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176 Cards in this Set

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Number of people displaying a disorder in the total population at any given time
Number of new cases of a disorder appearing during a specific period
Pattern of development and change of a disorder over time
Predicted development of a disorder over time.
Cause or source of a disorder
Religious ritual that attributes disordered behavior to Possession by demons and seeks to treat the individual by driving the demos from the body
Sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterial microorganism entering the brain, include believing that everyone is plotting against you or that you are God, as well as other bizarre behaviors
Treatment practice that focuses on social and cultural factors (such as family experience), as well as psychological influences. Psychosocial approaches include cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal methods
Psychosocial Approach
Psychosocial approach in the 19th century that involved treating patients as normally as possible in normal environments
Moral Therapy
Mid 19th Century effort to improve care o the mentally disordered by informing the public of their mistreatment
Mental Hygiene Movement
Assessment and therapy pioneered by Sugmund Freud that emphasizes exploration of, and insight into, unconscious processes and conflicts
Explanation of human behavior, including dysfunction based on principles of learning and adaptation derived from experimental psychology
Personality theory and therapy emphasizing inherent striving of humans to reach their highest potential if conditions preventing growth are removed
Humanistic Psychology
Part of the psychic makeup that is outside the awareness of the person
Rapid or sudden release of emotional tension thought to be an important factor in psychoanalytic therapy
Common pattern of behavior, often an adaptive coping style when it occurs in moderation, observed in response to a particular situation. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that defense mechanisms are unconscious processes originating from the ego
Defense Mechanism
Psychoanalytic concept of the sequence of phases a person passes through during development. Each stage is named for the location on the body where id gratification is maximal at that time.
Psychosexual Stages of Development
In psychoanalysis, the fear in young boys that they will be mutilated genitally b/c of their lust for their mothers
Castration Anxiety
Psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes the role of the geo in dvlpmt and attributes psychological disorders to failure of the ego to manage impulses and internal conflicts. AKA self-psychology
Ego Psychology
Modern dvlpmnt in psychody-namic theory involving the study of how children incorporate the memories and values of people who are close and important to them
Collective Unconscious
Psy therapy technique intended to explore threatening material repressed into the unconscious. The pt is instructed to say whatever comes to mind without censoring
Free Association
Psychoanalytic therapy method in which dream content is examined as symbolic of id impulses and intrapsychic conflicts
Dream Analysis
Therapist who practices psychoanalysis after earning either an M.D. or a Ph.D. degree and receiving additional postdoc training
Psych concept suggesting that clients may seek to relate to the therapist as they do to important authority figures, particularly their parents
Contemporary version of psychoanalysis that still emphasizes unconscious processes and conflicts but is briefer and more focused on specific problems
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Complex and comprehensive theory originally advanced by Sigmend Freud that seeks to account for the dvlpmnt and structure of personality, as well as the origin of abnormal behavior, based primarily on inferred inner entities and forces
Psychoanalytic Theory
the unconscious psychic entity prensent at birth representing basic drives
the psychic entity responsible for finding realistic and practical ways to satisfy id drives
In psychoanalysis, the psychic entity representing the inernalized moral standards of parents and society
In psychoanalytic theory, a struggle among the id, ego, and superego.
Intrapsychic Conflict
Modern development in psychodynamic theory involving the study of how children incorporate the memories and values of people who are close and important to them.
Object Relation
Obsolete psychodynamic term for a psychological disorder thought to result from an unconscious conflict and the anxiety it causes. Plural is neuroses.
Process emphasized in humanistic psychology in which people strive to achieve their highest potential against difficult life experiences.
Therapy method in which the client, rather than the counselor, primarily directs the course of discussion, seeking self-discovery and self- responsibility.
Person-centered Therapy
Acceptance by the counselor of the client’s feelings and actions without judgment or condemnation.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Explanation of human behavior, including dysfunction, based on principles of learning and adaptation derived from experimental psychology.
Behavioral Model
Fundamental learning process fi rst described by Ivan Pavlov. An event that automatically elicits a response is paired with another stimulus event that does not (a neutral stimulus).After repeated pairings, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that by itself can elicit the desired response.
Classical Conditioning
Learning process in which a response maintained by reinforcement in operant conditioning or pairing in classical conditioning decreases when that reinforcement or pairing is removed; also the procedure of removing that reinforcement or pairing.
Early, nonscientific approach to the study of psychology involving systematic attempts to report thoughts and feelings that specific stimuli evoked.
Behavioral therapy technique to diminish excessive fears, involving gradual exposure to the feared stimulus paired with a positive coping experience, usually relaxation.
Systematic Desentsitization
n operant conditioning, the development of a new response by reinforcing successively more similar versions of that response. Both desirable and undesirable behaviors may be learned in this manner.
In operant conditioning, consequences for behavior that strengthen it or increase its frequency. Positive reinforcement involves the contingent delivery of a desired consequence. Negative reinforcement is the contingent escape from an aversive consequence. Unwanted behaviors may result from reinforcement of those behaviors or the failure to reinforce desired behaviors.
Array of therapeutic methods based on the principles of behavioral and cognitive science, as well as principles of learning as applied to clinical problems. It considers specific behaviors rather than inferred conflicts as legitimate targets for change.
Behavior Therapy
Conscious, subjective aspect of an emotion that accompanies an action at a given time.
n neuroscience, a chemical substance that effectively increases the activity of a neurotransmitter by imitating its effects.
In neuroscience, a chemical substance that decreases or blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter.
Neurotransmitter current or neural pathway in the brain
Brain Circuit
Field of study that examines how humans and other animals acquire, process, store, and retrieve information.
Cognitive Science
Hypothesis that both an inherited tendency (a vulnerability) and specific stressful conditions are required to produce a disorder.
Diathesis-Stress Model
Neurotransmitter whose generalized function is to activate other neurotransmitters and to aid in exploratory and pleasure-seeking behaviors (thus balancing serotonin). A relative excess of dopamine is implicated in schizophrenia (although contradictory evidence suggests the connection is not simple), and its deficit is involved in Parkinson’s disease.
Pattern of action elicited by an external event and a feeling state, accompanied by a characteristic physiological response.
Developmental psychopathology principle that a behavior or disorder may have several causes.
Biological reaction to alarming stressors that musters the body’s resources (for example, blood flow and respiration) to resist or fl ee a threat.
Flight or Fight Response
Neurotransmitter that reduces activity across the synaptic cleft and thus inhibits a range of behaviors and emotions, especially generalized anxiety.
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Long deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, the basic physical unit of heredity that appears as a location on a chromosome.
Amino acid neurotransmitter that excites many different neurons, leading to action.
Chemical messenger produced by the endocrine glands.
Condition of memory in which a person cannot recall past events despite acting in response to them.
Implicit Memory
n neuroscience, a chemical substance that produces effects opposite those of a particular neurotransmitter.
Inverse Agonist
Martin Seligman’s theory that people become anxious and depressed when they make an attribution that they have no control over the stress in their lives (whether or not they actually have control).
Learned Helplessness
Learning through observation and imitation of the behavior of other individuals and consequences of that behavior.
Enduring period of emotionality.
Approach to the study of psychopathology that holds psychological disorders are always the products of multiple interacting causal factors.
Multidimensional integrative approach
ndividual nerve cell responsible for transmitting information.
Study of the nervous system and its role in behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
Chemical that crosses the synaptic cleft between nerve cells to transmit impulses from one neuron to the next. Relative excess or deficiency of neurotransmitters is involved in several psychological disorders.
Neurotransmitter active in the central and peripheral nervous systems, controlling heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, among other functions. Because of its role in the body’s alarm reaction, it may also contribute generally and indirectly to panic attacks and other disorders. Also known as noradrenaline.
Ability adaptive for evolution, allowing certain associations to be learned more readily than others.
Prepared Learning
Hypothesis that people with a genetic predisposition for a disorder may also have a genetic tendency to create environmental risk factors that promote the disorder.
Reciprocal gene–environment model
Action by which a neurotransmitter is quickly drawn back into the discharging neuron after being released into a synaptic cleft.
Neurotransmitter involved in processing of information and coordination of movement, as well as inhibition and restraint. It also assists in the regulation of eating, sexual, and aggressive behaviors, all of which may be involved in different psychological disorders. Its interaction with dopamine is implicated in schizophrenia.
Space between nerve cells where chemical transmitters act to move impulses from one neuron to the next.
Synaptic Cleft
Susceptibility or tendency to develop a disorder.
In genetics research, the study of fi rst-degree relatives reared in different families and environments. If they share common characteristics, such as a disorder, this finding suggests that those characteristics have a genetic component.
Adoption Study
Approach to research that employs subjects who are similar to clinical clients, allowing replication of a clinical problem under controlled conditions.
Analog Model
Research strategy for comparing genetic markers in groups of people with and without a particular disorder.
Association Study
Measured rate of a behavior before introduction of an intervention that allows comparison and assessment of the effects of the intervention.
Measuring, observing, and systematically evaluating (rather than inferring) the client’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the actual problem situation or context.
Behavioral Assessment
Research procedure in which a single person or small group is studied in detail. The method does not allow conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships, and findings can be generalized only with great caution (contrast with single-case experimental design).
Case Study Method
Classification method founded on the assumption of clear-cut differences among disorders, each with a different known cause. Also known as pure categorical approach.
Classical Categorical Approach
Assignment of objects or people to categories on the basis of shared characteristics.
Systematic evaluation and measurement of psychological, biological, and social factors in a person presenting with a possible psychological disorder.
Clinical Assessment
Degree to which research findings have useful and meaningful applications to real problems.
Clinical Significance
Participants in each age group of a study with a cross-sectional design.
Observation that people of different age groups differ in their values and experiences.
Cohort Effect
Presence of two or more disorders in an individual at the same time.
Outcome research that contrasts two or more treatment methods to determine which is most effective.
Comparatve Treatment Research
Any factor occurring in a study that makes the results uninterpretable because its effects cannot be separated from those of the variables being studied.
Variable in a research study that was not part of the intended design and that may contribute to changes in the dependent variable.
Confounding Variable
Group of individuals in a study who are similar to the experimental subjects in every way but are not exposed to the treatment received by the experimental group. Their presence allows for a comparison of the differential effects of the treatment.
Control group
Degree to which two variables are associated. In a positive correlation, the two variables increase or decrease together. In a negative correlation, one variable decreases as the other increases.
Computed statistic reflecting the strength and direction of any association between two variables. It can range from –1.00 through 0.00 (indicating no association) to +1.00, with the absolute value indicating the strength and the sign reflecting the direction.
Correlation Coefficient
Research procedure in which variables are measured and compared to detect any association but are not manipulated. Conclusions about cause and effect relationships are not permissible.
Correlation Study
Limit on the generalizability of longitudinal research because the group under study may differ from others in culture and experience.
Cross-generational Effect
Methodology to examine a characteristic by comparing individuals of different ages (contrast with longitudinal design).
Cross-sectional Design
In an experimental study, the phenomenon that is measured and expected to be influenced (compare with independent variable).
Dependent Variable
Process of determining whether a presenting problem meets the established criteria for a specific psychological disorder.
Method of categorizing characteristics on a continuum rather than on a binary, either-or, or all-ornone basis.
Dimensional Approach
Possibility that when two variables, A and B, are correlated variable A causes variable B or variable B causes variable A.
Procedure in outcome research that prevents bias by ensuring that neither the subjects nor the providers of the experimental treatment know whois receiving treatment and who is receiving a placebo.
Double-blind Control
Measure of electrical activity patterns in the brain, taken through electrodes placed on the scalp.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Psychopathology research method examining the prevalence, distribution, and consequences of disorders in populations.
Research method that can establish causation by manipulating the variables in question and controlling for alternative explanations of any observed effects.
Extent to which research findings generalize, or apply, to people and settings not involved in the study.
External Validity
Assessment error in which no pathology is noted (that is, test results are negative) when one is actually present.
False Negative
Assessment error in which pathology is reported (that is, test results are positive) when none is actually present.
False Positive
Extent to which a disorder would be found among a patient’s relatives
Familial Aggregation
Genetic study that examines patterns of traits and behaviors among relatives.
Family Study
Extent to which research results apply to a range of individuals not included in the study.
Study that seeks to match the inheritance pattern of a disorder to that of a genetic marker. This helps researchers establish the location of the gene responsible for the disorder.
Genetic Linkage Analysis
nherited characteristic for which the chromosomal location of the responsible gene is known.
Genetic Marker
Specific genetic makeup of an individual.
Ongoing scientific attempt to develop a comprehensive map of all human genes.
Human Genome Project
Educated guess or statement to be tested by research.
Phenomenon manipulated by the experimenter in a study and expected to influence the dependent variable.
(IV) Independent Var
Ethical requirement whereby research subjects agree to participate in a study only after they receive full disclosure about the nature of the study and their own role in it.
Informed Consent
Score on an intelligence test estimating a person’s deviation from average test performance.
(IQ) Intelligence Quotient
internal validity
Internal Validity
Applying a name to a phenomenon or a pattern of behavior. The label may acquire negative connotations or be applied erroneously to the person rather than that person’s behaviors.
Degree of behavior change with different interventions (for example, high or low).
Systematic study of changes in the same individual or group examined over time (contrast with crosssectional design).
Longitudinal Design
Relatively coarse preliminary test of a client’s judgment, orientation to time and place, and emotional and mental state; typically conducted during an initial interview.
Mental Status Exam
Single-case experimental design in which measures are taken on two or more behaviors or on a single behavior in two or more situations. A particular intervention is introduced for each at different times. If behavior change is coincident with each introduction, this is strong evidence the intervention caused the change.
Multiple Baseline Design
Association between two variables in which one increases as the other decreases.
Negative Correlation
Sophisticated computeraided procedure that allows nonintrusive examination of nervous system structure and function.
Assessment of brain and nervous system functioning by testing an individual’s performance on behavioral tasks.
Neuropsychological Testing
In a naming system or nosology, the actual labels or names that are applied. In psychopathology, these include mood disorders and eating disorders.
Classification and naming system for medical and psychological phenomena.
Tendency to consider all members of a category as more similar than they are, ignoring their individual differences.
Patient Uniformity Myth
Self-report questionnaire that assesses personal traits by asking respondents to identify descriptions that apply to themselves.
Personality Inventory
Observable characteristics or behaviors of an individual.
In outcome research, a control group that does not receive the experimental manipulation but is given a similar procedure with an identical expectation of change, allowing the researcher to assess any placebo effect.
Placebo Control Group
Behavior change resulting from the person’s expectation of change rather than from the experimental manipulation itself.
Placebo Effect
Association between two variables in which one increases as the other increases.
Positive Corrleation
In genetics research, the individual displaying the trait or characteristic being studied.
Psychoanalytically based measure that presents ambiguous stimuli to clients on the assumption that their responses can reveal their unconscious conflicts. Such tests are inferential and lack high reliability and validity.
Projective Test
System for categorizing disorders using both essential, defining characteristics and a range of variation on other characteristics.
Prototypical Approach
Measurement of changes in the nervous system reflecting psychological or emotional events such as anxiety, stress, and sexual arousal.
Psychophysiological Assessment
Method for placing individuals into research groups that assures each an equal chance of being assigned to any group, thus eliminating any systematic differences across groups.
Degree to which a measurement is consistent—for example, over time or among different raters.
When responses are measured on more than two occasions (not just before and after intervention) to assess trends.
Repeated Msrmt
Plan of experimentation used to test a hypothesis.
Research Design
Literally “the view back”; data collected by examining records or recollections of the past. It is limited by the accuracy, validity, and thoroughness of the sources.
Retrospective Information
Combination of crosssectional and longitudinal designs involving repeated study of different cohorts over time.
Sequential Design
Research tactic in which an independent variable is manipulated for a single individual, allowing cause-and-effect conclusions but with limited generalizability (contrast with case study method).
Single-case Experimental Design
Process of establishing specific norms and requirements for a measurement technique to ensure it is used consistently across measurement occasions. This includes instructions for administering the measure, evaluating its findings, and comparing these to data for large numbers of people.
Small probability of obtaining the observed research findings by chance.
Statistical Significance
System of naming and classification (for example, of specimens) in science.
Ability of a hypothesis, for example, to be subjected to scientific scrutiny and to be accepted or rejected, a necessary condition for the hypothesis to be useful.
Direction of change of a behavior or behaviors (for example, increasing or decreasing).
In genetics research, the comparison of twins with unrelated or less closely related individuals. If twins, particularly monozygotic twins who share identical genotypes, share common characteristics such as a disorder, even if they were reared in different environments, then strong evidence of genetic involvement in those characteristics exists.
Twin Study
Degree to which a technique measures what it purports to measure.
Degree of change in a phenomenon over time.
Removing a treatment to note whether it has been effective. In single-case experimental designs, a behavior is measured (baseline), an independent variable is introduced (intervention), and then the intervention is withdrawn. Because the behavior continues to be measured throughout (repeated measurement), any effects of the intervention can be noted.
Withdrawal Design
Severe reaction immediately following a terrifying event, often including amnesia about the event, emotional numbing, and derealization. Many victims later develop posttraumatic stress disorder.
Acute Stress Disorder
Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult.
Unreasonable, enduring fear of animals or insects that usually develops early in life.
Animal Phobia
Mood state characterized by marked negative affect and bodily symptoms of tension in which a person apprehensively anticipates future danger or misfortune. Anxiety may involve feelings, behaviors, and physiological responses.
Brain circuit in the limbic system that responds to threat signals by inhibiting activity and causing anxiety.
(BIS) Behavioral Inhibition System
Unreasonable fear and avoidance of exposure to blood, injury, or the possibility of an injection. Victims experience fainting and a drop in blood pressure.
Blood–injury–injection phobia
Repetitive, ritualistic, timeconsuming behavior or mental act a person feels driven to perform.
Emotion of an immediate alarm reaction to present danger or life-threatening emergencies.
Brain circuit in animals that when stimulated causes an immediate alarm-and-escape response resembling human panic
(FFS) Fight/Flight System
Anxiety disorder characterized by intense, uncontrollable, unfocused, chronic, and continuous worry that is distressing and unproductive, accompanied by physical symptoms of tenseness, irritability, and restlessness.
(GAD) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Fear of situations or events in nature, especially heights, storms, and water.
Natural Environment Phobia
Recurrent intrusive thought or impulse the client seeks to suppress or neutralize while recognizing it is not imposed by outside forces.
Anxiety disorder involving unwanted, persistent, intrusive thoughts and impulses, as well as repetitive actions intended to suppress them.
(OCD) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Sudden, overwhelming fright or terror.
Cognitive–behavioral treatment for panic attacks, involving gradual exposure to feared somatic sensations and modification of perceptions and attitudes about them.
(PCT) Panic Control Tx
Fear and avoidance of situations the person believes might induce a dreaded panic attack.
(PDA) Panic Disorder w/ Agoraphobia
Panic attacks experienced without development of agoraphobia.
(PD) Panic Disorder w/o Agoraphobia
Enduring, distressing emotional disorder that follows exposure to a severe helplessness or fear-inducing threat. The victim reexperiences the trauma, avoids stimuli associated with it, and develops a numbing of responsiveness and an increased vigilance and arousal.
(PTSD) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Excessive, enduring fear in some children that harm will come to them or their parents while they are apart.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety involving enclosed places (for example, claustrophobia) or public transportation (for example, fear of flying).
Situational Phobia
Extreme, enduring, irrational fear and avoidance of social or performance situations.
Social Phobia
Unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation that markedly interferes with daily life functioning.
Specific Phobia