The Evolution of Beowulf Throughout the story of Beowulf the great hero accomplishes three great feats against three terrible monsters. On the surface of each battle readers can see that Beowulf portrays wlenco, however, if we look a little deeper into each conflict we can see positive character development within Beowulf himself. In this poem Beowulf clashes with Grendel, Grendel’s mother and the dragon that ravages his community; within each battle Beowulf has a subtle change in character that eventually leads him to become a great king. Before the author reaches Beowulf’s first conflict he writes Beowulf off as arrogant and bold.…
Although most of the warriors flee in terror at the sight of the beast, one warrior, Wiglaf, stays to help Beowulf, fulfilling the archetype of “the sidekick” in the process. With his help, Beowulf is able to slay the dragon. The sidekick’s actions help exemplify the epic message, showing how courage is able to defeat evil, as without Wiglaf’s brave actions, the dragon’s evil would have never been stopped.…
Towards the end of beowulf 's death he gives his armor and necklace to wiglaf. He said “ Then the brave king gave the golden necklace from around his throat to wiglaf, gave him his gold-covered helmet and his rings, and his mail shirt and ordered him to use them well.” (215) This phrase also shows what kind of person beowulf is.…
The Hero has given his people hope that they too can become as great of a man/warrior as he was. The reader’s even envision this as they read of Wiglaf come to the aid of his king against the dragon at the end of the poem. Wiglaf has learned the epic trait of loyalty from his leader. This example shows how Beowulf helped to push many people of the Anglo-Saxon Culture to become better than even they could have imagined. He has also taught the people that no matter what they receive or conquer, they should always give praise to their God.…
I was believe in Beowulf, for his Leaderships that shows how brave kings he are. They stand his self as a great king that’s why he had a peace of his kingdom. He got his kingdom, power, glory and a woman, but he Live his entire kingdom to be peaceful. Wiglaf showed the fame for his loyalty till the end of the fight against demons, his lord showed the respect for being brave to them. We all notice that Wiglaf is the only brave solder that show his true loyalty till the end, he fight at the side of Beowulf.…
Yet it has no effect on the beast. The two men were physically outmatched by the beast, but worked together to fight it, regardless of the likelihood that they would fail. Wiglaf helped weaken the Dragon so Beowulf could deliver the final blow. However, during the course of the battle, Beowulf was fatally injured. In his final moments, Beowulf declared Wiglaf his heir.…
When he nearly died, all of his followers fled, except for one. His name was Wiglaf. He never left Beowulf’s side while he was dying. While the dragon was firing at Beowulf, Wiglaf was waving his sword on the side to help distract the dragon for a while. Although it did not work, he had the bravery and determination to stay and attempt to help save his king.…
Wiglaf and Beowulf have various complementary and parallel traits. Wiglaf is loyal, gallant, and self-sacrificing, similar traits of Beowulf. In lines 2648-2653, Wiglaf declares valiantly to his comrades: “Let us go to him, help our leader through the hot flame and dread of the fire. As God is my witness, I would rather my body were robbed in the same burning blaze as my gold-giver’s body than to go back home bearing arms.” This is Wiglaf’s declaration of loyalty to Beowulf, and an example of his willingness to sacrifice his life in order to aid a man he looks up to, as well as his homeland.…
He is characterized as being a fearless warrior who possesses strength that no man can match. Along with this strength, he also exhibits great loyalty, generosity, and cunning. These particular characteristics make Beowulf one of the greatest heroes. Several heroes are characterized as being great and fearless warriors, but few also posses the other virtues that make a hero seem like a great human being as…
Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon hero because he shows characteristics of being brave, loyal, generous, and friendly. He expresses being brave and friendly by going to battle even when it was not for his own kingdom. Beowulf showed that he wanted to fight for them because it was the right thing to do. He expresses being loyal and generous when he gets rewarded for his battles but will give all of his treasures back to his king. Beowulf shows loyalty to his family and kingdom when he is asked to take the throne.…
He lived his life in honor, loyalty and pride to acquire greatness. Of all the men, Wiglaf honorably stood by his king, loyal until defeating the dragon and proud of having not fled like the rest of the men. This paralleled Beowulf standing by Hrothgar, killing both Grendel and the mother and never once waning in battle. These traits are what set Wiglaf apart from the rest, just as much as Beowulf from his men. Heroes are always fighting in a bigger scale.…
His willingness to sacrifice his life for his people is yet another characteristic of an epic hero. The first major example of Beowulf’s bravery is presented to the reader when he decides to fight Grendel with his bare hands saying, “I have heard, / too, that the monster’s scorn of men/ is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. / Nor will I” (166-169). In this instance, Beowulf presents his bravery by stating that he refuses to fight Grendel with a weapon, simply because Grendel would not be using one. Beowulf knows that there is a possibility that he could get hurt, or even worse die, but his bravery and willingness to protect others overpowers those thoughts.…
In Beowulf, I found myself idolizing over the strong and fearless hero. He was what I would call “the perfect hero”, because not only did he get the job done, but he did it so with honor and modesty. In some cases it reminded me of the movie Hercules, where Hercules tried to show off as much as possible and show that he was better than everyone else to gain fame. While Beowulf used his famous strength to help those in need not to just gain fame, but because he knew he was undoubtedly the only one who could help.…
Wiglaf’s consistent loyalty shows that he would never disappoint the king who has protected him for the past 50 years. Beowulf has never asked for anything in return, therefore, Wiglaf has an obligation to the king to reciprocate. When Wiglaf helps Beowulf fight the dragon, he is able to harm the dragon enough to…
Beowulf’s bravery can be attributed to the fact that he always stayed loyal to God and kept his word to others in the toughest of situations. Beowulf epitomizes bravery as he never backs down from a fight no matter the challenges…