Candy Cigarette Picture Analysis

Improved Essays
Professor Zig Jackson once said, “A camera is a very powerful tool.” Photography is the way in which you express something and show it to world. People see a camera just as a tool to take pictures, but cameras go beyond taking pictures, it puts into image what can’t be described in words. As many of us have heard before, a picture is worth a thousand words; this is exactly what I feel with Candy Cigarettes by Sally Mann and Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park by Diane Arbus. These two photographs are very well known all around the world, they have characteristics that make them stand out, have a certain way they were taken and they make a statement to society.
First of Candy Cigarettes by Sally Mann was made in 1989 and is located in the Museum of Contemporary Photography. Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park by Diane Arbus was made in 1962 and is located in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Both images are made of a gelatin silver print. This means that a suspension of silver salts in gelatin is coated onto a film resin-coated paper creating the black and white picture.
Since I started my minor in photography I have come to appreciate more the art of it. How it is taken and the characteristics it has. Diane Arbus and Sally Mann are both very recognized in the photography business and have come to be really known because of the these two photographs. These two photgraphs have some characteristics that really caught my attention at first when looking for art pieces to compare and contrast. At first we can see that both pictures are black and white and because of this we can see how it can give to it a different feeling. Because they are both made with gelatin silver print they both come out in different tones of black and white because it all depends of how you take out each photography in the water. In some way I think that if it was in color rather than black and white it would give a different feeling. Something that we can say that is different from the two photgraphs is the way the black and white is used in each one. We can see that in Candy Cigarettes we see a darker tones of black and in Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park we can see that the photograph goes more to the brighter side. This is due because of how long each photograph was processed in the water. Another difference we can see in this picture is the use of cool and warm tones.
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In Candy Cigarettes by Sally Mann we can see that this image goes more to the cool tones because we can see a little bit of blue in it, although the photographs are black and white we can see the presence of blue in it. On the other hand Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park by Diane Arbus we can see that it contains more of the warm tones because we can see how it has the brown presence in it. Depending on the tones you use in a phtography the meanings can also vary. For instance whe I see the warm tone in Diane Arbus’ photography it really gives me the feeling of power the kid must have holding the grenade. On the other hand the feeling I get when seeing Sally Mann’s image is more of a laid back defiant girl. Some other characteristic that make these photgraphs stand out are the props used in it. Somehow in both we see a kid with unsual objects. In Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park by Diane Arbus we can see a kid with a grenade and in Candy Cigarettes by Sally Mann we see the girl with a cigarette. These are not the typical things that we are used to seeing. We see this photographs a lot in the Internet because of the unusual objects the kids are holding. A prop in a photograph can help a lot depending what you are trying to show or say in it. Besides the props something that helps a lot in photography is the location. We can see that in Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park by Diane Arbus the kid is, as is said,

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