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211 Cards in this Set

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How do you find the total magnification of the microscope?

ocular lense x objective lense
what part is this?
ocular lense
what are these 2 items?
on/off switch & light control
What part is this?
mechanical stage

what part is this?

objective lense
what is the switch under the stage?

iris diaphragm lever

what are these two knobs?
coarse adjustment knob
fine adjustment knob
what are the 4 kinds of objective lenses?
broad field lense
medium(low) power lense
high power lense
oil immersion lense
what's the definition of tissues?
similar looking cells with a similar function
what are the 4 kinds of tissue?
epithelial tissue
connective tissue
muscle tissue
nervous tissue
what's the definition of epithelial tissue?
lines the body surface and body cavities
how do you categorize epithelial tissue?
# of layers and the shape of the cells surface
what are the different layers called for epithelial tissue
what are the different shapes of epithelial tissue?
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can it be found?
simple squamous epithelial
kidney, air sacs of lungs
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can this be found?
simple cuboidal
kidney tubeles, ovary surface
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can it be found?
simple columnar
lines the stomach and digestive tract
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can it be found in the body?
ciliated pseudostratified columnar
lining the trachea and bronchi
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can it be found?
stratified squamous
skin, esophagus, and mouth
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can it be found?
stratified cuboidal
sweat glands, mammary glands, and salivary glands
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can you find this?
stratified columnar
what kind of epithelial is this?
where can you find this?
bladder and ureter
what is this cell?
what does it do?
goblet cell
what is the definition of connective tissue?
connects and holds the body together
how is connective tissue categorized?
type of matrix and type of fibers present
what are the 5 kinds of connective tissue?
dense connective tissue
loose connective tissue
what is the fluid of blood called?
what does plasma consist of?
erythrocytes leukocytes platelets
what is the periosteum in bone?
outer layer of bone
where is the endosteum in bone?
inner layer of bone that lines the marrow cavity
what's a compact bone?
found along the shaft of long bones and the surface of most bones

what is a osteon?

the structural and functional units of compact bone
what is the central canal of a osteon?
the hollow space in the middle
what are perforating canals?
connects one central canal of an osteon to another

what is a lamellae on an osteon?

rings or layers coming off the the central canal

what is lacunae in an osteon?

tiny space between the lamellae

what is canaliculi in an osteon?

canals that connect one lacunae to another

what is a osteoblasts in a osteon?

cell that makes bone

what is a osteocytes in a osteon?

located in lacunae
mature bone cell

where is spongy bone located?

found in the ends of long bones, the body of vertebrae, the middle of cranial bones and the sternum

what are the thin boney plates that are the structural and functional units of spongy bone called?


what is cartilage?

cells spread out in a matrix of chondroitin sulfate
what is a chondroblast?
makes cartilage
what is a chondrocytes?
mature cartilage cell found is small spaces
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
elastic cartilage
outer ear

what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?

intervertebral discs
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
regular dense connective
tendons and ligaments
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
irregular dense connective
fibrous joint capsules
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
elastic dense connective
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
found in mucous membranes and dermis of skin
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
breast tissue
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where can it be found?
reticular connective
lymph nodes and spleen
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where is it found?
bone (osteon)
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where is it found?
blood vessels
what kind of connective tissue is this?
where is it found?
hyaline cartilage
connects ribs to the sternum
what is adipose?
what's the definition of muscle tissue?
cells that can contact
what are the 3 kinds of muscular tissue?
what are the characteristics of skeletal muscle?
voluntary, multinucleated, striated, long cylindrical cells
what kind of muscle tissue is this?
where can it be found?
skeletal muscle
attached to bones
what kind if muscle is this?
where can it be found?
cardiac muscle
what are the characteristics of cardiac muscle?
involuntary, uninucleated, striated, branching cells, intercalated discs, gap junctions
what are intercalated discs?
thick connections between cardiac muscle cells
what are gap junctions?
tiny microscopic hollow tubes that connect two cardiac cells
what kind of muscular tissue is this?
where can it be found?
smooth muscle
in walls of hollow organs
what are the characteristics of smooth muscle?
involuntary, uninucleated, no striations, elongated nuclei
what is the definition of nervous tissue?
cells that detect stimuli and transmits electrical impulses throughout the body
what are two things found in nervous tissue?
neurons & neuroglia
what kind of tissue is this?
where can it be found?
nervous tissue
brain, spinal chord
what is the definition of neurons?
the structural and functional units of the nervous system
what is the definition of neuroglia?
cells that wrap around, insulate, and protect neurons
what is the cell membrane?
semipermeable barrier between the inside of the cell and the outside world
what part of the cell is this?
what is the function of the centrioles?
involved in cell division anchor cells that the chromosomes are pulled towards when the cell divides.
what is a chromatin?
spread out forms of DNA and protein
what is a chromosome?
condensed format of DNA and protein
what is cilia?
microscopic hair like extensions of the cell membrane that move things along the membrane of the cell
what is cytoplasm?
area between the cell membrane and the nucleus
what is cytoskeleton?
filament and tubes provides support for the cell and helps transport things, biggest structure in cell
what is cytosol?
fluid found in cytoplasm
what is flagellum?
structure for locomotion
what part of the cell is this?
golgi complex
what is the function of the golgi complex?
packages things for secretion
what is a lysosome?
membrane wrapped around digestive enzymes
what part of the cell is this?
what is the function of microvilli?
increases surface area of a cell
what part of the cell is this?
what is the function of mitochondria?
makes most of the ATP
what is the nuclear membrane?
outside part of the nucleus (envelope)
what part of the cell is this?
what is the function of the nucleolus?
makes RNA
what is the nucleus?
part that contains genetic material
what are ribosomes?
makes proteins, attached to rough ER and in cytoplasm
what part of the cell is this?
rough endoplasmic reticulum
what part of the cell is this?
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
what is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
stores ions
what is mitosis?
involved in the growth and repair of a cell
what are the stages of mitosis?
what is a diploid cell?
contains 2 sets of chromosomes
what is interphase?
longest stage of mitosis
what are the 3 parts to interphase?
G1 of interphase
S of interphase
G2 of interphase
what is G1 of interphase?
1st growth phase, begins to duplicate organelles, starts to replicate centrosomes
what is S of interphase?
DNA replication occurs
what is G2 of interphase?
cell growth continues, duplication and replication are completed
what is prophase?
chromatin starts to condense into chromosomes, nucleus begins to break down
what is metaphase?
chromosomes line up in the middle of a cell
what is anaphase?
pulling of genetic material apart, cytokinesis begins late in this stage
what is telophase?
cytokinesis completes, nuclear envelope begins to form
what is cytokinesis?
division of the cytoplasm
what stage of mitosis is this?
what stage of mitosis is this?
what stage of mitosis is this?
what phase of mitosis is this?
what stage of mitosis is this?
what is meiosis ?
produces sex cells, gamete
what is gamete?
eggs and sperm
where does meiosis occur?
in the gonads (ovaries & testes)
how does the cell for meiosis begin as
1 diploid cell
how does the cell end as after meiosis occurs?
4 unique haploid cells
what is the abdominal cavity?
the area that houses the stomach, intestines, liver, and other organs
what is the abdominopelvic cavity?
the cavity inferior to the diaphragm
what is antebrachial?
fore arm
what is antecubital?
anterior surface of the elbow
what is anterior?
what is axillary?
what is brachial?
upper arm
what is calcaneal?
heal of foot
what is carpal?
what is cephalic?
entire head
what is cervical?
neck region
what is coronal plane (frontal plane)?
plane that divides the body from anterior and posterior
what is cranial?
bones that immediately surround the brain, skull
what is cranial cavity?
hollow space that contains your brain
what is crural?
what is deep?
internal, away from the body's surface
what is diaphragm?
separates the thoracic cavity from the rest of the ventral cavity
what is distal?
away from the main part of the body
what is dorsal
back side
what is the dorsal cavity?
where the cranial cavity and vertebral or spinal cavity are located
what is epigastric?
upper middle abdominal section
what is facial?
contains the area from eyes to chin
what is femoral?
what is gluteal?
what is hallux?
big toe
what is hypogastric?
middle lower section of abdomen
what is hypochondriac?
under the cartilage, under rib cartilage, 2 sides right and left
what is iliac?
hip bone region, 2 sides
what is inferior?
below other structures
what is lateral?
towards the side

what is lumbar?

either side of bellybutton region, located in both front and back, lower/small of back

What is mammary?

breast region

What is medial?

towards the midline

What is metacarpal?

makes up the palm

What is Mediastinum?

what divides the thoracic cavity in half

What is metatarsal?


What is olecranal?

posterior side of the elbow

What is Parietal pleura?

membrane on the outer wall of the pleural cavity

what is parietal pericardium?

membrane on the outer wall of the pericardial cavity

What is parietal peritoneum?

membrane on the outer wall of the peritoneal cavity

What is patellar?

knee cap

What is pelvic cavity?

contains the urinary bladder, reproductive, and rectum

what is pericardial cavity?

where the heart is located

What is peritoneal cavity?

same as abdominopelvic cavity usually used when talking about the membranes

what is phalangeal?


What is plantar?

entire bottom of the foot

what is pleural cavity?

where the lungs are

What is pollex?


What is popliteal?

back of knee

What is posterior?


What is proximal?

closer to the main part of the body

What is sagittal plane?

divides the body into left and right?

What is spinal cavity?

where the spinal chord is located

What is superficial?

bodys surface

What is superior?


What is sural?


What is tarsal?


what is thoracic cavity?

contains heart and lungs

What is transverse plane?

divides the body into superior and inferior

What is umbilical?

belly button

middle section of the abdomen

What is ventral?

front side

What is ventral cavity?

contains thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

What is visceral pericardium?

membrane on the outer surface of the heart

What is visceral peritoneum?

membrane on the outer surface of all the organs in the peritoneal cavity

What is visceral pleura?

membrane on the outer surface of the lungs

What is the epidermis?

consists of stratified squamous epithelial tissue, avascular,cells become keratinized

what is keratin?

a waterproof protein in skin

What are the layers of the epidermis?

Stratum corneum

stratum lucidum

stratum granulosum

stratum spinosum

stratum basale

What is stratum corneum?

outer most layer, dead cells

What is stratum lucidum?

Thin translucent layer of dying cells filled with keratin

What is stratum granulosum?

thin dark staining layer of dying cells

What is stratum spinosum?

Varies on thickness, living cells

What is stratum basale?

Single layer, bottom of epidermis contains melanocytes

What is melanocytes?

makes dark pigment called melanin

What is the dermis?

The thickest layer of skin, consist of connective tissue, vascular, has fibroblasts, adipose cells

What is fibroblasts?

cell that makes fibers

What are the layers of the dermis?

Papillary region

reticular region

What is the papillary region?

the upper 20% of the dermis

What are dermal papillae?

bumps that extend up into the epidermis, makes up fingerprints and footprints

What are corpuscles of touch?

touch receptors, lite pressure

What is the reticular region?

the other 80% of the dermis

What is laminated corpuscles?

located deep in the dermis, detects heavy pressure

What is eccrine sudoriferous gland?

secretes a watery sweat directly to the surface of the skin

What is appocrine sudoriferous gland?

secretes a thicker and more odiferous secretion are the base of the hairs of the axillary and pubic regions

What is the hair shaft?

part of the hair extending above the skin

what is the hair root?

part of hair under the skin

what is the hair follicle?

layer sounding the root in the dermis

What us the hair root bulb?

rounded bottom of the hair root

what is the hair root papilla?

dome shaped indentation in the hair root bulb

What is sebaceous gland?

secrete an oily secretion around the hair root, waterproofs and lubricates

what is a arrector pili muscle?

smooth muscle makes hair stand up and produces goose bumps

What is the hypodermis?

located between the dermis and the underlying bones or muscle, has large blood vessels, nerves and lots of adipose tissue