In the beginning scene the use of costume is used to establish the idea of societies definition of success and beaut. Olive is an important example of how society is defines beauty and success. In the opening scene of we have a mid shot of Olive in front of the TV looking at the beauty pageants …show more content…
The sound that is used at the beginning of the film is in the classroom where we hear the sound of echoed claps to emphasises how little amount of people are in the room. This sound emphasises the room is empty which highlights how unsuccessful he is. In the classroom this is where meet Richard who is giving a lecture on the ‘9 steps’. This is ironic because this sound shows that Richard is really not a successful man like the 9 steps would make him. This helps develop the theme of how success is defines because it shows their is a set look on what success is like. Richard is in a dull suit with hardly any people in his lecture clapping this would be deemed as unsuccessful. Another use of music is during the dinner scene at the Hoovers house. The use of silence in this scene emphises that there is a lot of tention between Frank and Richard. This is because Frank is defined as a loser because of him being homosexual and committing suicide. “How powerful the moments of silences were” This quote was from the directors who wanted the silence to show that this silence was like a ticking time bomb that just needed to be sort out. This use of no music helps to devlop a message because in society when people are regarded as doing something wrong they aren’t treated right when they may need support in stead. Frank has just gotten out of hospital and Richard was …show more content…
“It’s not about luck. Luck is something that losers label their own failings. It’s about wanting to win. You’ve got to really want to win.’ Richard is not able to see that the success in life is not just based on winning all the time. He finds this out the hard way when he himself does not become with successful in his career path. . “There’s two kinds of people in this world, there 's winners and there 's losers” this is dialogue is ironic because in the end Richard does not become successful with his nine steps and labels himself a loser because of it. Richard gave up on trying to pursue his dream to make this a book deal when it didn’t go well for him. At the start of the film Richard tells olive frank is a failure for giving up on himself by killing himself “frank Gave up on himself and that is something that winners never do” Usually in society to win you practice a lot till you are perfect. “ Practice makes perfect is the well known saying that many people know and use. “ They have been doing it longer but i practice everyday” The practice and the effort you do for what you want makes you the winner but in a beauty pageant it 's about what you look like and if you fit the criteria. Skinny, tall, tan, fake smiles. Beauty pageants aren’t about showing your talents or who you are it’s about showing that you have won the genetic lottery. This is sad because Olive innocence means