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93 Cards in this Set

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Zygomaticus Major

Origin: Zygomatic bone

Insertion: Orbicularis Oris; angle of mouth

Action: Draws mouth superiorly and laterally

Zygomaticus Minor

Origin: Zygomatic bone

Insertion: Upper lip

Action: Elevates upper lip; exposes teeth

Orbicularis Oculi

Origin: Medial wall of orbit

Insertion: Around the orbit

Action: Closes eye

Levator Labii Superioris:

Origin: Above infraorbital foramen

Insertion: Orbicularis Oris; angle of mouth

Action: Raises upper lip

Levator Anguli Oris

Origin: Inferior to infraorbital foramen

Insertion: Orbicularis Oris; skin of lower lip

Action: Draws mouth superiorly and laterally


Origin: Fascia over parotid gland

Insertion: angle of mouth

Action: draws mouth laterally (grimmace)

Occipitofrontalis (frontal belly)

Origin: Aponeurosis on skull

Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin

Action: draws scalp anterior; raises eyebrows


Origin: Maxilla and Mandible

Insertion: Orbicularis Oris

Action: presses cheeks against teeth; assists in chewing


Origin: fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major

Insertion: Mandible; skin of lower face

Action: Draws outer lip laterally and posteriorly; depresses mandible (pouting)

Superior Rectus

Origin: Tendinous ring at optic foramen

Insertion: Superior part of eyeball

Action: Move eye superiorly

Inferior Rectus

Origin: Tendinous ring at optic foramen

Insertion: Inferior part of eyeball

Action: Move eye inferiorly

Medial Rectus

Origin: Tendinous ring at optic foramen

Insertion: Medial part of eyeball

Action: Move eye medially

Lateral Rectus

Origin: Tendinous ring at optic foramen

Insertion: Lateral part of eyeball

Action: Move eye laterally


Origin: Maxilla and Zygomatic arch

Insertion: angle and ramus of mandible

Action: Elevates mandible


Origin: Temporal bone

Insertion: Coronoid process and ramus of mandible

Action: Elevates and retracts mandible


Origin: Manubrium of sternum and clavicle

Insertion: Mastoid process and occipital bone


Bilaterally: flex cervical vertebrae

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion to the same side or turning the head to the opposite side

RMA: Elevates sternum during forced inhalation

*divides neck into the anterior and posterior triangles

Semispinalis Capitus

Origin: Articular processes of C4-C6 & transverse processes of C7-T7

Insertion: Occipital bone


Bilaterally: Extend head

Unilaterally: rotates head to opposite side

Splenius capitus

Origin: ligamentum nuchae; spinous processes of C7-T4

Insertion: occipital bone & mastoid process


Bilaterally: Extend head

Unilaterally: rotates and laterally flexes head to same side

Rectus Abdominis

Origin: Pubic bone

Insertion: Cartilage of ribs 5-7 & Xiphoid process

Action: Flexes vertebral column and compresses abdomen

*Tendinous intersections form a 6 pack

External oblique (*fascicles run medially and inferiorly)

Origin: ribs 5-12

Insertion: Iliac crest, linea alba


Bilaterally: compress abdomen & flex vertebral column

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion and rotation

Internal oblique (*fascicles run medially and superiorly)

Origin: Iliac crest

Insertion: Linea alba & cartilage of ribs 7-10


Bilaterally: compress abdomen and flex vertebral column

Unilaterally: lateral flexion and rotation

Transversus Abdominis (*fascicles run transversely)

Origin: Iliac crest & cartilage of ribs 5-10

Insertion: Xiphoid process, linea alba, and pubis

Action: Compresses abdomen

Rectus sheaths

Formed by the aponeuroses of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis

External intercostals (11 pairs)

Origin: inferior border of rib above

Insertion: Superior boarder of rib below

Action: elevates ribs for inhalation

Internal Intercostals (11 pairs)

Origin: Superior border of rib below

Insertion: Inferior border of rib above

Action: Draws ribs together for forced exhalation

Erector Spinae

Consists of iliocostalis muscles (lateral), longissimus muscles (intermediate), and spinalis muscles (medial).

Illiocostalis Cervicis

Origin: Ribs 1-6

Insertion: Transverse processes of C4-C6


Bilaterally: Extends and maintains posture of the cervical vertebral column.

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion of cervical vertebral towards contracted side

Illiocostalis Thoracis

Origin: Ribs 7-12

Insertion: Ribs 1-6


Bilaterally: Extends and maintains posture of the thoracic vertebral column.

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion of thoracic vertebral towards contracted side

Illiocostalis Lumborum

Origin: Iliac crest

Insertion: Ribs 7-12


Bilaterally: Extends and maintains posture of the Lumbar vertebral column.

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion of lumbar vertebral towards contracted side

Longissimus Capitus

Origin: Articular process of C4-C7 & transverse processes of T1-T4

Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone


Bilaterally: Extends head & vertebral column

Unilaterally: Rotation of head to same side

Longissimus Cervicis

Origin: Transverse processes of T4-T5

Insertion: Transverse proceses of C2-C6


Bilaterally: Extends vertebral column

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion to same side

Longissimus Thoracis

Origin: Transverse processes of Lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: Transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae and superior lumbar vertebrae; ribs 9 & 10


Bilaterally: Extends vertebral column

Unilaterally: Lateral flexion to same side

Spinalis Capitis

Origin: Articular processes of C4-C6, transverse processes of C7-T7

Insertion: Occipital bone

Action: Extends vertebral column and head

Spinalis Cervicis

Origin: Ligamentum nuchae & spinous process of C7

Insertion: Spinous process of axis

Action: Extends vertebral column and head

Spinalis Thoracis

Origin: Spinous processes of T10-L2

Insertion: Spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae

Action: Extends vertebral column and head


Origin: Rib 1

Insertion: Clavicle

Action: Depresses and moves clavicle anteriorly

Pectoralis Minor:

Origin: Ribs 2-5

Insertion: Coracoid process

Action: Abducts (protracts) scapula; elevates and rotates scapula downward.

Serratus anterior (Boxers muscle **horizontal arm movements)

Origin: Ribs 1-9

Insertion: Vertebral border & inferior angle of scapula

Action: Abducts scapula; rotates it upwards

RMA: elevates ribs when scapula is stable


Origin: Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, & spinous processes of C7-T12

Insertion: Clavicle; acromion and spine of scapula


Superior fibres: Elevate scapula and upward rotation

Middle fibres: Adduct (retract) scapula

Inferior fibres: Depress and upward rotate scapula

RMA: Extension of head

Levator Scapulae

Origin: Transverse processes of C1-C4

Insertion: Superior vertebral border of the scapula

Action: Elevation and downward rotation of the scapula

Rhomboid Major

Origin: Spines of T2-T5

Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula, inferior to spine of scapula

Action: Elevates, adducts, and downward rotates scapula

Rhomboid Minor

Origin: Spines of C7-T1

Insertion: Vertebral border superior to the spine of the scapula

Action: Elevates, adducts and downward rotates scapula

Pectoralis Major (axial)

Origin: Clavicle; sternum; costal cartilages of ribs 2-6

Insertion: Greater tubercle & lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus

Action: Medially rotates arm @ shoulder joint, adducts arm.

Clavicular head: Flexion of the arm

Sternal head: Extension of the arm

Latissimus Dorsi (axial)

Origin: Spines of T7-L5, sacrum & ilium, Ribs 9-12

Insertion: Intertubercular sulcus

Action: extends, adducts, & medially rotates the arm

RMA: Elevates vertebral column

Scapular muscles that move the humerus

Deltoid, Subscapularis, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Teres Major, Coracobrachialis


Origin: Acromial end of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula

Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity

Action: Flexion & extension, medial & lateral rotation, and abduction of the arm


Origin: Subscapular fossa

Insertion: Lesser tubercle

Action: Medial rotation of arm


Origin: Supraspinous fossa

Insertion: Greater tubercle

Action: Abduction of arm


Origin: Infraspinous fossa

Insertion: Greater tubercle

Action: Lateral rotation of arm

Teres Minor

Origin: Inferior lateral border (axillary border) of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle

Action: Lateral rotation & extension of arm

Teres Major

Origin: Inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: Medial lip of intertubercular sulcus

Action: Extension, adduction and medial rotation


Origin: Corocoid process

Insertion: Mid-medial surface of humerus

Action: Flexes and adducts arm

Rotator Cuff Muscles




Teres Minor

Carpal bones

Lateral to medial (thumb to pinkie)




Triquetrium (most visible on posterior view)

Pisiform (only seen on anterior view)





Hamate (hooked)

Flexor Carpi Radialis (superficial anterior)

Origin: Medial epicondyle

Insertion: Metacarpals II & III

Action: Flexes and abducts hand (radial deviation)

Palmaris Longus (superficial anterior - tendon is palpable)

Origin: Medial epicondyle

Insertion: Flexor retinaculum & palmar aponeurosis

Action: Weak flexion of hand at wrist joint

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (superficial anterior)

Origin: Medial epicondyle

Insertion: Pisiform, Hamate, and base of metacarpal V

Action: Flexion of hand and ulnar deviation

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (deepest muscle of the superficial anterior compartment)

Origin: Medial epicondyle, coronoid process, and anterior surface of radius

Insertion: Middle phalanges of digits II-V

Flexor Pollicis Longus (deep anterior)

Origin: Anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane

Insertion: Base of distal phalanx of thumb

Action: flexes distal phalanx of thumb

Flexor Digitorum Profundus (deep anterior)

Origin: Anterior medial surface of ulna

Insertion: Base of distal phalanges of fingers

Action: Flexes proximal, middle and distal phalanges, and hand

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (superficial posterior)

Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge; lateral epicondyle

Insertion: Metacarpal II

Action: Extends and abducts hand at wrist

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (superficial posterior)

Origin: Lateral epicondyle

Insertion: Metacarpal III

Action: Extends and abducts hand at wrist

Extensor Digitorum (superficial posterior)

Origin: Lateral Epicondyle

Insertion: middle and distal phalanges

Action: Extends proximal, middle, and distal phalanges, and hand

Extensor Digiti Minimi (superficial posterior)

Origin: Lateral epicondyle

Insertion: Tendon of Extensor Digitorum of pinkie

Action: Extends pinkie and hand

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (superficial posterior)

Origin: Lateral epicondyle; posterior border of ulna

Insertion: Metacarpal V

Action: Extends and adducts hand at wrist joint

Abductor Pollicis Longus (deep posterior)

Origin: Posterior of radius & ulna; interosseous membrane

Insertion: Metacarpal I

Action: Abducts and extends thumb; abducts hand at wrist

Extensor Pollicis Brevis (deep posterior)

Origin: Posterior of radius; interosseous membrane

Insertion: Proximal Phalanx of thumb

Action: Extends proximal phalanx and metacarpal of thumb; abducts hand at wrist

Extensor Pollicis Longus (deep posterior)

Origin: Posterior of ulna; interosseous membrane

Insertion: Base of distal phalanx of thumb

Action: Extends distal phalanx and metacarpal of thumb; abducts hand

Extensor Indices (deep posterior)

Origin: Posterior of ulna and interosseus membrane

Insertion: Tendon of extensor digitorum of index finger

Action: Extends phalanges of the index finger at interphalangeal joints; extends hand

Flexor retinaculum

Forms carpal tunnel

Extensor retinaculum

Holds extensor muscle tendons in place

Synovial Joint Components

Articular capsule

Synovial fluid

Accessory ligaments


Fluid filled sac-like structures that alleviate friction. Bursitis is inflammation caused by repeated exertion of a joint

Arrangements of Muscle fibres






Muscle compartment

Group of skeletal muscles, associated blood vessels, and nerves with a common function

Parts of the frontal bone (4)


Frontal Squama

Supraorbital margin

Supraorbital foramen

Parietal bone


Parts of occipital bone (3)

Foramen magnum

Occipital condyles

External occipital protuberance

Parts of Temporal bone (9)

Zygomatic process

Mandibular fossa

Articular tubercle

External auditory meatus

Internal auditory meatus

Mastoid process

Styloid process

Carotid foramen

Jugular foramen

Sphenoid bone (2)


Optic foramen

Superior orbital fissure




Lambdoid (parietal and occipital)

Squamous (parietal and temporal)

Facial bones (7)

Nasal bone

Lacrimal bone


Vomer (septum)


Zygomatic bone

Mandibular bone

Parts of the Mandible (3)

Coronoid process

Condylar process


Bones of the spine

7 cervical

12 thoracic

7 lumbar

5 (fused) sacral

4 coccyxal

Parts of the sacrum 

Parts of the sacrum


Posterior sacral foramen

Anterior sacral foramen

Sacral cana

Median sacral crest

Lateral sacral crest

Sacral hiatus

Transverse lines



Parts of the Sternum (5)

Parts of the Sternum (5)


Clavicular notch

Suprasternal notch


Xiphoid process

Parts of the rib, true ribs vs. false, spaces between ribs

Parts of the rib, true ribs vs. false, spaces between ribs

Superior facet

Inferior facet


Articular facet

Costal groove

Facet for costal cartilage

True ribs: 1-7

False ribs: 8-12

11&12 are floating ribs

Spaces between ribs: Intercostal spaces

Parts of the scapula (14)

Parts of the scapula (14)



Supraspinous fossa

Infraspinous fossa

Superior angle

Inferior angle

Lateral (axillary) border

Medial (vertebral) border

Infraglenoid tubercle

supraglenoid tubercle

Glenoid cavity

coracoid process

Subscapular fossa

Scapular notch

Parts of the humerus (forms the glenohumeral joint)

Parts of the humerus (forms the glenohumeral joint)



Greater tubercle

Lesser tubercle

Intertubercular groove

Deltoid tuberosity

Medial supracondylar ridge

Lateral supracondylar ridge

Medial epicondyle

Lateral epicondyle

Olecranon fossa

Coronoid fossa

Radial fossa



Pectoral Girdle

Clavicle + Scapula

Does not articulate vertebral column

Parts of the radius (6)
Parts of the ulna (8)

Parts of the radius (6)

Parts of the ulna (8)



Articular circumference

Radial tuberosity

Styloid process

Ulnar notch

Articular surface



Trochlear notch

Radial notch

Coronoid process

Styloid process

Ulnar tuberosity

Head of ulna

Articular circumference

Carpal Tunnel

Formed by the pisiform, hamate, scaphoid, & trapezium

Biceps Brachii

Origin: Supraglenoid tubercle and coronoid process

Insertion: Radial tuberosity

Action: Flexes arm at elbow and shoulder

Brachialis (deep to biceps)


Origin: Distal and anterior end of humerus

Insertion: Ulnar tuberosity & coronoid process

Action: Flexion at elbow


Origin: lateral border of humerus

Insertion: above styloid process of radius

Action: Flexion at elbow

Triceps Brachii

Origin (3 heads): Infragleoid tubercle, posterior surface of humerus and lateral surface of humerus

Insertion: Olecranon

Action: Extension at shoulder and elbow

Pronator teres

Origin: medial epicondyle & coronoid process

Insertion: Partway down radius

Action: Pronates forearm

Pronator quadratus

Origin: distal end of ulna

Insertion: Distal end of radius

Action: Pronates forearm


Origin: Lateral epicondyle

Insertion: Lateral proximal end of radius

Action: Supinates forearm