In Act I of Edmond Rostand’s play, Cyrano de Bergerac, Cyrano is in theater in which he just bullied an actor off the stage. In return, the audience were very upset with Cyrano, and a wealthy nobleman, Valvert, stands up and declares, “Ah…our nose…hem! ... Your nose is… rather large!” unimpressed with the insult Cyrano makes fun of Valvert’s lack of creativity and expressiveness, and proceeds to offer better and wittier insults, making fun of his own nose, “Ah, no, young sir! You are too simple. Why, you might have said-Oh, a great many things! Mon dieu, why waste your opportunity? (Rostand & Hooker, 1951)”, as he goes on to list many other insults in different tones and …show more content…
He defeated a hundred men by himself who were going after his friend, he also helped a friend win the affection of the women he loves, Roxane. Although he hated his nose because he feels like it was in the way, he also defended it when others mock it instead he mocks his own nose so others don’t think it bothers him. He is sensitive about his nose but all in all, he is very boastful about it. Romance the main element of the play was all over, from him helping Christian romance Roxane to him finally confessing about the letters he composed in behalf of Christian to him and Roxane finally confessing their love for each other. Cyrano’s struggle against a cruel fate, his ability to stand fast by his ideals in the face of opposition and defeat, his determination to put a brave face on humiliation and finally, when all else fails, to go down with a brave gesture. Cyrano maintains his goal from Act I: “To be in all things admirable.” He dies still fighting, on his feet, and focused on his untarnished white