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49 Cards in this Set

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An experimental design, often involving a single subject, wherein a baseline period (A) is followed by a treatment (B). To confirm that the treatment resulted in a change in behavior, the treatment is then withdrawn (A) and reinstated (B).
ABAB Design
Field of psychology concerned with the study, assessment, treatment, and prevention of abnormal behavior
Abnormal Psychology
Term used to describe a disorder of sudden onset, usually with intense symptoms
Studies in which a researcher attempts to emulate the conditions hypothesized as leading to abnormality
Analogue Studies
Observer bias occurs when the researcher has preconceived ideas and expectations that influence the observations he or she makes in the research study
An in-depth examination of an individual or family that draws from a number of data sources, including interviews and psychological testing
Case Study Method
Term used to describe a long-standing or frequently recurring disorder, often with progressing seriousness
Occurrence of two or more identified disorders in the same psychologically disordered individual
Group of subjects who do not exhibit the disorder being studied but who are comparable in all other respects to the criterion group. Also, a comparison group of subjects who do not receive a condition or treatment the effects of which are being studied
Comparison or Control Group
The tendency of two variables to change together. With positive of this, as one variable goes up, so does the other; with the negative of this, one variable goes up as the other goes down
A research strategy that examines whether and how variables go together (covary) without manipulating (changing) any variables
Correlational Research
A statistic that ranges from +1.0 to -1.0 and reflects the degree of association between two variables. The magnitude of the correlation indicates the strength of the association, and the sign indicates whether it is positive or negative
Correlation Coefficient
Group of subjects who exhibit the disorder under study
Criterion Group
In and experiment, the factor that is observed to change with changes in the manipulated (independent) variables
Dependent Variable
Method of collecting research data that involves directly observing behavior in a given situation
Direct Observation
Refers to the fact that, in correlational research, it cannot be concluded whether variable A causes variable B or whether variable B cause variable A
Direction of Effect Problem
Often used in studies examining drug treatment effects, a condition where neither the subject nor the experimenter has knowledge about what specific experimental condition (or drug) the subject is receiving
Double-Blind Study
A statistical term referring to the strength of the relationship between two variables in a statistical population
Effect Size
Study of the distribution of diseases, disorders, or health-related behaviors in a given population. Mental health of this kind is the study of the distribution of mental disorders
Factors that are related to the development (or cause) of a particular disorder
Research that involves the manipulation of a given factor or variable with everything else constant
Experimental Research
The extent top which the findings from a single study are relevant to other populations, contexts, or times
External Validity
The clustering of certain traits, behaviors, or disorders within a given family. This may also arise because of genetic or environmental similarities
Family Aggregation
The extent to which the findings from a single study can be used to draw conclusions about other samples
Statement of proposition, usually based on observation, that is tested in an experiment; may be refuted or supported by experimental results but can never be conclusively proved
Occurrence (onset) rate of a given disorder to a given population
Factor whose effects are being examined and which is manipulated in some way while other variables are held constant
Independent Variable
The extent to which a study is free of confounds, is methodologically sound, and allows the researcher to have confidence in the findings
Internal Validity
Assigning a person a particular diagnostic category, such as schizophrenia
The proportion of living persons in a population who have ever had a disorder up to the time of the epidemiological assessment
Lifetime Prevalence
A research design in which people are followed over time
Longitudinal Design
A statistical method used to combine the results of a number of similar research studies. The data from each study are transformed into a common metric call the effect size. This allows the data from the various studies to be combined and then analyzed. You can think of this as being like research that you are already familiar with, except that the "participants" are individual research studies, not individual people
A relationship between two variables such that a high score on one variable is associated with a low score on another variable
Negative Correlation
A formalized naming system
The total number of cases of health-related state of condition in a population for a given year
1-Year Prevalence
An inert pill or otherwise neutral intervention that produces desirable therapeutic effects because of the subject's expectations that it will be beneficial
Placebo Treatment
The number of cases of a specific condition or disorder that can be found in a population at one given point in time
Point Prevalence
A relationship between two variables such that a high score on one variable is associated with a high score on another variable
Positive Correlation
In a population, the proportion of active cases of a disorder that can be identified at a given point in time or during a given period
Method that often focuses on individuals who have a higher than average likelihood of becoming psychologically disordered before abnormal behavior is observed
Prospective Research
A procedure used to create equivalent groups in which every research participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any group in the study
Random Assignment
Research approach that attempts to retrace earlier events in the life of a subject
Retrospective Research
The process of selecting a representative subgroup from a defined population of interest
Data collected directly from participants, typically by means of interviews or questionnaires
Self-Report Data
An experimental research design (e.g. an ABAB design) that involves only one subject
Single-Case Research Design
A measure of the probability that a research finding could have occurred by chance alone
Statistical Significance
The tendency to jump to conclusions (often negative) about what a person is like based on beliefs about that group that exist (often incorrectly) in the culture (e.g. French people are rude; homosexuals have good taste in clothes, mental patients are dangerous, etc.)
Negative labeling
Refers to the problem of making causal inferences in correlational research where the correlation between two variables could be due to their shared correlation with an unmeasured third variable
Third Variable Problem