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167 Cards in this Set

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Lymphatic vessels begin in _____
tissues as blind tubes
Lymphatic vessels drain into venous circulation via two lymphatic vessels named the ____
thoracic duct; right lymphatic
Extracellular compartment
Spaces between cells and tissues
Part of extracellular compartment containing interstitial fluid
Interstitiial space
Interstilia fluiud
Fluid between this space
The molecules go from _____ end to the interstitial fluid
To get back into systemic circulation moves on ____ side to blood vasculature
Large molecular weight proteins cab/can not move though venous end
The _____ pick up the remainin 10 percent not going to the venous end
Lymphatics capillaries
Lymphatic vessels are much like ____ because they are ____
veins (low pressure systems with vallves)
Edema is abnormal accumulation of ______ in tissues
Edema typically occurs in the ___ cells of the _____ compartment
interstital; extracelular
Most common caumse of edema
Abnromal leakage in fluid of blood across capillaries
Second most common cause of edema
Failure of lymphatics to transport fluid from interstitial spaces into the veinous syste
In elephantitus there is a physical blockage of _______ leading to _____
lymph nodes leading to edema
Cause of elephantitus
Mosquitoe born nematodes enter lymphatic system and reside in lymph nodes
Lymph nodes reside along the path of _____
lymphatic vessels
Fluid within the lymphatic system is called ____-
Lymph nodes filter out ____
foreign material found in the lymph
Lymph nodes mount an ____
immune response
What is the definition of a serous membrane?
A mesothelium (simple squeamous epithelium) sitting on a narrow framework of loose connective tiies that contains blood and lymphatic vessels
Milroy disease results when the patient lacks ______
valves in the lymphatic vessels of the lower limbs leading to edema
A serous membrane is a ____ epithelium
Simple squeamous
The serous membrane is a ____ membrane
Serous membranes line _____ that do not communicate with the outside world
body cavities
Parts of serous membrane
Visceral part, parietal part
Visceral layer is on the ____ layer of an organ
Outer layer (surface) (anatomically connected with the outside of the organ)
The _______ part lines the deep surface/walls of the body cavity that is covered with the visceral layer
Serous cavity is where the ___ layers faces the ___ layer such that their epithelial cells face eachother
Visceral and parietal
Serous fluid is derived from the ___ fluid of underlying connective tissue that lies below the epithelium
Serous fluid is continually ___ and _____. How does it travel?
produced and reabsorbed
Out of serous cvvavity into lymphatic capillaries that reside in CT layer of serous membrane with graeter concentration in parietal layer
Stoma are channels that connect the lumen of the ____ with the lumen of the ______
lymphatic capillaries; epithelial cells of the parietal layer of the serous membrane
Stoma are found only on the ___ side
Pressure inside a serrous cavity is slightly _____
There are ___ serous caviities in males and __ in females
6; 4
Negative pressure in the serrous cavity accounts for
a gradient in movement of fluids from the serrous membrane into the serrous cavity
The serous cavity is ____ micrometers wide
Effusoion is an abnormal accumulation of fluid with a ______
cavity or tissue space
Serous cavity of the abdomen
Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity
Common clinical site of effusion is the _______
serous cavities
There are _____ serous cavities in the thorax
What is the serous cavity of the perineum?
The two tunica vaginalis cavities associated with two testicle
Serous cavities of thorax
2 plurae and pleural cavities and pericardium associated with hear
Visceral layer of serous memberane received ____ innervation; receive their vascular supply from ____ and drain lymph into lyphatic vessels of _____
autonomous; underlyinhg organ; underlying organ
Parietal layer of a serous membrane receives innervation from _______; receives vascular supply from _____ and lymphatic drains into _____
somatic nerve supply; adjacent organs; adjacent organs
Serrous membrane of a lung is called __ and its cavity is called the _____
plurae; pleural cavity
Lungs develop from ____
lung buds
The lungs is _____ by the pleural cavity
Cervical pleura location
Abuts visecral pleura over apex; partially lies at root of neck
The ____ is attached to the outer surface of the lung
visceral pluera
Location of costal pleural
Lies adjacent to deep surface of ribs and intercostal spaces
Visceral and parietal plurae are continuous at the _______ of the lung
Location of medisteinal pleura
Adjacent to various structures at the lateral part of the mediatseinum
The ___ is the inferior extension between the visecral and parietal pleura
pulmonary ligament
Location of diaphrgmatic pleura
Lies adjacent to upper surface of the diaphragm
The pulmonary ligmante provides _____ in the plurae to accomodate changes in shape during respiration
There is _______ pressire in the lung (pleural pressure). The function of nehgative pressure?
Aids in mechanically coupling the lung with the thoraci wall and diaphragm
The costal pleura lines _____
Deep surface of thoracic wall
_____ are regions of the pleural cavity where parietal plurae are apposed to other parietal plurae
Plueral recesses
A pleural recess is where ___ pleura faces ___ pleura. What is the function?
parietal; parietal
Accomodates change in size and shape of lung during respiration
Two pleural recesses are ____ and ____
Costodiaphrgmatic ; costomediasteinal
A ___ is the site of continuity between two apposing layers of parietal plura
Pleural refelction
Two pleural refelctions
Costal and sternal
What is the costal pleural reflection?
Pleural continutiy at costodiaphragmatic recess; where the cosdtal surface lining deep thoracic wall reflects onto superiro surface of abdomen and is renamed diaphragmatic pleura
Where does the costal pleural refelction parallel
Inferiro border of the lung
Costal pleural reflection crrosses ____ ribs at the ____, ____ and ___ lines
8, 10, 12 (lung cross 6,8,10) at the _____; midclavicular, midaxillary and scapular
Inferior border of the lung is the __, ___ and ___ and the ___, ___ and ___ lines; Thus a costodihaphragmatic recess is ____ ribs and ____ intercostal spaces hig
6,8,10 rib; midclavicular, midaxillary and scapular; 2 and 2
Strenal pleural rfelection is the continuity at the ________ recess where the costal pleura is renamed the medisteinal pleura. The site of cpontinuity lies _____ to the sternum and parallels the _____ border of the lung
costomediasteinal; posterior; anterior
The pleural fluid is a ____-
lubricant (frictionless encironment)
Pluera provide a space for _____ size of lungs during inspiration
The negative pressure within the pleural cavity help to keep the lungs _____
Pleural effusion is the abdnoraml accumularion of fluid in _____ and is the most common disordre of the plurae
the pleural cavity
Pleural enfusion can arise from
penetrating wound
Pleural effusion can also arise from an im balnce in _____ which may result from ____
normal equilibrium between production and reabsorption of pleural fluid; bronchogenic carcinoma (cancer cells clog the lymph nodes which leads to interstital bulidup in lungs)
___ is where the fluid of a pleural effusion is removed and a needle is passed through the intercostal splace. It can be therapeutic or diagnostic
Pleural effusion may also occur as a ____ response to an infection
____ is the accumulation of air within a poleural cavity. It results in part due to changes in ______
Pneumothorax; pressure (now there is space at a higher pressure and air rushes in)
Pneumpthorax may result from ____ or may occur ____
trauma ; spontaneously
Visceral pleural receive ____ innervation from the underlying lung; vascular supply from _____ and lyphatic drainage into lymph vessicles of _______
autonomous NS; underlying lung; underlying lung tissue
Parietal pleura receives sensory innervation from ______; vascual supply from ______ and has a rich lymphatic netowork in the connective tissue layer including ____ that drain into_______
somatic nerve supply of adjacent structures and a veriety of sources (intercostal nerves for costal pleura, phrenic nerves for diaphragm); adjacent structures; stoma; lymphatic vessels of adjacent tissue
Visceral pleura receives vascular supply from _____ circulation
The function of the pericardium is to ______
protect the heart and hold it in place in the medisteinum
The serous membrane of the heart is called the serous _____
Pericardium inclues
Fibrous pericardium, serous percardium and pericardialcavity
Connective tiisue of fibrous pericardium is continous with the ____ of the diaphragm
central tendon
The fibrous pericardium is continuous with the ____. Where does the parietall layer of the fibrous pericardium lie?
outer adventitial layer of the great surfaces that enter and exit the heart; immediately deep to the fibrous pericardium
The fibrous pericardium ismade up of
strong, dense fibrous connective tissue
Connective tiisue of fibrous pericardium is continous with the ____ of the diaphragm and is tethered to the ____ of the sternum
central tendon; deep surface
Serous pericardium has two layers: ____; The narrow space between teh two layers is called the _____. The heart is ______ by the ______.
Visceral and parietal; pericardial cavity
The visceral layer of the serous pericardium covers the______
surface ofthe heart
The parietal membrane lies deep to the ____ and lines the____
fibrous pericardium; deep surface of the CT of the fibrous pericardium
Fluid in cavity is called ______; Function of fluid is to ______; Abnroaml accunmulation of fluid in pericardial cavity is a ___; Complications of a pericardial effusion
pericardial fluidl; provide frictionless environment for beating heart; Pericardial effusion
Compresses the heart; the perciardial cavity cannot expand outward due to noncomplaint fibrous pericardium; pericardial cavity can readuly expand inward
Nerve supply of fibrous pericardium and parietal layer
phrenic nerves C3-C5
A pericardial effusion thta is life threatningf
pericaardial tamponade
Visceral layer of pericardium receives _____ innervation from the _____
autonomic; autonomic innervation of underlying heart
tIn a pericardial tamponade fluid accumulates ____; Causes of pericardial effusion
very quickly
Pericarditis (response to microrganisms that have spread from other structures); obstruction of lymph flow due to malignant diseases (lung cancer) that block mediatinal lymph nodes through which lymph of the heart must flow; trauma
Needle into pericardial cavity to withdraw fluid
Serous membrane of the abdomen is called the
Intraperitoneal is surrounded by _____ and can move _______
peritoneum; more freely
Retroperitoneal is ______ covered with peritoneum and is ___ moveable
not; not as
Secondarily retroperitoneal
The organ was intraperoitoneal but during development the peritoneum obliterates and it is considered to be retroperitoneal - may still have msurface area covered with peritoenum but noyt to the extent of an intraperitoneal organ
_____ fascia lines the deep surface of the abdominal wall
Endoabdominal fascia
____ is the next layer below the endoabdominal fascia and lines trhe abodneal walls and inferior surface of the diaphragm
Parietal perotineum
Portion of the periotenium initimately attached to the outer surface of the abdomen
visceral peritoeum
Site of continuation between visceral and parietal peritoneum
top of the liver
Example of retroperotoneal organ
The ___ attached the stomach to other organs
The omentum is ______ layer fold that one one end is connected to the _____
2; stomach
The _____ attached a large portion of the colon to the posterior abdmonal wall
The mesocolin is a ___ layer fold taht connect the ____ to other orgrans
The ___ is a 2 layerr fgold that reflects off of the stomach and descedns in the abdomen and is continous with the peritenusm of the colon
Greater omentum
The ____ goes from the stomach to the liver/superior
Lesser omentum
The _____ attached the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall
The serous cavity of the perineum is called the
Perinoeal cavity
The ___ is a 2 layrt fold that connects two structures that atre not stomach, small intestine, large intensine
Peritoneal ligament
The peritoneal cavity is divided into two subcavities:
Greater and lesser space
The perinoeal cavity has many ______
pockets and recesses
The greater and lesser sac are continuous thriough the ____ located under the liver
omental forament of Winslow
The _____ are important for the absorption of peritoneal fliud
subphrenic spaces
The subphrenic spaces are located
immediately deep to the diaphragm
Function of peritoneal fluid
Frictionless environment allows organs to change size and shape
What is a pertitoneal cavity effusion?
The fluid of an ascites is called
ascetic fluid
Put a needle into peritoneal cavity to get asceitic fluid
Most conmmon cayuse of ascites
cirrohsis of the liver
Terminal end of a uterine tube has an opening called
abdominal osteum
The abdominal osteum opens directly into the
peritoneal cavity (only direct passageway to the body)
Bacterial infection of the peritoneal cavity. What causes the infection?
Peritonits; Local source such as a perforated hollow organ or ingection of the female genitalk tract that extends up the uterine tubes and through the abdominal ostea
Appendix receives neurovascual supply from
the same visceral as the cecum
Pain in the appendix tends to be
diffuse and poorly localized
Autonomic sensory fibers of the appendix enter the ____ level of the spinal cord which is the dermatome for the ______
T 10 ; umbilicus
Classic pain of appendicitus is ____
sharo oain localized in RLQ
Pain of appendicitus is from
somatic pain associated with parietal peritoneum of the adjacent abdominal wall
bacterial infection that results in asictes
Causes if peritonieus
ruptured organ, urinary tract infection, females susceptible
Function of peritoneum
storage site for fat, holds organ in postion, allows change in shape and size of abdominal organs, conduit for passage of the neurovascular supply to an organ
The inguinal canal was created by an outcropping of the _____
The inguinal canal is a passageway through the ____ that connects_____
Abdominal wall; the abdominal cavity with the perineal region of the body
___ fascia describes endoabdominal fdascia on deep anterolateral wall
Outpocketing of the peritoneum is called
proceses vaginalis
Processesus vaginalis creates trhe _____
inguinal canal (process the same in M and F); pushes each layer
In males gonads continue through _____ to scrotal sac
inguinal canal
Spermatic cord
Organ that comes down when testes descend
Round ligament of the uterus
Organ with decseion of female
There is a continiuty between the layers of the abdominal wall (with the exception of the _____) and the spermatic cord or round ligament
transverse adbomdinal
Point where pricesses vaginalis pushed through transversalis fascia
Deep (internal inguinal) ring
Posterior wall of the aponeuroisis of the external obliquel is called the
transversalis fascia
The anterior wall of the inguinal canal is the
aponeurisus of the external oblique
The floor of the inguinal canal is the
inguinal ligament
Roof of the inguinal canal is
Arching muscle fibers of internal oblqiue and transverse abdominal
Patent processens vaginalis
viable open wound; continuity between perineum and process vaginalis in scrotal sac
The abnormal protrusion of structure beyond its normal confines
Indirect inguinal hernia is a herniation at the _____
deep inguinal ring - piece of small bowel decsends down inguinal canal and can go as far as the scrotal sac
Indirect inguinal canal hernia is through the _____
deep inguinal ring
A direct inguinal hernia protrudes ________
against the inguinal (Hesslebach's) Triangle
Three abnatomical structures of Hasslebach's triangle
lateral margin of RA, inguinal ligament, inferior epigastric arteries
There are __ regions of parietal pleura
Parietal pleura are named for the region thta ______
it lies adjacent to
Four regions of parietal pleura
cervical, costal, diaphramatic and mediasteinal
The serous cavity of a pleural membrane is a
pleural cavity
There are __ separate pleural cavities with no ____ between them
2 (R and left); no
Is pleural effusion a disease?
No it's an underlying symptom
Visceral peritoneum receives _____ innervation from ____
Autonomic innervation ; underlying organs
Parietal peritoneum receives ___ innervation from _____
somatic; somatic nerves that innervate adjacent abdominal wall or diaphragm
Where is the inguinal region?
The junction of the anterolateral abdominal wall and the anterior thigh
What is the superficial (external) ring? Where is it located?
The site at which the processesus vaginalis pushed into the aponeurosis of the external oblique ; above and lateral to pubic tubercle and is at most medial and superficial end of inguinal canal
What is one of the major factors contributing to indirect herniation?
Patency of processus vaginalis