Take, for example, the way that Nick’s naïveté in the introduction is overtaken, resulting in him becoming …show more content…
As he attempts to assimilate with his newfound community in New York, he realizes how comparatively chaste and unlike the others he is. For example, he speaks of how he has “been drunk just twice in [his] life,” (Chapter Two) whereas the others in the apartment he is in seem to have been drunk multiple times and are extremely risqué with no outward display of shame, as Mrs. Wilson does when she sits, “on Tom’s lap,” as she nonchalantly calls several people on the telephone, a crude form of the modernly prevalent action known as “drunk-dialing.” Nick seems to be averse to a culture like this, and yet it continues to consistently pervade through all of the aspects of his daily life, even when Nick goes out with Gatsby for dinner. Meeting Mr. Wolfsheim, one of Gatsby’s friends, he quickly realizes he is in the presence of, “the man who fixed the World’s Series,” (Chapter Four), a highly sought-after criminal. He eventually realizes he has to be away geographically to be truly rid of such obscenities, and therefore moves back to his morally-correct home, the