“If we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices,’ Jenny Nelson says, quoting from Elie Wiesel’s Night” (“Teachers Revisits Holocaust” Mitchell). His speech is momentous as it talks about the Holocaust and what they did to all kinds of people. If we were to forget about this event, we would simply replay it all over again and this is not okay. This is why his speech is remembered, to speak of it to the children in schools, to speak of it to all of the people in the world in hopes to prevent it from happening again. Wiesel told the people, his audience, to speak up when there is injustice. “Why remember?...Why should we give our memories to young people and place such a burden of sadness on their frail or not so frail shoulders? We know to speak about [the Holocaust] is impossible, but to be silent is forbidden. If it were simply a matter of communicating a lesson or tale of suffering, that wouldn't do it” (“Remembrance and Hope”). Furthermore, Elie Wiesel’s speech is still being venerated today. According to the Teacher Revisits Holocaust article, the
“If we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices,’ Jenny Nelson says, quoting from Elie Wiesel’s Night” (“Teachers Revisits Holocaust” Mitchell). His speech is momentous as it talks about the Holocaust and what they did to all kinds of people. If we were to forget about this event, we would simply replay it all over again and this is not okay. This is why his speech is remembered, to speak of it to the children in schools, to speak of it to all of the people in the world in hopes to prevent it from happening again. Wiesel told the people, his audience, to speak up when there is injustice. “Why remember?...Why should we give our memories to young people and place such a burden of sadness on their frail or not so frail shoulders? We know to speak about [the Holocaust] is impossible, but to be silent is forbidden. If it were simply a matter of communicating a lesson or tale of suffering, that wouldn't do it” (“Remembrance and Hope”). Furthermore, Elie Wiesel’s speech is still being venerated today. According to the Teacher Revisits Holocaust article, the