In the book of the jungle it talks about the whole the family use to live in lithuanian. And then that jurgis us to work at a slaughterhouse with cutting up all this animals body parts. Which pretty much everyone got sick by the food because it was poising and there was bad things they did not really do much the meat. The reason jurgis decided to leave is because there were people that had some very bad behavior. Also because jurgis decide to move is because he also sprained his ankle.Jurgis was always an honest person he never lied to no one but then later in life jurgis decided to become a very not so good person so he decided to be a drunky. …show more content…
The food was piosing and people would get sick with it.And people would get sick and i think they go to the doctor or they just stay somewhere and maybe die slowly. But to me it seem that was a bad thing like darwinism.Like back then through all of that it was pretty much very disrespectful leaving people like