caesar create and why they were effective for Rome?
1. Granted Roman Citizenship to many in provinces.
2. Expanded the senate.
3. Created jobs for the poor (Construction jobs).
4. Increased pay for the soldiers.