Theme Of Materialism In Henry David Thoreau

Superior Essays
Henry David Thoreau, an unconventional Romantic writer, uses his experience at Walden Pond to decipher the significant elements of life. Through his time spent in solitude, he ponders upon personal development and wishes to “live deliberately” and simply. Thoreau’s idea of living simply and reflecting on the important things in life allows him to realize that society is filled with a myriad of detrimental matters, including the prominent materialistic mindset, unnecessary distractions including technology, and a lack of simplicity. In “Where I Lived, And What I Lived For”, Henry David Thoreau effectively uses diction to emphasize the negative aspects of materialism, efficiently uses anecdotes and rhetorical questions to analyze the negative …show more content…
He describes improvements in society as materialistic and superficial and not important to true development: “The nation itself, with all its so-called internal improvements, which, by the way are all external and superficial” (Thoreau 274). Thoreau disapproves of society because of its prominent materialism; materialism has hindered personal development and has made it difficult to live simply. People strive to obtain luxuries and riches but fail to realize that these goals prevent them from reflecting on themselves. Thoreau accurately describes these ideas through usage of diction in words and phrases such as “external”, “superficial”, and “so-called internal improvements” (274). These words and phrases invoke ideas of emptiness and materialism in society. Thoreau’s use of diction effectively portrays the consequences of materialism on society and personal …show more content…
He is able to reach this conclusion after spending several years in isolation at Walden Pond, where he realizes that life is like a marathon, not a race. In order to live a full life, it is necessary to spend time thinking, reflecting, and improving, instead of stressing about everyday life and its details. Thoreau’s perception of life can be applied to the modern world, where distractions and details are rampant. Instead of spending time and focusing on details such as technology, social media, and the sort, one should strive to develop as a person and simplify life, since true fulfillment lies from deep within and can only be attained after a lifetime of thinking and

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