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126 Cards in this Set

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Which hormone is primarily responsible for maintaining the pregnancy?
When the cervix turns a bluish purple hue, this is termed:
a) Goodell sign
b) Chadwick's sign
c) Dunca's sign
b) Chadwick's sign
*Remember Chad is blue(depressed)
When stimulation from the hormones estrogen and progesterone produces cervical softening, this is called:
a) Goodell sign
b) Chadwick's sign
c) Dunca's sign
d) cervical ripening
a) goodell sign
What is the function of the mucus plug?
Helps to keep harmful agents out of the uterus
A pregnant woman is experiencing leukorrhea, what do you tell her?
a) this is a normal process
b) this is an abnormal process
c) I will have to refer you to the doctor
d) you will need to have a cervical smear done
a) this is a normal process, which represents an increased whitish vaginal discharge, resulting from hyperplasia of the vaginal mucosa and increased mucus production from the endocervical glands
At what point should a woman experiencing leukorrhea call her doctor?
If it thickens, turns yellow or green or has a foul odor.
The nurse knows that the pregnant woman is more susceptible to ____ because of an increase in the acidity of the vagina from 6 to 3.5.
yeast infections
What are pregnant women encourage to do in regards to the sun?
Spend less time in the sun because of increased risk for burns
What happens in regards to hair growth during and after pregnancy?
Dormant hair grows quicker during pregnancy and then proceeds to fall back out for 1-4 months after pregnancy.
What changes in the skin can occur because of pregnancy related changes in levels of circulating hormones?
Acne, itching and extreme dryness or extreme oiliness
A pregnant woman is experiencing new onset carpal tunnel syndrome. What can you suggest to her to treat it?
Elevate the hands at night or wear a brace.
What is carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy caused by?
a) relaxing of joints
b) increased estrogen
c) edema
d) decreased progesterone
c) edema puts pressure on the median nerve lying beneath the carpal ligament
What is the physiological anemia of pregnancy?
Plasma volume grows greater than the increase in erythrocytes, so the hematocrit(measurement of RBC concentration in the plasma) is decreased which appears as anemia in blood tests
During pregnancy, the woman's H&H decreased to its lowest point at ___weeks.
Why are pregnant woman advised to avoid crowds and individuals with active infections? Because they have:
a) decreased resistance to infection
b) increased symptoms of autoimmune disorders
c) increase leukocyte function
d) all of the above
a) They have decreased resistance to infection due to the depressed leukocyte function
Which conditions might be aggravated due to increased oxygen demands of pregnancy?
Lung diseases such as asthma and emphysema.
Progesterone increases during pregnancy resulting in a ____ in mucus production of the nose and throat.
a) decrease
b) increase
b) increase
Nausea and vomiting during the first trimester are most likely due to rising levels of
a) progesterone
b) estrogen
c) hCG
d) leutinizing hormone
c) hCG
The pregnant woman experiencing ptyalism(excessive saliva production) are advised to eat small meals and avoid
a) spicy foods
b) bland food
c) tart foods
d) starchy foods
d) starchy foods such as potatoes, bread and pasta
What is the recommended daily calcium intake for pregnant women?
a) 1000-1200 mg
b) 1200-1500 mg
c) 1500-1700 mg
d) 1700-2000 mg
b) 1200-1500 mg
What hormone stimulates the "let down" reflex?
What is one way to enhance prenatal bonding of the father to promote early paternal attachment?
True or false: It is best not to allow older children to attend prenatal classes with the pregnant mom as it may cause role confusion.
False: It is encouraged for the older children to attend the prenatal classes or tour the birthing unit to help include them in the changes that are taking place during pregnancy and that will occur following the birth
True of False: If heartburn is experienced during pregnancy, the baby will be born with lots of hair.
False: It is a myth
The perinatal nurse explains to the woman in the assessment area who is experiencing painless, irregular contractions at 28 weeks gestation that this is normal and is related to circulating levels of the hormone:
a) estrogen
b) progesterone
c) relaxin
d) prostaglandin
a) estrogen
The perinatal nurse talks with a pregnant woman at 20 weeks gestation who has monilial vaginitis. The best information the perinatal nurse can provide is: CATA
a) pregnancy is a time when women are at an increased risk for this type of infections
b) your vaginal area has increased secretions and discharge that are normal to pregnancy but burning and itching are signs and symptoms that should always be reported
c) gentle cleansing with plain soap and water is best
d) douching may be required to ensure cleanliness
a) pregnancy is a time when women are at an increased risk for this type of infections
b) your vaginal area has increased secretions and discharge that are normal to pregnancy but burning and itching are signs and symptoms that should always be reported
c) gentle cleansing with plain soap and water is best
The perinatal nurse sees Jenny for a prenatal clinic visit. Jenny is now at 36 weeks gestation. The nurse teaches Jenny that she should go to the hospital if she is aware of vaginal discharge that includes: CATA
a) blood
b) a foul odor
c) yellow-green color
d) fleshy odor
a) blood
b) a foul odor
c) yellow-green color
The clinic nurse provides health teaching to Rachel, a 28 y.o. woman in her 10th week. What do you teach her about sun exposure? CATA
a) during pregnancy, the skin is photosensitive
b) she will need to use additional sunscreen
c) she will need to decrease her exposure time to the sun
d) the increased sun sensitivity will continue while she is breastfeeding
a) during pregnancy, the skin is photosensitive
b) she will need to use additional sunscreen
c) she will need to decrease her exposure time to the sun
How often should the pregnant woman see her doctor during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy? How about after that?
Every 4 weeks, then at 28 weeks every 2 weeks, and at 36 weeks, every week.
Maternal fever over ___ is a danger sign and the woman needs to seek medical help.
a) 99
b) 100
c) 100.5
d) 100.9
c) 100.5
What is the Prenatal Plus Program?
a) a program for pregnant teenagers
b) a program for low-income pregnant women
c) a program for homeless pregnant women
d) a risk assessment form
d) a risk assessment form that assess a woman's risk for complications based on previous pregnancy history, medical history, nutritional and exercise patterns, financial income, education, depression and lifestyle choices.
Is red raspberry plant safe to use during pregnancy?
What is red raspberry plant believed to do?
Aid in fertility, ease morning sickness and assist with the birth of the baby and the placenta
Can blue cohosh be used during pregnancy?
No, it has been linked with cardio emergencies in the woman and anoxia in the fetus.
What is blue cohosh (caulophyllum thalictroides) thought to cause (by American Indians)?
Induction of labor or abortion
What is IPV?
intimate partner violence
What is at greatest risk for IPV? Women who:
a) were sexually abused as children
b) have mothers who were abused
c) were psychologically abused by step fathers
d) live in low income areas
a) were sexually abused as children
Methamphetamines used during pregnancy may cause:
a) placental abortion
b) intrauterine growth restriction
c) spontaneous abortion
d) stillbirth
c) spontaneous abortion
Marijuana during pregnancy can cause:
a) placental abortion
b) intrauterine growth restriction
c) spontaneous abortion
d) stillbirth
b) intrauterine growth restriction
Goodell sign and Chadwick sign are ___ signs of pregnancy
a) presumptive
b) probable
c) positive
b) probable
Using Naegele's rule, what is a woman's EDB if her last normal menstrual period was October 10th, 2010?
July 17th 2010
Erica is taking oral contraceptives and realizes that she got pregnant 3 weeks ago. She is worried about the effect the birth control will have on the fetus. What do you tell her?
Prenatal hormone exposure associated with normal contraceptive use has not been shown to have any detrimental effects on the developing fetus
In GTPAL, what does the P stand for?
preterm deliveries
When taking a pregnancy test, what hormone is being tested, and how long after pregnancy can it be detected in urine?
hCG, and it is detectable in urine around day 26
True or false: Pregnancy predisposes women to decreased plaque and the development of gingivitis, or gum inflammation.
False: It causes an INCREASE in plaque build up, gingivitis and gum inflammation
A woman receiving a ____ vaccination is recommended not to get pregnant for 4 weeks.
Prenatal exposure to ____ has been associated with cleft lip and cleft palate due to its folic acid antagonistic properties.
True or False: Fetal effects from smoking during pregnancy disappear 1-2 years after birth.
False: They continue well into childhood and are associated with problems such as upper respiratory infections, childhood asthma, and wheezing
In the lat 1930's ____ was widely prescribed to pregnant woman to reduce the likelihood of spontaneous abortion or preterm delivery.
What is DES?
A synthetic form of estrogen
Exposure to ___ during intrauterine development produces both structural and functional gynecological abnormalities that area associated with numerous problems including infertility, increased incidence of ectopic pregnancies, preterm labor and birth, and vaginal adenocarcinoma.
What medication is given to pregnant women with HIV to reduce the risk of perinatal transmission and the risk of infant death?
What can syphilis infection during pregnancy result in?
a) deafness, blindness or fetal death
b) deafness, cognitive difficulties, osteochondritis or fetal death
c) spina bifida, neural tube defects or fetal death
d) neurological impairment, fetal death or autism
b) deafness, cognitive difficulties, osteochondritis or fetal death
If a woman gets syphilis during pregnancy, is she able to be treated with an antibiotic, or will this only further harm the developing fetus?
She is able to be treated with penicillin or erythromycin.
True or False: Herpes Simplex Virus is an STD that must be reported to the state board of health when detected.
False: It is not a reportable disease.
On average, during the second and third trimester the woman should increase her caloric intake by ___ calories per day.
Folic acid intake should be at least ____ mcg/day prior to and during the first 3 months of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.
a) 100
b) 200
c) 300
d) 400
d) 400
Low levels of what vitamin may predispose women to premature rupture of membranes?
Vitamin C; Some foods that are high in vitamin C:Sweet red pepper,strawberries, oranges, brussels sprouts,
broccoli,collard greens, grapefruit, cantaloupe,cabbage,tomato
Due to hereditary factors, who is hypertension more prevalent in?
African American and Mexican American cultures
What causes systolic heart murmurs in over 90% of pregnant women?
a) increased pressure on the left ventricle
b) increased pressure on the diaphragm
c) increased blood volume
d) decreased circulating RBC
c) increased blood volume
When can a primigravida patient be told to expect to be able to feel fetal movements?
a) 10-12 weeks
b) 16-20 weeks
c) 18-20 weeks
d) 20-24 weeks
c) 18-20 weeks
At the end of the first trimester, where should the fundus be located?
symphysis pubis
On the fetus, where is the fetal heart rate best heard?
a) over the apical pulse area
b) over the right chest
c) over the upper back
d) it varies
c) over the upper back
"Lie" describes the relationship of the fetus to the ___ of the mother.
a) fundus
b) symphysis pubis
c) umbilicus
d) long axis
d) long axis
If the presenting part is engaged, is it fixed or movable?
At how many weeks is a nurse able to hear the fetal heart rate using a Doppler stethoscope?
10-12 weeks
At how many weeks is a nurse able to hear the fetal heart rate using a fetal stethoscope?
17-19 weeks
A pregnant woman underwent a non-stress test and it was determined to be reactive. What does this mean?
It means that there were accelerations by at least 15 beats per minute for at least 15 seconds, with at least three acceleration episodes in a 20 minute period. This is a good result!
What complications is the young teenage mother at additional risk for?
anemia, preeclampsia and preterm birth
Teenagers in denial of their pregnancy are at a high risk for:
a) spontaneous abortion
b) preterm labor
c) neonaticide
d) adoption complications
c) neonaticide: Infants born to this group of teenagers are at highest risk for being victims of neonaticide, as the mother fails to develop any form of attachment.
Neonaticide is defined as the killing of a baby within ___ hours of birth.
a) 2
b) 10
c) 24
d) 72
c) 24
True or False: If the adolescent father is not married to the pregnant teenager, he has no legal rights to participate in her decision making concerning the pregnancy, elective abortion, or plans for adoption.
True :(
What does the preconception and prenatal care for women in the over-35-age group focus on?
a) initiating and maintaining vitamin supplementation
b) chronic medical conditions and lifestyle habits
c) co-morbidities and genetic testing
d) diagnostic testing and down syndrome risk evaluation
b) chronic medical conditions and lifestyle habits such as alcohol, drug, and tobacco use
When are maternal serum AFP blood samples taken, and what indicates down syndrome?
They are taken between 14 and 16 weeks pregnancy and LOW levels are associated with Down syndrome
What indicates that the AFP test should be delayed further?
a) vaginal bleeding
b) 15 weeks of pregnancy at time of test
c) admitted alcohol use in the last 24 hours
d) a yeast infection is detected
a) vaginal bleeding: that occurs immediately before a second trimester blood sample is obtained can affect the screening result since bleeding may increase the maternal serum AFP level and provide a false negative
What test, if performed before obtaining a second trimester blood sample can increase maternal AFP to a false level?
a) a fetal-maternal transfusion test
b) a blood test
c) vaginal ultrasound
d) amniocentesis
d) amniocentesis- due to the possibility of a feto-maternal transfusion, which can increase the maternal serum AFP level
Laura, a 38 y.o woman, calls the clinic to ask about a pregnancy test as she has missed her last period by 2 weeks. The clinic nurse recommends that Laura use a home pregnancy test:
a) that is specific to the beta subunit of hCG
b) that is specific to the alpha subunit of hCG
c) in 1 week
d) at the end of 2 weeks
a) that is specific to the beta subunit of hCG
A positive rubella screening is indicative of:
a) immunity
b) no immunity
c) inconclusive result
a) immunity
True or False: If a pregnant woman test negative for rubella, she is immunized asap.
False: She is not immunized while pregnant, she is immunized after pregnancy.
Gonorrhea and chlamydia are cervical infections that can ascend through the cervix and increase the risk of ___ and ___.
PROM and preterm labor
A low nasal bridge, short nose, flat midface, and short palpebral fissure are facial features associated with ___.
Progesterone during pregnancy exerts a ____ effect.
a) excitatory
b) depressant
c) adverse
d) paradoxal
b) depressant
When is the best time to provide prenatal education on fetal growth and development for the expectant couple?
a) on confirmation of pregnancy
b) first trimester
c) second trimester
d) third trimester
c) second trimester since there is an increased paternal willingness to learn about growth and development during this time
What is the recommended weight gain per week for a woman of normal weight during the 2nd and 3rd trimester?
a) 0.4 kg
b) 0.8 kg
c) 1 kg
d) 1.2 kg
a) 0.4 kg or .88 lbs
What is the recommended weight gain per week for an overweight woman during the 2nd and 3rd trimester?
a) 0.3 kg
b) 0.4 kg
c) 0.8 kg
d) 1.2 kg
a) 0.3 kg
What is the recommended weight gain per week for an underweight woman during the 2nd and 3rd trimester?
a) 0.3 kg
b) 0.4 kg
c) 0.5 kg
d) 0.8 kg
c) 0.5 kg
What do the following foods have in common: raw shellfish, shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel?
They all have high amount of mercury and should be avoided during pregnancy.
Fresh or frozen tuna, red snapper, and orange roughly contain moderate amounts of mercury and women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should limit their intake of these products to:
a) 4 oz per day
b) 10 oz per day
c) 12 oz per week
d) 24 oz per week
c) 12 oz per week
Cereal, egg yolks, liver, and seafood are all high in what vitamin?
What are some great sources of iron?
Oysters, organ meats and fortified instant cooked cereals
What are the side effects of supplemental iron?
Constipation, black tarry stools, nausea, and abdominal cramping
Iron is best absorbed when taken:
a) with meals
b) between meals
c) with milk
d) with tea
b) between meals with a beverage other than tea, coffee, or milk and high in vitamin c
After the first 3 months, what is the recommended daily intake of folic acid?
800 micrograms(mcg)
What is the recommended daily intake of folic acid for a woman who has previously given birth to an infant with a neural tube defect or those who have a positive family history of neural tube defects?
1-4 gm per day
How is the renal pelvis and ureters altered during pregnancy and what does this result in?
They dilate from increased blood flow and this adds volume to the bladder and results in an increased production of urine
Gestational diabetes increases the risk for maternal _____.
What does the treatment of pica focus on?
a) psychological causes
b) nutritional deficiencies
c) food counseling
d) all of the above
b) nutritional deficiencies
Pregnant strict vegetarians consume only plant products, so their diets are deficient in ____ which is found only in foods of animal origin.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin B6
d) Vitamin E
b) Vitamin B12
Why should pregnant strict vegetarians drink soy milk?
It is high is vitamin B12 which they are usually deficient in due to their restriction of animal products.
Why would strenuous exercise result in delayed or improper growth and development of the fetus?
Because the decreased oxygen saturation associated with strenuous exercise directly affects fetal blood flow and oxygenation.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 guarantees most women, as well as men, __ weeks of unpaid family leave following the birth or adoption of a child.
True or False: The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 guarantees most women, as well as men, to allow the family member to return to his or her job, but not necessarily at the same salary.
False: It DOES guarantee that they will get the same salary doing the same or similar job.
When can the pregnant woman expect to experience increased energy and endurance?
The second trimester, when the rapid physiological changes that occurred in the first trimester come into balance with the body's workload demands.
What do the following herbs have in common? Barberry, black cohosh, feverfew, goldenseal, mugwort, pennyroyal leaf, and yarrow root.
They cause preterm labor.
Why is Isotretinoin (Accutane) not allowed to be used for the treatment of acne in pregnant women?
It causes spontaneous abortions and congenital anomalies.
A medication labeled as Category A:
a) is evidenced to cause fetal risk and congenital anomalies in humans
b) has no associated fetal risks and is safe to take during pregnancy
c) has not been research enough to know if it causes damage to the fetus
d) has shown to cause fetal malformations
b) has no associated fetal risks and is safe to take during pregnancy
A medication labeled as Category X:
a) is evidenced to cause fetal risk and congenital anomalies in humans
b) has no associated fetal risks and is safe to take during pregnancy
c) has not been researched enough to know if it causes damage to the fetus
d) has shown to cause mild fetal malformations
a) is evidenced to cause fetal risk and congenital anomalies in humans
When does nausea usually occur, and when can it be expected to be resolved by?
It usually occurs during the first trimester and resolves by 13-14 weeks although it may continue during the whole pregnancy.
What vitamin can help lessen nausea?
Vitamin B6 or ginger tablets
What is thought to cause upper and lower backache during pregnancy?
a) estrogen
b) progesterone
c) hCG
d) LH
b) progesterone: It causes a relaxation and softening of the connecting cartilage and joints
What is dyspareunia and what causes it?
It is painful sex during pregnancy caused by pelvic congestions and impaired circulation by the enlarging uterus.
Why do pregnant women have to pee more at night?
The uterus is not pressing on the pelvic vessels as much and blood flow to the kidneys is enhanced so urine formation increases.
During rest, after meals, how many times per hour should the pregnant woman in the second trimester be able to feel fetal movements?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 10
b) 4
True or False: Lamaze classes provide education on movement and position, massage, relaxation,and use of heat and cold in addition to breathing techniques.
What does the Bradley mother of childbirth focus on?
a) medication and relaxation controlled pain
b) medication controlled pain
c) natural childbirth via relaxation
d) natural childbirth via distraction and gate control theory of pain
c) natural childbirth via relaxation: via breathing control, abdominal breathing, and general relaxation
What method of childbirth emphasizes darkness, solitude, and quiet in order to reduce stimulation?
The Bradley method
How is the woman advised to breath throughout the labor and birth process while utilizing the Bradley method of natural childbirth?
Normally in order to maintain a state of relaxation and to oxygenate the baby adequately.
What is the main concern with Lamaze?
It can lead to dizziness and hyperventilation, resulting in decreased oxygenation of the fetus :(
What natural method of childbirth focuses on progressive relaxation of different muscle groups to reduce tension and increase blood flow to the uterus?
a) LeBoyer
b) Dick-Read
c) Birthing From Within
d) Odent
b) Dick-Read
What natural method of childbirth focuses on using art, writing, painting, and sculpting to encourage self-discovery?
a) LeBoyer
b) Dick-Read
c) Birthing From Within
d) Odent
c) Birthing From Within
What natural method of childbirth involves moving the woman into a warm water bath?
a) LeBoyer
b) Dick-Read
c) Birthing From Within
d) Odent
d) Odent
Who is the Odent birthing method not an option for an why?
For women who have ruptured membranes or other complications that require continuous fetal monitoring.
What natural method of childbirth involves a dimly lit room and placing the newborn in a warm water bath to enhance the transition?
a) LeBoyer
b) Dick-Read
c) Birthing From Within
d) Odent
a) LeBoyer
The clinic nurse encourages all pregnant women to eat foods rich in folic acid such as: CATA
a) cheese
b) chicken
c) Brussels sprouts
d) orange juice
c) Brussels sprouts
d) orange juice
The clinic nurse offers smoking cessation programs to all prenatal women who smoke because cigarette smoking during pregnancy increases the risk for: CATA
b) spontaneous abortion
c) intrauterine growth restriction
d) postdate pregnancy
b) spontaneous abortion
c) intrauterine growth restriction
What hormone acts as a depressant during pregnancy?