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82 Cards in this Set

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New York

General Assembly, Security Council, Secretariat

The three major organs of the UN

Alger Hiss

implicated as a spy for the Soviet Union

Cold War

A war fought not with military weapons but with words, diplomacy, and ideology fought by the "free world" against the "Communist bloc"
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

were convicted of treason and executed in 1953

Klaus Fuchs

the director of Britain's nuclear research program who was convicted in 1950 for supplying Moscow with a top-secret trigger mechanism

Truman Doctrine
said the United States would aid any free nation to resist communist aggression

Marshall Plan

said the United States would lend money to provide massive economic assistance to rebuild Europe after World War II also known as Europe Recovery Plan

Berlin Airlift

the Americans established this to save 2 1/4 from starvation
the defense pact formed to prevent further threats of Communism

Warsaw Pact
the pact Russia made to counteract NATO

European Economic Community
the common market of Western Europe

Nikita Krushchev

Leader of Russia denounced Stalin's gruesome tactics giving the false impression that Communism was mellowing

Marshal Tito

the dictator of Yugoslavia who established the Soviet sphere of control
when was the Berlin Wall the symbol of Soviet Oppression in Eastern Europe built
Konrad Adenauer
leader of West Germany

Charles de Gaulle

leader of the Free French government during World War II
Red Brigades

the group the Communists in Italy organized
Chiang Kai-shek

the Nationalist leader of China

Mao Tse-Tung

the Communist leader of China

George C. Marshall

traveled to China as a special envoy to arrange peace between the Nationalists and Communists


where the Chinese Nationalist went after losing the Chinese Civil War

Great Leap Forward

China's second five year plan

Cultural Revolution
China's attempt to purge the country of all "counter revolutionaries" and foreign influences

Red Guards

the group of Chinese young people who formed a gang to prevent Nationalists form coming back to government

Kim I1 Sung

North Korean puppet leader during the Korean War

38th Parallel

the dividing line between Communist and Nationalist China

the year the Korean War began

Pusan Perimeter

the battle line in the southeastern corner of Korea

President Truman

abruptly removed General MacArthur from command in Korea

Matthew Ridgeway

replaced MacArthur as leader in Korea

General MacArthur

said "There is no substitute for victory"

Fidel Castro

Communist Cuban leader

John F. Kennedy

president of the United States during the Bay of Pigs

the group which formed from Cuban aid in Nicaragua
Juan Peron

elected president of Argentina
Salvador Allende

president of Communist Chile

May 14, 1948

the day when Israel became a state

David Ben-Gurion

Israel's first prime minister


formed in 1960 as a monopoly designed to control the supply and price of oil

Begin and el-Sadat

Met at the Camp David Accords


agreed to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula at the Camp David Accords
Yassir Arafat
began the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

the Shah
the group in Iran that was overthrown in 1979

first African nation south of the Sahara to gain independence


the Republic of Congo in 1971
Haile Selasse I

leader in Ethiopia who was overthrown by a military coup


policy of racial segregation

African National Congress

A group in South Africa influenced by Marxist agitators


the year the Vietnam War officially ended

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnamese Communist man who formed the Indochinese Party

Ho Chi Minh Trail
supply route for North Vietnam through Cambodia
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

provided the legal justification for U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam conflict


President Johnson sent the first American combat troops to South Vietnam
William Westmoreland
the military general of South Vietnam

Tet Offensive

the great military offense in 1968 which though American and South Vietnamese troops inflicted overwhelming losses on North Vietnamese the press showed it as a victory for North Vietnam

policy of limited warfare

caused Communist victory in Vietnam


the year the cease-fire agreement was finally signed in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City
the capital of Vietnam was renamed from its original name Saigon


father of the Hydrogen Bomb


reducing of tension

Henry Kissinger

President Nixon's assistant for national security affaits

Leonid Brezhnev

succeeded Khrushchev as leader of the Soviet Union
SALT treaties

United States and the Soviet Union's agreement of limiting arms
Margaret Thatcher

first woman prime minister

Falkland Islands

islands which Argentina unsuccessfully invaded

Reagan Doctrine
said it would strengthen America's military an offensive policy of preemptive strikes to stop Communism before it could enslave a nation


the place where the Reagan Doctrine sent troops to prevent Castro from taking as a military base to invade South America


South Korean airliner that was shot down by Soviet fighter jets


place in Soviet Ukraine that suffered from a nuclear reactor meltdown

Lech Walesa

leader of the Polish Solidarity

Mikhail Gorbachev

leader of the Soviet Union when Europe freed Russia from the Soviets

Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

the treaty which was made when Gorbachev met President Reagan



government that free elections in Poland brought to power

the date East and West Germany were officially reunited

Nicolae Ceausescu

Cruel dictator of Romania

Tiananmen Square
place where China Communists soldiers crushed a demonstration
Boris Yeltsin

leader of the Russian Republic after the Soviet Union fell
United States and Soviet Union

announced that all economic aid to the Soviet Union would cease if the coup succeeded
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
the government that the former Soviet Union set up