“The women know that life must go on and that the needs of life must be met and it is their courage and determination which, time and again, have pulled us through worse crises than the present one.”(Susan Wave). Women did everything that was needed for them to survive the issue they were living in. Women worked hard to earn equal rights in society. Women worked and they earned rights in politics and in the workplace. Women who didn’t have jobs worked at home. Some women who worked as nurses or teachers attended college. Other women worked jobs that needed …show more content…
During the 1920’s women slowly began to step out the traditional stereotype that was decided for a woman. The women of the 20’s were changing their roles in society and the nation took notice of this. Women became more active in politics and greatly encouraged the 19th amendment. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. This was one of the first major changes to how the nation viewed women. Women also were moving into new territory and were taking on jobs outside of their housewife duties. Women took on jobs in offices and more women began to attend college (Mickey Moran). As support for women’s rights slowly began to build it was destroyed just as quickly. The Great Depression ended the advances of the women of the 20’s and created a new type of …show more content…
The working woman of the 30’s were the backbone of their families and parts of the country. Many women had to take up jobs to support their families. However, this caused a problem for many women due to their lack of job training. During this time many industrial factories had to fire their workers (The Depression and World War Ⅱ 1930-1945). With there being a lack of jobs for men, women were seen as “un-American,money grubbers” (Mickey Moran). For women who didn’t work outside their homes their workload was increased. “Homemakers” work of cleaning, cooking, mending clothes, and caring for children was endless. Unfortunately, african-american women were usually refused jobs due to their race. Very few african-American women could get decent jobs as “Domestic Service”. Other than the few who cooked and cleaned unemployment was at a high when it can to african-american women. This was because nearly all african-american women were fired or lost their jobs to american women. Unemployment was high in all races of women as well. The number of unemployed women was dangerously high. As stated, ”two million women had jobs or were seeking jobs before the depression, but by 1931 all of those women were