Continuing with tradition when it starts coming down to them calling all the family up to pick a paper even if they knew the answer already they still processed with asking because they all knew it as tradition and that how it’s always been done so why try to change it now. During this encounter of Old Man Warner and Mr.Adams they talk about how in other town they stopped the whole lottery gig the other towns soon realized killing someone for no reason was corrupt but during this conversation old time Warner expressed his feeling of other towns stopping this tradition he said how foolish they were he's explains that how there had always been a lottery and there's no sense in not having one he’s very persistent on the ongoing with the box and its obligation it so it says it has. The whole purpose of the lottery is suppose to keep the population down and to maintain the food supply this has always been a way of life in the village thought this process was wrong in doing so they stone an individual to death every year in the summer it's very casual all the villagers meet up in the towns square everyone was doing it even little kids and the stoning didn't have a rule it was whoever so called won the lottery they would be stoned no matter it being a innocent child to an elder. To get a better depth of …show more content…
Tessie finds out that she is the one with the winning paper and she has now won the lottery but doesn't tell anyone because she is fearful now. “ Bill Hutchinson went over to his wife and forced the slip of paper out of her hand. It had a black spot on it, the black spot Mr.Summers had made the night before with the heavy pencil in the company office. Bill Hutchinson held it up, and there was a stir in the crowd”. In these late moments of what's about to happen to tessie she starts crying out saying it wasn't fair and in deed this method they used was to say the least inhuman the fact that just by choosing a paper and knowing you could die for doing absolutely nothing other than picking a piece of paper with a black dot on it. When it's known who won the lottery everyone joins in on the stoning and in their eyes it's nothing bad because it's tradition no ones has told them that this method is more than unusually cruel the children are also joined in with the rest of the adult. Symbolism that Shirley Jackson used was to portray how into days no one questions as to why we us humans do certain