Candy’s dog was with candy sense he was a puppy, Candy had lost his dog to a mercy killing by Carlson. After his only friend being killed he had on one. Carlson who is another worker on the farm doesnt want Candy’s dog dead, and that dog is all Candy has, he’s had him sense he was a puppy and it is just as old and stiff as Candy himself. Staying in bed for hours staring at a wall and not saying a word he was all alone. In chapter 3 Candy struggled hard with being lonely before he lost his dog not to mention being lonely with his dog but now being depressed knowing his dog was killed, steinbeck 48,49. Candy lost his dog by Carlson, he had shot him in the head to stop the dog from suffering.That dog is all he had to look forward to seeing after a hard day at work on the farm. Candy is the oldest worker on the farm and he is missing a hand. With Candy missing a hand he never got the good jobs he always got the small and easy jobs for one …show more content…
Curley’s wife is the basic farm flirt who flirts with everyone because she is lonely being married to curley. When a lady like Curley’s wife only has to present herself in a way just for attention. Curley and his wife got married about two weeks ago. Both looking for each other 24/7. One disappeared then the other did. Both curley very protective of his wife she's not aloud to have any friends. Curley’s wife always being called a lolo because all she wants is a friend. Loneliness kicks in when you can’t have any friends just like the worker crooks. Always fighting with her two week husband nothing is alright with him. Always trying to make new friends with the men on the farm because there were no other wifes left on the farm. Which leaves her to the men who work with her husband. Depression keeps getting worse and worse with her, every man she talked to walks away to prevent the beating from her husband. Everyone is alone who is lonely which leads to depression. Curley's wife wears what a basic prostitute would wear around the farm. When Curley’s wife showed up to talk to Lennie in the farmed she proceeded to tell Lennie even being with Curley is lonely and he is such an angry guy all the time and this is why she seeks the attention of the other