The Definition Of Connells's Theory Of The Gender Order?

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The definition of Connells’s theory of the gender order is “the way in which institutional structures (known as gender regimes) and individual identities intersect to produce the social arrangements that mean one gender can dominate another politically, socially and economically.”(Zajdow, 2011, p. 258). These structures consist of different factors that are not physical in nature. This essay will evaluate this theory and break it down into its components, these components are, but not limited to: patriarchy, different forms of masculinities (hegemonic and homosexual), femininity and gender inequality. Then finally it will be discussed with regards to the workplace and the validity of this theory.

Patriarchy is a form in which men are more
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Forty years ago Patricia Sexton stated that masculinity was produced through different characteristics such as: aggressiveness, being courageous, self direction and strength (Donaldson, 1993). In the early 1990s, many sociologists believed that Sextons’ ideas could be linked specifically to hegemonic masculinity (Donaldson, 1993). Hegemonic masculinity was first used in ‘Ockers and Disco-Maniacs’; however, it has since been suggested that hegemonic masculinity is at the top of the masculine food chain (Wedgwood, 2009). Theories of different types of masculinities, especially hegemonic masculinity exploded in the early 1980s, and a theoretical part of these discussions were how men experience their own bodies (Connell and Messerchmidt, 2005). The foundation for hegemonic masculinity is: heterosexuality, homophobia and that woman are seen as sexual objects for men (Donaldson, 1993). In Connells 1995 book ‘masculinities’, Connell talks about a case involving teenagers where they bashed a gay man to death in 1991, Connell argues that this is a characteristic of hegemonic masculinity (Connell, 1995, p. 155). Although women have in some way always been seen as an inferior or incomplete man, it has only been in the last few hundred years that masculinities have been considered, as Connell puts it, ‘doing gender’ particularly in a cultural way …show more content…
One example of male dominance is politics; there are a much higher percentage of men in politics (Donaldson, 1993). The world economic forum has produced an index of gender called the ‘gender gap index’; this forum found that out of 128 countries, Australia came in 25th with regards to wages, education, health and politics (Zajdow, 2011, p. 253). Although Australia does very well in terms of education and health, the Australian Parliament fell short with a ratio of 100 men to 19 women (Zajdow, 2011, p. 253). Functionalist Theorist, Talcott Parsons believed that women should take on the nurturing role, and that the man should be the Sole breadwinner, and that this would be the best fit for society, Parsons termed this ‘the nuclear family’ (Poole, 2011, p. 146). This sexualized division of labour is believed to be drummed into children to put them into gender roles from the moment of birth (Poole, 2011, p. 147). Even when women are in a higher paying job then the man, they still do more housework; furthermore, some men feel threatened by this situation and will deliberately not do housework which is considered to be feminine in order to enhance their masculinity (Thompson and Armato, 2011, pp.

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