Truths Of Slaughterhouse-Five: How They Are Revealed Or Hidden

Improved Essays
The Truths of Slaughterhouse-Five; How They are Revealed or Hidden

There are many places where the truth is hidden and revealed in Slaughterhouse-Five. These truths are what the book is all about, they give it meaning. You might be asking, what is the truth? As most people would agree it is that humankind is predestined to their fate, or maybe that war is a terrible and brutal thing. Without truths, there would be no way for Kurt Vonnegut, the writer of this essay, to make it into an anti war novel. The truths of the book give the essence of Vonnegut’s meaning, whether it be during the awful war or just in the main character, Billy, who’s unforgiving flashbacks take place when a moment of discomfort comes into his life. Billys discomfort helps us to better understand why Vonnegut reveals and hides the truth, because in the end, Billy is trying to hide from it himself.
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There are no words, nothing to express the deep sadness and horror that comes from death. All human life is quiet. Vonnegut expresses this by saying,, “Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds” (24). He then mentions, “And what do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like poo-tee-weet” (24). This is very true. In these sentences Vonnegut is revealing the truth about war and how nothing satisfactory comes out of war. No Matter how large or small the battle, if there is murder and death, the outcome is never going to bring goodness. Being that this is an anti war novel, the reader will see many examples of this throughout the

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