One of the principles of Transcendentalism was spiritual equality, when linked with the founding belief in liberty and justice for all, generated …show more content…
“Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hinderances to the elevation of mankind.” (1418 ) This mindset can be learned but, primarily comes from within - Thoreau’s ability to enlighten us is a gift, he does not place blame or shame on the reader for following the flow of society, instead he shows us how to realize his vision. Thoreau has a deep respect for and finds spirituality in nature. This is the theme I connected with most. From the time my boys were little we would make time every day to wander and observe nature. I use these walks to connect, energize and learn. When I started this with my children I did not have a specific goal - it was just something we needed to do. As they have grown older the walks have turned into long hikes and trail runs. My children have inherited my ability to find peace outside - and in nature. Reading Walden empowers me to continue this tradition with my children for as long as they will have my companionship in the woods. This winter, I plan to replay Thoreau’s words about winter animals in my mind and, and observe nature with his personifications at the forefront of my mind. He has a remarkable way of representing the characteristics of wildlife, like when he describes an owl that has been disturbed by a goose, “ Suddenly an unmistakable cat-owl, with the most harsh and tremendous voice I ever heard from an inhabitant of the woods, responded at regular intervals to the goose, as if determined to expose and disgrace this intruder”