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38 Cards in this Set

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the person will have hallucinations and delusions. It is a psychotic disorder where the affected individual is out of touch with reality. There will be disturbances in the perception, thought, speech, emotion, and movement or behavior of the person.


schizophrenia is a number of different behaviors or symptoms that are not necessarily shared by all people who are given the diagnosis

characterization of schizophrenia

schizophrenia is characterized by a broad spectrum of cognitive and emotional dysfunctions that include hallucinations and delusions, disorganized speech and behavior, and inappropriate emotions

prognosis of schizophrenia

recovery is rare. affects roughly 1 in 100 people. usually strikes young people as they mature into adults. men and women can equally get it, but men suffer more severely from it. The earlier the onset the more debilitating it is, and the worse the prognosis will be.

positive symptoms of schizophrenia

with positive symptoms, something is added to normal behavior. delusions and hallucinations. obvious signs of distortion or extremes of normal behavior. exaggerations or excess.

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

can also have an absence of appropriate emotions or behavior that is present in normal individuals.

examples of positive symptoms

delusions- refer to a brief sight that would be seen by most as a misinterpretation of reality. Often referred to as a disorder of thought content.

examples of positive symptoms

capragas syndrome- the person believes that someone he/she knows has been replaced by a double

example of positive symptoms

cotard's syndrome- the person believes that he/she is actually dead

examples of negative symptoms

avolition- lack of initiation and persistence

examples of negative symptoms

alogia- refers to the absence of speech manifested as brief replies, little content, delayed comments, or slowed responses

examples of negative symptoms

anhedonia- lack of pleasure or indifference of activities that would bring pleasure

examples of negative symptoms

affective flattening- little expressed emotion

disorganized symptoms

unusual behavior in which the individual acts any number of ways from silly and the childlike to angry and aggressive. A positive symptom


wide ranging spectrum that consists of motor abnormalities, wild agitation, excessive motor activity, waxy flexibility, immobility, stupor,


repeat or mimic movement of others


repeat of mimic words of others

chronic schizophrenia

when schizophrenia is slow to develop it is called chronic. recovery is doubtful. people usually show negative symptoms. earlier onset results in a more severe disorder

acute schizophrenia

when schizophrenia develops very rapidly. recovery is better. people show positive symptoms. develops in response to a life stressor. Positive symptoms

schizophreniform disorder

shcizophrenic sympoms that only last a few months. affects .2 percent of people and most recover and move on with their lives

schizoaffective disorder

schizophrenic disorder combined with a mood disorder. Either a depressive or a manic episode. Persistant. No improvement without treatment.

delusional disorder

delusions contrary to reality. lack other positive and negative symptoms. 5 types...erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic

brief psychotic disorder

one or more positive symptoms that usually last a month or less. precipitated by extreme stress or trauma.

schizotypal personality disorder

symptoms are similar to schizophrenia. less severe with no hallucinations or delusions. has a genetic relationship to schizophrenia.

ADHD- innatention

6 or more symptoms:

difficulty paying attention to details or tasks

difficulty listening and carrying out directions

difficulty organizing daily schedule, tasks, activities

difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities

often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish school work, chores or duties in the work place

often avoids dislikes or is reluctant to to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort

often loses personal belongings

is easily distracted and makes careless mistakes

is often forgetful in daily activities

ADHD- hyperactivity

6 ore more symptoms:

§ Often fidgets with hands or taps feet or squirmsin seat

Often leaves seat in situations in whichremaining seated is expected

Often runs or climbs excessively in situationsin which it is inappropriate

Often has difficulty playing or engaging inleisure activities quietly

Constantly on the move as if propelled by amotor

Often talks excessively

ADHD- impulsivity

Often blurts out answers before questions havebeen completed

Often has difficulty waiting for turn

Often interrupts or intrudes on others

ADHD stats

affects 3 to 9 percent of people worldwide

11% of children in the USA ages 4 to 17

Boys outnumber girls 3:1

Becomes increasingly obvious in the school years

ADHD causes

The causes of ADHD have historically been centered on genetics, brain damage, toxins and food additives, maternal smoking

ADHD treatment

it has been well documented that stimulant medication reduces the core symptoms of ADHD

Specific learning disorder

difficulties learning and using academic skills persisting for at least 6 months

symptoms include:

Inaccurate or slow and effortful word reading

Difficulty understanding the meaning of what isread

Difficulties with spelling

Difficulties with written expression

Difficulties mastering number sense, numberfacts, or calculation

Difficulties with mathematical reasoning


A childhood disorder characterized by significant impairment in social interactions, communications, and engaging in in restricted patterns of behavior, interest, and activities,

Asperger's disorder

significant social impairments. stereotyped behaviors that are restricted and repetitive. Coordination problems. Highly verbal, no severe delays in language or cognition


global impairments that affect consciousness and cognition that develops rapidly over several hours or days. Marked by confusion, disorientation, attention, memory, and language deficits.


gradual deterioration of brain functioning. affects multiple domains including judgement, memory, language, and advanced cognitive processes. Can be caused by drugs and alcohol, but most common cause is alzhemiers disease

Traumatic Brain Injury

neurocognitive disorder due to traumatic brain injury that includes symptoms that persist for at least a week following the trauma, including executive dysfunction

Symptoms of traumatic brain injury

executive dysfunction, loss of consciousness, post traumatic amnesia, disorientation, and confusion.

Amnestic disorder

Characterized by circumscribed loss of memory and an inability to transfer long term memory