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51 Cards in this Set

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How many bones are in an adult human
206 bones
How many axial bones
how many cranial bones are there
These different structures are part of this bone
foramen magnum
occipital condyle
external ocipital protuberance
inferior and superior nuchal lines
externa ocipital crest
occipital bone
This bone has
external auditory canal
zygomatic process
styloid process
mastoid process
Temporal bone
An immovable fibrous joint between cranial bones which seal cranial bones together and allow cranium to grow during development
The majority of this suture is between parietal and temporal bone
The majority of this suture is between the occipital and parietal
The majority of this suture is between the fronal and parietal bones
This suture separates the left and right parietal bone
This bone has the sella turcica, greater and lesser wings and the pterygoid process
This is the attachment for the lower jaw
pterygoid process of the sphenoid
This bone has
perpendicular plate
crista galli
Superior and middle nasal conchae
cribriform plate
Ethmoid bone
The attachment for falx cerebri
crista galli
These projections of the ethmoid bone help form the internal shape of the nasal cavity and create turbulence in inhaled air
superior and inferior nasal conchae
The olfactory branches inter the nasal cavity through this part of the ethmoid bone
cribriform plate
This facial bone is paired and has three processes that connect to temporal, maxillary and frontal bones and makes up the lateral wall of orbits
zygomatic bone
This bone has the
vertical plate
This is part of the nasal septum (inferior to perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone)
Vertical plate
This part of the vomer articulates with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and with sphenoid bone
This facial bone is paired and has a perpendicular plate and horizontal plate
The perpendicular plate of the palatine bone does what
projects vertically and forms part of the lateral walls of the nasal cavity
The horizontal plate of the palatine bone forms what
forms the posterior portion of hard plate in mouth
This facial bone is paired and has processes for frontal, zygomatic, alveolar, and palatine bones and forms the medial wall of orbit, anterior nasal spine. Both sides fuse in the middle
This facial bone has the
condylar process
coronoid process
alveolar process
and mental protuberance
This part of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone
condylar process
This part of the mandible is a muscle attachment site
coronoid process
This paired facial bone articulate with each other, frontal, and maxillae and forms the bridge of the nose
This is the smallest bone of the skull and forms medial wall of each orbit
This bone has no articulations and is an attachment site for muscles and ligaments
hyoid bone
Whats the purpose of the sinuses
Makes bones lighter
gives resonance to voice
Has mucous lining that warms and humidifies air
What bones of the skull contain sinuses
What makes up the vertebral column?
24 individual vertebral bones and then sacrum and coccyx
Whats the function of the vertebrae
1. support weight of head
2. maintain posture
3. transfer weight to legs
4. protect delicate spinal chord
Name the general vertebrae markings
spinous process
transverse process
vertebral foramen
superior and inferior articular proces
What part of the vertebral bone attaches to muscle
spinous process
This is called atlas, has no body, allows us to shake head yes and wag from side to side
Called the axis. Allows us to shake head no
This type of vertebrae have has a foramen in the middle of the transverse process
cervical vertebrae
These cervical vertebrae have a bifid spinous process
This type of vertebrae has costal facets which articulate with ribs on body and on transverse process. Have 12 vertebrae and 12 corresponding rib pairs
Thoracic vertebrae
This type of vertebrae is the largest and has really large spinous process
This forms from 5 vertebrae that fuse, articulates with ossa coxae and L5 of lumber
Forms from 4 vertebrae
What are the three regions of the sternum
xiphoid process
How many ribs do all adults have
On a rib bone, this part articulates with the body of a vertebrae
on a rib bone, this part articulates with transverse process of vertebrae
How do ribs 1-12 articulate with vertebral bodies
2-9 articulate with vertebrae of same number and superior vertebrae. Ribs 1 and 10-12 articulate only with the same number
How do ribs articulate with vertebral transverse process
ribs 1-10 articulate with same number on vertebrae. Ribs 11 and 12 do not articulate with transverse process
How do the ribs articulate with sternum
1-7 (true ribs) articulate with sternum via own costal cartilage
8-10 (false ribs) articulate via rib 7 costal cartilage
11&12 (false ribs) don't articulate with sternum