Vonnegut tells of his troubles in gathering military information from the Air Force when he said “I wrote the Air Force back then, asking for details about the raid on Dresden… I was answered by a man who, like myself, was in public relations. He said that he was sorry, but that the information was top secret still. I read the letter out loud to my wife, and I said, ‘Secret? My God-from whom?’” (p. 11); The Air Force refuses to give out information regarding the Dresden raid despite the facts that the war has been over for years, and also that Vonnegut himself was a survivor of their firebombing of Dresden. Vonnegut and many others already know about the firebombing raid of Dresden, yet the Air Force still refuses to release information on the topic, which means that at this point, the Air Force is simply refusing to acknowledge the Dresden raid. The Air Force believes that protecting and hiding the truth about Dresden is more important than admitting their cruelty and involvement with Dresden. So, by hiding the truth of Dresden from others, the Air Force is hiding the truth of Dresden from themselves. In the end, the Air Force is only hurting itself through other’s opinions of the Air Force, by making them seem untrustworthy or
Vonnegut tells of his troubles in gathering military information from the Air Force when he said “I wrote the Air Force back then, asking for details about the raid on Dresden… I was answered by a man who, like myself, was in public relations. He said that he was sorry, but that the information was top secret still. I read the letter out loud to my wife, and I said, ‘Secret? My God-from whom?’” (p. 11); The Air Force refuses to give out information regarding the Dresden raid despite the facts that the war has been over for years, and also that Vonnegut himself was a survivor of their firebombing of Dresden. Vonnegut and many others already know about the firebombing raid of Dresden, yet the Air Force still refuses to release information on the topic, which means that at this point, the Air Force is simply refusing to acknowledge the Dresden raid. The Air Force believes that protecting and hiding the truth about Dresden is more important than admitting their cruelty and involvement with Dresden. So, by hiding the truth of Dresden from others, the Air Force is hiding the truth of Dresden from themselves. In the end, the Air Force is only hurting itself through other’s opinions of the Air Force, by making them seem untrustworthy or