The Holocaust: How I Survived The Holocaust

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Im Gisella Renate Berg and, I am going to tell you how I survived the holocaust. I was born on May 1,1993 severely months after the Nazis came I lived with most of my family in Inge. My parents were always scared of my safety so, every time I asked them if i could play outside they said no. When I was five the Nazi’s did a nationwide pogrom known as Kristallnacht (the Night Of Broken Glass). At that time I didn’t know what was going on and, who was doing it.

One of our neighbors came by and said the Nazis are coming. I didn’t know what was going on but my parents took me by the hand and, took me to a whole new country! When we got to the country i was starving! we got some more news that the Nazis destroyed or whole home. When we were

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