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21 Cards in this Set

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Allergic Rhinitis

mediated by histamine & leukotrienes.

Asthma (천식)

-하기도에서 Th2 inflammation;

-근육 hypertrophy = 섬유화된 공간으로 내강 줄어듬 + secretion도 차게 된다.

cf) 참고로 찬공기에 의해서도 bronchoconstriction됨.

COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Two modes:

-Chronic bronchitis: inflammation & excess mucus

-Emphysema: alveolar membranes break down

대부분의 원인은 담배. epi & macrophage를 자극한다 --> fibrosis + protease (leads to emphysema + mucus hypersecretion)

MDI (metered dose inhalers)

-일정한 약을 흡입할 수 있다.

Inhaled Drugs

-Metered dose inhalers (MDIs)

a. with spacer/mask

b. with spacer/mouthpiece

-Dry powder inhalers (DPI)

a. Turbuhaler = 돌리면 가루가 나와서 기도로 들어감.

b. Diskus = 버튼을 돌리면 가루가 장전이 되고 이걸 들이마신다.


-Nasal sprays

Drugs for Asthma

*Bronchodilators = adrenergic agoinst, anticholinergics, methylxanthines (이거 배웠죠? ^^)

*Anti-inflammatory drugs = steroid, cromolyn, leukotriene inhibitors

Adrenergic Agonsits

eg) ephedrine, epinephrine (used for status asthmaticus), isoproteronol

*adverse effect: tacyhcardia, nervousnes, agina. Inhalation 하면 부작용이 적다.

b2 pharmacokinetics

short acting: PRN (as needed) for symptoms

long acting: not PRN ever

-Shoring acting: albuterol (use = MDI, neb)

-Long acting: salmeterol (available only in combination = anticholinergics과 함께 쓴다)

**강조함: b2 agonist side effect:

a. muscle tremor

b. Tachycardia

c. Hypokalemia

d. Restlessness

e. Hypoxemia.

설명: COPD, asthma 가 있으면 막힌 폐포 쪽으로 못 가게 vasoconstriction이 일어납니다 (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction due to reversal of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction)


Reduces bronchospasms and mucus. Used in COPD bronchospasm/asthma.

-Ipratropium: Onset = 30 min (NOT short acting)

-MDI (combo w/ albuterol), Neb.


-oral, iv

-primary action: CNS excitation, bronchodilation

-cardiac stimulation, vasodilation, diuresis 생길 있다.

eg) theophylline, aminophylline.

-DDI 많다 (fluoroquinolones 함께 쓰면 독성 증가한다)

Anti-inflammatory Drugs

-glucocorticoid: decrease release of inflammatory mediator

-세포막 내에 receptor가 있습니다.

-b receptor sensitivity 높히고 cytokine 줄이고 mucus secretion 줄여짐. 너무 많이 쓰면 Cushing 와요.

-inhaled (gargle and use spacer) --> oral cadidiasis, dysphonia (disorder of the voice)

Inhaled Corticosteroicds

Fluticasone: MDI - combo with salmeterol

Budesonide: DPI, neb

--> almost all of these also have intranasal prep for allergic rhinitis.

Mast-Cell stabilizer = 최근들어서 많이 쓰고 있습니다.

-mast cell: histamine을 만들어요.../예방적으로 사용합니다.

-can be used for allergic rhinitis

-MDI. Cromolyn, Nedocromil.

Leukotriene Modifier

-two approaches:

a. inhibit leukotriene synthesis: zileuton 질루톤

b. inhibit leukotriene receptors: montelukast 몬테루카스트

cf) anti-IgE = omalizumab

Asthma Treatment summarized:

-mild intermittent: Albuterol MDI PRN

-Mild persistent: add inflammatory

-moderate persistent: long acting b-2 agonist를 깔아줘야 됩니다.

-severe: high inhaled steroid / systemic steroid를 넣어줍니다.

COPD Treatment summarized:

-asthma: 기관지만 낙힌 것이기 때문에 산소가 거기를 통과하면 문제 해결됩니다 (bronchodilator로 해결할 수 있습니다)

-COPD: empysema 때문에 고농도의 산소를 줘야 한다.

-치료: ipratropium/O2 in advanced stage.

Allergic rhinitis medication

a. Antihistamines

b. Intranasal glucocorticoids

c. Intranasal cromolyn

d. Montelukast

e. Sympathomimetics (decongestants)


Pseudoephedrine을 사용합니다. Leads to vasoconstriction of nasal arteries/shrinkage of swollen membranes.


1st generation - 졸려요. 2nd generation = fexofenadine, loratidine, desloratidine.

Cough suppressants (진해제 - antitussive)

-Opioid: codeine/reduce cough reflex centrally

-Non-opioid: dextromethorphan (reduces cough reflex centrally), benzonatate (local anesthetic으로 작용; decreases stomach R sensitivity)

Expectorant (거담제 = 가래를 잘 뱉게 하는 것)

-유일하게 FDA 허가받은게 Guaifenasin 입니다.

-hypertonic saline & acetylcysteine: 감기 때는 쓸 수 있어도 천식에 쓰면 치명적일 수 있다 (bronchospasm)

-normal saline (inhaled): used to hydrate lung