Period 2
In the novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin is about modern day feminism, the whole book relates back to Chopin life during the late twentieth century and how women may have felt during that era especially if you were a wife and mother then you have limited freedom. The purpose of the book is to experience several awakenings throughout the storyline and self realization to meet the aspects of life. Throughout the book the main character Edna (Mrs. Pontellier) was a mother and a wife, she starts to make her own decisions when she started to disobey her husband commands and decided to spend her time more wisely instead of being a mother and wife. Edna would feel depressed in the way she lived, but when she wouldn't want to follow the rules of being a mother and a wife anymore, she couldn't but wants to understand these impulses she was feeling. Edna was then awoken several times by marriage, sexual desires, and becomes independent. Towards the end of the book, Edna decides to commit suicide, I believe the author Kate Chopin ends the book the way she did because during that time period women have fought through feminism and they would feel the need to not live anymore because of their limited freedom. To get away from family and friends Edna goes to Grand Isle where she spent her summer vacation and beings to understand she makesn't want to oppress any more because she realizes her life isn't the way she wants to live and in doing so Edna thinks of one thing that can make herself and everyone happy which is her own death. In other words she took her life because she felt no matter how much she tries, she would never be happy and no matter how she tries to fit in her society, she would always want to be free from all the responsibly a mother and wife has. She thought of the only way she can be reborn into a free woman. For example “In short Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her… perhaps more wisdom than the Holy Ghost is usually pleased to vouchsafe to any woman” (chapter 6, page 13), this meaning she begins to awaken and sees her identity as she progress of being a woman with wants and needs. …show more content…
The way she starts to think and viewing she is questioning everything differently and realizing who she is in this world. She awakens and realize life as it really is besides being a mother and wife.. When she says Holy Ghost she means how she is invisible to her husband and to society. This could have a part of what lead her to her death because she felt different compared to every woman and she started to understand her inner-self. During that time you were judged for your character of being a mother and wife and that's what the men expected out of you nothing else. Chopin gives clues on how people may see her and how she started seeing herself by the way she was feeling towards her individual self in the world. Indeed this was to show how women were coming to realizing life for themselves and how they struggle to come to self realization. Furthermore “You have been a very, very foolish boy, wasting your time dreaming of impossible things when you speak of Mr. Pontellier setting me free! I am no longer one of Mr. Pontellier’s possessions to dispose of or not. I give myself where I chose. If he were to say, ‘here, Robert, take her and he happy; she is yours, ‘I should laugh at you both.” (chapter 36, page 108), Edna is taking to Robert the man she truly loves and explains to him how she isn't an object how she does not belong to anyone, not even to her own husband which in that time the men control you and you had to give what the men want because women didn't have any rights to leave the men. Edna firmly says how